Letters Home E-H
Newspaper Clippings and Letters Home
From Word War II
Service Salutes
In every town, on every street,
There’s something missing—
The tread of feet, of all the boys we used to know,
And days are weary and nights are long,
We miss them so.
Re: Eber W. Eldridge
Enlists in U.S. Reserve
Ames, Ia.
Eber W. Eldridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Eldridge, of Terril, has enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve following his graduation with the degree of bachelor of science in agricultural education at Iowa State College last week.
Eldridge will go into training at Quantico, Virginia, soon. Graduating from Lake Township Consolidated School in 1938, Eldridge came to Iowa State the following fall. While in high school he was president of the student council and holder of several class offices. He was class valedictorian and captain of both baseball and basketball teams.
At Iowa State, Eldridge was a member of the Cardinal Guild, central governing body of the Cardinal Guild, central governing body of the campus of the campus and a departmental magazine. He was initiated into Psi Chi, national psychology honorary group. Eldridge was active with his departmental club.
As one of the many part time jobs Eldridge worked as tutor in one of the junior colle men’s dormitories for one year.
April 1
Ruthven Navy Officer Marries South Dakota Girl
A wedding of interest to the Ruthven people took place last Sunday when Miss Evelyn Groth, daughter of Mrs. And Mrs. E. Groth of Fairview, S.D. became the bride of Lt. Eber Eldridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eldridge, of north of Ruthven.
The single ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Richard Larson of Hudson, S.D., at the Bethany Lutheran church in a candlelight ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, entered the church to the strains of the bridal chorus from Wagners “Lohengrin.” She was attired in a white satin gown trimmed with seed pearls. The gathered skirt fell into a long train. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a Juliet cap of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible, with a shower bouquet of roses and sweet peas.
Re: Gilbert Elder
June 21, 1945
Sgt. Gilbert A. Elder, son of Mrs. Eleanor Elder, 1219 W. Fourth St. has been awarded the silver star for “gallantry in action”. Sgt. Elder, who is with a rifle company, has participated in five campaigns in Germany Siegfried Line, Schmidt, Roer Dam Remagen Brideghead and Ruhr Pocket, with the 78th Infantry division. – Spencer Times
Re: Maurice Eldridge
March 29, 1945
Pecos, Texas—Maurice E. Eldridge son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eldridge, Terril, received his silver wings today when he graduated as a flight officer from the Advanced Two-Engine Pilot school at Pecos Army Air Field, it was announced by Col. Harold D. Smith, commanding officer.
The new pilot, a former resident of Terril, completed a course in training twin-engine aircraft. He was assigned to Pecos from Cerced, Calif.
He is a former student of Lake Township Consolidated school.
Pecos Army Air Field, a station of the AAF Training command, is located in the historic trans-Pecos area of West Texas. Spencer Times.
Re: Dale Enderson
November 2, 1944 
Dale M. Enderson Missing in Action
Word has come to friend here from the Endersons in California that their oldest son, Dale M. Enderson, is missing in action over Borneo as of October 3, 1944.
Dale lived here and around Spirit Lake and Superior a good share of his face. About 3 years ago, he went to the west coast and worked in Seattle, Washington in a defense plant. Last February he graduated from the Army Air Force Flexible Gunnery school at Lorado, Texas. He was then qualified to take his place as a member of a bomber combat crew.
Dale was probably 25 years old as near as we can learn. There are two younger brothers. Duane, in the service at Oceanside, Cal. And Adrian still in school. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Enderson, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adson. Were residents here for many years.
December 14, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Staff Sgt. Dale Enderson of the Army Air Corps, 22 years old, is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Enderson, formerly of Terril, but now living at Colton, California. They received a telegram from the War Department stating that Dale was missing in action since October 3 over Borneo.
He has three brothers, Duane, Seaman 1st class (R.M.), stationed at Oceanside, Calif., and Adrian and Ivan, still in school.
So far as the Record has learned, there has been no word since.
April 18, 1946
War Department Declares Dale Enderson Dead
The following letter came Friday from Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Enderson of Colton, California:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Grow and family,
I want to let you know and all our friends around Terril, we have lost a son in this awful war.
Our son, Dale M. Enderson, is pronounced dead by the War Department. As you found out from us, he was missing in action. I was in hopes of letting you know he was found but no good word do we get. So our family is grieving for a lost son and many of our friends that lost a son or loved one in the war.
It is hard to think about such news but you have to keep going and make the best of it and enjoy the rest of your family.
Staff Sergeant Dale M. Enderson of the Army Air Corps was reported missing October 3, 1944. The news from the War Department was that he was assumed dead. Dale was a crew member on a B-24. He took part in bombing missions from Rurnasour Airfield, Noemfoor Island, to Balikpapan, Borneo. His plane was damaged by enemy fire and was seen exploding in midair over Makassar Strait at a location about 25 miles northwest of Balikpapan.
Dale was born August 26, 1922 at Terril. He leaves besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Enderson, three brothers, Ivan, Duane and Adrian; his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude Enderson of Estherville, his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adson of Colton, Calif., besides a lot of relatives and friends.
There is nothing much to add. It is one of those cases where hope and faith keeps you going for months and at last you get the heart breaking word that there is no more hope. And you begin to lose faith. Sincere sympathy will go to these old neighbors and friends from their many acquaintances here, in the loss of their oldest son and brother.
Re: Duane Eugene Enderson
April 27, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Duane is one of the Terril boys. He attended school here until his induction December 3rd of last year. He would have been a graduate with the class of ’44 had he had a chance to complete the school year. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Enderson of Colton, California and has three brothers, Dale, who is a gunner stationed at March Field, Calif., and Adrian and Evan is school at Colton, California. Duane has taken his boot training at Farragut, Idaho and is now going to school at Moscow, Idaho.
Duane Enderson, USN, who was here for a ten day visit, left Monday for San Diego, California.
January 3, 1945
Duane Enderson, USN, came the first of the week to visit relatives and friends. He has put in about two years in the South Pacific.
Re: Lowell Evans
April 13, 1944
Lowell Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Evans, was born on a farm near Lake Center May 21, 1923. They came to Terril about the time Lowell started to school and he graduated in 1941. He attended the State University two and one-half years, enlisting in the Navy December 14, 1942. He took his first training in Oxford, Ohio in Navy B-12 school. March 1 of this year he finished a course in pre-medical work and was sent to Asbury Park, N.J. From there he will be sent to a midshipmen school for four months, after which he will be commissioned an ensign.
Great Lakes, Illinois – Sept. 20, 1944, Lowell W. Evans, 21, Terril was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve when he graduated recently from the Nave Reserve Midshipmen’s school at Abbott Hall, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.
His completed four-month course consisted of navigation seamanship, damage control, communications, ordnance and gunnery. The newly commissioned Ensign will now see action with the fleet as a deck officer.
Ensign Lowell Evans left Sunday after a weeks visit at home.
Ens. Lowell Evans and Ann Shonkwiler Married in California June 7th.
June 21, 1944
Miss Ann Shonkwiler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Shonkwiler of Estherville, became the bride of Ensign Lowell W. Evans, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Evans, at an inpressive ceremony in the Glide Memorial church in San Francisco, California. The wedding took place June 7 at seven o’clock in the evening. The double ring ceremony was performed by Dr. Mcpheeters before the alter which was decorated with peach gladiolas and flanked on either side with tall ferns. The bride was given in marriage by her cousin, Andrew M. Spears, who is a resident of San Francisco.
Mrs. Evans was attired in powder blue silk jersey street length dress with pearl studded buttons. She wore a small powder blue feather hat with matching veil. Her only jewelry was crystal drop earrings. She carried an old fashioned nosegay of white violas tied with a white satin ribbon.
Miss. Betty Jean Boles, cousin of the bridegroom, attended the bride as maid of honor. She wore a dusty rose silk dress with a veiled felt hat of matching color. Her accessories were white. The nosegay she carried was of pink carnations tied with a pink satin ribbon.
The bridegroom was attended by Lt. (j.e.) Francis Hebert, USNR, of New Iberia, Louisiana. Both men were attired in dress uniforms of navy blue.
The vow exchange was followed by a reception at the Hotel Sir Francis Drake. The centerpiece of the table was a large mixed bouquet of white gladiola, daisies, larkspur and asters. The beautifully decorated two tiered cake was cut in the traditional manner by the bride and bridegroom.
Guests attending the wedding and reception were Lt. Comdr. And Mrs. K.H. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Spears, Lt. (j.g.) Francis Hebert, Ens. R.F. Dennie, Chief Pay Clerk and Mrs. F.E. Benjamin, Mrs. E.T. Cedarleaf, jr., Ens. and Mrs. J.E. Carlin, Ens. and Mrs. G.H. Cole, Lt. Comdr. A.E. Desnasier, Miss Francesca Michaelson, Miss. Betty Jean Boles, Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. A.N. Roman.
Mrs. Evans is well known in the vicinities of Estherville and Terril. After graduating from the Terril high school in 1940, she attended the University of Minnesota and the University of Iowa. Since the she has been employed in the office of P.G. Gray at Estherville.
Ensign Evans is also well known in the Terril community. He graduated from the Terril high school in 1941and attended the University of Iowa. He enlisted in the Navy in December of 1942 and has just returned from overseas duty.
Ensign and Mrs. Evans will make their home in San Francisco, Cal., where the bridegroom expects to be stationed temporarily.
Re: Dan Fairchild
July 6, 1944
Dan Fairchild left Friday for Dubuque to begin training in the Navy V-5 program.
July 13, 1944
U.S. Navy V-12 Unit, University of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa – Among recent arrivals here for training under the Navy V-12 program was A S Daniel Fairchild. He came here from Terril. After completion of his training here, he will go on to further education in his field under the Navy’s program.
August 3, 1944
Dan Fairchild was home over Saturday night. He hitchhiked from Dubuque to Spirit Lake and just had one day so the Fairchilds sat up and talked all night or thereabouts so as to get their visiting done up.
August 31, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and the Navy
Daniel M. Fairchild A.S. V-12 (a) USNR, Deck 2, University of Dubuque, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Fairchild was born Sept. 16, 1926 on a farm northeast of Terril. He started to school in Terril and attended here all but three years, which he attended at Milford. He graduated from Terril this year ’44. Besides helping at home he worked at the Griffin Dairy and the Shaffar farm.
He enlisted in the Navy V-5 program at Minneapolis the first of January, 1944. He is now taking Navy V-12 training at Dubuque.
Dan has three sisters, Mary Lou, vocal teacher in the Coon Rapids school; Jean, who works at the Bank in Terril and Phyllis at home and two brothers, Estel and Bob, still at home.
December 28, 1944
Danny Fairchild, USN is home from Dubuque for 10 day furlough.
January 28, 1945
Great Lakes, Illinois, Among those graduating recently from an intensive course of Basic Engineering training at Service Schools here was Daniel M. Fairchild, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enos E. Fairchild, Terril.
His training has been designed to fit him for a specialized Navy job in the long Pacific was ahead , and also for skilled work in industry when peace comes.
Graduates from the ten courses taught here at the Service Schools are sent to sea, to shore stations or to advanced schools for further duty.
May 16, 1946
Dan Fairchild came home the last of the week and will be discharged the 15th. He spent several months in Japan and thinks very little of the U.S. soldiers “fraternizing” with the Japanese. In fact, we should think, from what he said that he thinks very little of Japanese.
Re: Joe Faisst
Joe Faisst, who went to Des Moines for induction last Thursday, went through his physical test in good form and is not coming back as he doesn’t want to waste any time till he gets into actual service. This speaks well of a German World War 1 soldier. He has been trying to get into service ever since last December 7 and went away a happy man that he was now on the road to do something for his adopted country. There seems to be a good many who are national citizens of the United States who are willing to “skip it” if possible. So when a man over 40 years old and who has brothers fighting in the German army and wants to go, it helps restore ones faith in patriotism.
December 10, 1942
Joe Faisst Writes From Vancouver, Washington
Dear Grows,
Hello Folks, how is everybody back home. Hope the best for all of you. I’m in very good shape, even if we have to tramp around in the mud up to our necks and look like a bunch of hogs up here in Washington, but it’s nothing new for me in army life. It’s just a memory of what I went through in world war 1 in Flanders field, only this is a lot safer that it was over there. I sure find a great big difference between the two armies, just like day and night and I would surely pick Uncle Sam’s army if I would have to choose between them. Maybe some people don’t understand me back home, but I know plenty of reasons why I feel toward our country the way I do and maybe some day I’ll get some place with plenty of action so we’ll be able to get even with the Japs and their friends for the life and blood our buddy’s sacrificed ahead of us. So I hope everybody back home keep their real “Yankee American Spirit” up, so we all may return with the sign of an everlasting Peace on our shoulders.
I wish everybody back home a “Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” and just so I don’t forget I want to thank you for sending me The Terril Record and Mrs. Bill Rohof too, for her trouble to get the paper sent to me. You know I never used to be very much of a reader back home but since I’m in the army I sure enjoy to read and especially the Terril Record, it always makes a fellow feel like he is in close touch with the folks at home.
Well I guess I’ll have to close before the C.O. comes around, or else I may get H—. I stole the time to write this letter. We are sure a Very busy bunch together, but we always keep our heads and thumbs up and have a lot of fun after a days work.
Say, George if you see any of the old gang up town tell everybody Hello from me.
Hope to see you all sometime again.
As ever,
Dutch Joe Faisst
March 30, 1943
Joe Faisst Writes From Vancouver
Vancouver, Washington
Dear Grows,
As you know it’s quite a spell since I wrote you folks a few lines, and I’m almost ashamed for not writing sooner, but we are a very busy bunch. If a man gets a few hours off he is to doggone lazy to write, or we are heading for good old town. Of course the last part doesn’t happen very often. Most of the time we have to stay with our line of duty on our Camp, and it seems there is more duty than time off for loafing.
Well folks, how is everybody at home. Hope the best for everybody in and around Terril. I got hurt about 3 weeks ago, but am getting along swell now. Our “Uncle Sam” takes good care of a man if something happens to one of them and that’s worth a lot.
I suppose you folks are still having winter weather back home. We had a spell of nice weather here, but now we have another of those wet and muddy spells. The people around here call it the rain season, but we soldiers call it a little bit of everything and we surely hate such weather when we have to go out and drill. It’s too bad for those nice shined shoes. The worst part of it is, if you get them good and muddy and wet and then have to have them all shined and polished for next morning inspection. You should see the gang. They surely are busy then. No time for fooling or loafing. You should see the brushes and polishing rags in action.
Well Grows, I must say you are sure in action for sending your paper to me and I want to thank you very, very much for it. You don’t know how much your hometown paper means to us fellows so far from that old hometown. In civilian life I never was much of a newspaper reader, but since I entered the U.S. Army I look forward for the next paper to come, almost as much as a man looks forward for that good old payday.
It’s almost chowtime and we will have rice and chop suey and I don’t want to miss out on that. So I guess I will close for this time. Here is hoping that I may see you all again some day sooner or later.
As ever
Cpl. Jos. Faisst
P.S. This letter is a little short, but maybe the next time a bigger one.
So long folks, goodbye and good luck to everyone back home and don’t forget a real American Hello to the old gang.
May 28, 1943
Another Letter From Joe Faisst
Vancouver, Washington
Dear Grows,
As it is almost time for a few lines to you, I thought I’d steal a few minutes of “Uncle Sammy’s” time and write you folks a short letter just to tell you that I didn’t forget you and the old hometown yet. First of all I want to thank you very, very much for your paper you’ve been sending to me. I get it regularly every week and I know if every service man from Terril and around the old hometown fells as Id o about your paper, we all know you folks are doing a wonderful job. In my barracks 2-3 boys get home papers everyday and we trade back and forth. Well how is everybody back home? I hope the best. Am feeling fine and dandy only today I’m quite tired as we marched yesterday about 25 miles with full pack. There is something funny about this marching and hiking, back home in civilian life a man could hardly walk a mile, but in the Army a man marches 20-25 miles and you never hear a word, only in the evening you can see some sore feet.
A couple of boys came back the other day from a furlough from Iowa, and they told me that it is still cold and wet back there. We surely have been lucky out here, mother nature must have mercy on us soldiers so we won’t have to polish our shoes so often. We have very nice and warm weather out here, but only in the daytime. As soon as the sun goes down it surely turns cold and a fellow can use a coat, but this is the west coast.
With some books, for me to work on, so I’ll have to close. Here’s hoping that you all keep that old “Yankee Spirit” up and the good old home fires burning. Once more I want to thank you for the Terril Record and for your job sending the paper to me and all the Terril boys in service.
I’m as ever
Tech. Corp. Jos. Faisst
March 27, 1944
V-Mail From Joe Faisst
Hello Folks,
It’s quite a spell since I wrote you, and since I was home I’ve traveled a long ways. Am stationed somewhere in the British Iles and wish you would send me the old home paper at my new address. We are having swell weather. The people here are very friendly and they do all in their power to make us American soldiers comfortable. Of course everything is rationed here, but yet they invite us to their homes for tea and cookies. I sure like the country over here.
Well folks got to sign off. Tell the old gang hello for me.
As ever,
October 19, 1944
V-Mail From Joe Faisst
Dear Grows,
I guess it’s almost time to drop you a line again. Since I wrote you the last time, I have been thru part of England, France and now I am some where in Belgium. The weather here is damp and cold and lots of mud. It’s a good thing our officers aren’t very strict about our shoe shines, or else we would have a h— of a time to keep them polished.
I want to thank you very much for being so kind and good to send me your paper. I surely miss it if the mail cant catch up with us. Also want to thank the Terril Commercial club for sending me that picture of the hometown Honor Roll board. Hope everybody back home is O.K. Tell Bill and Wilma Rohlf, Bert and Beryl Coleman and the old gang hello for me. My address has changed some again and my APO is 350. Must close now. Here’s hoping we can all see each other soon again.
As ever
Dutch Joe
Nov. 21, 1944
Joe Faisst Writes From Belgium
Dear Grows,
Well, here goes another of these short letters, but just the same it shows you that I’m still thinking of the old home town and the good friends I left behind. What a life we have here, in the mud up to our ears. If you want a good picture of it, just look at an old porker in the summertime, when it lays in a mud hole behind the barn and holds its nose above the mud. Well, folks, that’s one privilege the porkers got that we haven’t as sometimes we can’t even keep our nose above the mud and keep it clean.
Thanks a lot for sending me your paper. It surely helps to keep the morale up. The boys in the S. Pacific sure are making good headway and I hope it won’t be too long before Pat can come home, once more a free man. As I told you this is a short letter and I guess I didn’t lie. To top things off and to end this scribble, I would like to wish everybody in the whole community a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”
Old Dutch Joe
June 21, 1945
Joseph Faisst T-4 came home from the army arriving at Estherville Monday. Joe has been in about three years and overseas about 18 months. He was in Belgium for some months and in Germany where he saw his own folks. He has an honorable discharge. He expects to rest up awhile as he came on a slow ship and was pretty well done in when he got back to what we expect to him was “good old Iowa”. He and Miss Mildred Landmesser called on Perry Hansens and W.E. Blum family Monday.
July 5, 1945
Mildred Landmesser,
Joseph Faisst Married
At a single-ring ceremony Monday morning at 8 o’clock, Miss Mildred Ann Landmesser, daughter of Mrs. G. Landmesser of Estherville, became the bride of Joseph Faisst of Estherville at a nuptial mass in St. Patrick’s church with Rev. Father J.J. Keane officiating.
The bride and her sister, Mrs. Darold Thompson of Spirit Lake, who was bridesmaid, wore identical suits and white linen brought from Germany by the bridegroom. The bride wore brown accessories, a corsage of yellow roses, and carried a prayer book. The bridesmaid had a corsage of red roses.
The bridegroom and his attendant, W.E. Blum of Terril, wore dark suits and white carnation boutonnieres.
-Vindicator and Republican.
Re: Ervin Ficken
March 4, 1943
Ervin Ficken Writes From Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dear Grows,
I know I should have written sooner but now I have to as my address is changed. It surely is good to get my old home town paper and find out what is going on around Terril.
I finished my course at Sheppard Field and now I am going to get some more training in Airplane Mechanics.
The weather is more like it was at home here and the dust doesn’t blow like it did in Texas.
From the country that I have seen I’ll still take Iowa.
Thank you for sending me the Terril Record.
Pvt. Ervin G. Ficken
Record March 11, 1943
Shepphard Field, Tex., – Pvt. Ervin G. Ficken, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ficken of Everly, Iowa has graduated from an intensive course in aviation mechanics. Sheppard Field, near Wichita Falls, Texas, is one of the many schools in the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command which trains the technicians who maintain our bombers and fighter aircraft in perfect combat condition. He now is eligible to become crew chief on a bomber and to win a rating as corporal or sergeant.
Before entering the school, he was trained at one of the basic training centers of the Air Forces Technical Training Command and learned to fight the Axis with other implements besides the tools of his trade. Men trained by this Command are versed in the art of self-protection and offense as well as aircraft maintenance.
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Ervin G. Ficken, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ficken was born on a farm near Terril School and graduated with the class of 1938. The family moved to Harris and then Everly. In September 1942 he enlisted in the service as Aviation Mechanic in the army air corps. He took his training at Sheppard Field, Texas and a special course at Indianapolis, Ind. He went overseas in 1943 and is now stationed somewhere in Italy. Other members of his family are Harley and family of Terril, Oliver and family of Everly and Mrs. Margaret Splinter of Everly.
Following is a recent clipping about Ervin which appeared in the Spencer Reporter:
FIFTEENTH AIR FORCE – Ervin G. Fricken, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ficken, Everly, Iowa, has been promoted to the grade of sergeant it was announced by 15th Army Air Force headquarters.
Sgt. Ficken, aviation mechanic on the B-24, “ragged but right” has been in the army 18 months and is a member of a Liberator outfit now in Italy.
Re: William K. Fliss
August 6, 1942
Navy Welcomes New Recruit
The U.S. Navy welcomed another former resident of Terril, Iowa, when William K. Fliss, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fliss, RFD 1, reported for active duty at the U.S. Naval Training Station here last week. The new recruit is now undergoing recruit training, after which he will either be sent for duty aboard a Navy “Man O War” or given additional specialized instruction at one of the Navy’s many service schools.
Kenneth enlisted in Spencer, July 13 and was inducted into the Navy at Des Moines July 18.
Kenneth wrote home that he likes it fine and would appreciate having any Terril friends write to him.
His address is:
William Kenneth Fliss AS-V6
Co. 609, U.S. Naval Trg. Station
Great Lakes, Illinois
September 1942
Kenneth Fliss arrived home Thursday morning, August 27 from U.S.N.T.S. at Great Lakes, Illinois and left Monday evening for his return for training. While here he visited at the Alvin Soat home, with Mr. and Mrs. John Ficken and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ficken at Everly, also calling at the George Fliss home at Everly. He spent a short time at the H. Bruns home near Milford, where an uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Case of Dysart were visiting.
On Sunday a picnic was held at his parents home in his honor which included his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Case, Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Banks, Marlene and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fliss and children of Milford, Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Case and sons, Miss Eleanor Knight of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brigham and son of Graettinger and the Andy Fliss family.
December 24, 1942
Kenneth Fliss came home from the Great Lakes Saturday morning for a short visit, Saturday evening the Andy Fliss family were entertained at the home of Mrs. Fliss parents Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Case at Milford. Sunday for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fliss entertained in Kenneth’s honor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ficken. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ficken, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Alvin Soat and John Bridges. Kenneth left Sunday evening.
Kenneth Fliss Promoted to Fire Controlman, 3rd Class
January 7, 1943
Great Lakes, Ill., December 28, William K. Fliss, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Fliss R.F.D., Terril Iowa today completed a 16 week training course in the Service school for Fire Control-men here at the U.S. Naval Training Station
Men graduated are sent either to fleet or to an advance Service School for additional instruction. Then they serve under veteran petty officers in their specialized fields, receiving more practical instruction and experience. Service School graduates will be eligible for petty officer ratings as soon as they are able to pass the qualifying examination after graduation.
Great Lakes Service School offers courses in 19 of the 49 trades of the U.S. Navy.
He has been promoted to Fire Control-man third class.
January 26, 1943
Kenneth Fliss in Washington
Washington, D.C.
Dear Grows,
Have intended to write you for quite some time, but it seems that something always turns up when I try to write some letters. I have been in Washington about four weeks. I’m attending Advanced Fire-Control School here. I am very well satisfied here at present but expect it won’t be long before I want to move on. After all this sitting around on the beach won’t bring this war to a close any sooner. I suppose I shouldn’t complain as the Navy figures that this extra schooling will stand us in good stead when we do go to sea.
There are many boys just back from sea duty going to school with us, so we are kept pretty well entertained with sea stories. They are as fine a bunch of buddies as anyone could wish for. There is no one here that I knew on the outside and Darwin Myrick is the only one that I have seen since I’ve been in the Navy that I did know from back home.
Washington is quite a town. Very beautiful in spring, I imagine, but awfully overcrowded. It seems queer to me to read about the cold and snow back there. It hasn’t been very cold here since I’ve been here. Quite a few of the days one could run around in his shirt sleeves.
Have received your paper regularly. It certainly is nice to read about home town activities. No matter how far one may go, there is always that little town back home. I wish to thank you for sending the paper. It certainly is appreciated. Here’s wishing the people back home good luck and strength to carry on their share this war. Sometimes I think their jobs are bigger than ours. Certainly their work is just as important to obtaining victory.
It is nearly time for taps, so goodnight.
Kenneth Fliss
February 18, 1943
Terril Boys in Service Everywhere
William Kenneth Fliss was born on November 23, 1916 on the farm west of town.
The first eight grades of school at country school, District No. 6, Milford township. He entered Terril high school in the fall of 1930 and graduated from there in 1934. Since then he has been engaged in farming with his father in which he proved to be a very efficient farmer and dairyman and much interested in Holstein cattle. He is a partner with his father in the herd of Registered Holstein cattle.
July 13, 1942 he enlisted in the U.S. Navy Reserves. July 17 he went to Des Moines where he was sworn in the service of his country. He was sent to Great Lakes for his boot training
September 14 he entered Fire-Control Service School at Great Lakes and graduated from there December 28. Upon completing his schooling at the Great Lakes Naval Training School he was given a rating of Fire-Control-man third class.
He is now attending Advanced Fire Control School at Washington, D.C.
Besides his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fliss there is a brother, Darrel and a sister, Marietta.
April 27, 1944
Kenneth Fliss, S 2-c has crossed the ‘big pond’ four times on a supply ship. He was able to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Fliss of Terril. He has a four months leave to study in Washington, D.C., before returning to duty.
January 3, 1946
Kenneth Fliss is out of the Navy, having received his discharge papers at Minneapolis and is home for a visit.
Re: Arlo Fox
Five Reported Missing in Past 10 Days
Special to The Messenger
Dickinson county homes have been hard hit by the war news and government official telegrams within the last 10 days. More bad news had been received than throughout the war period previously.
Arno Fox of Spirit Lake received a message last week advising him that his twin brother, Sgt. Arlo Fox, was missing in action in the Italian theater. Fox was with a ranger battalion, having been one of the first Spirit Lake youths to go overseas. Relatives here had received no message from the youth since January.
Re: Jesse Gardner
July 12, 1945
Sgt. Jesse Gardner came Friday from Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He recently returned from England where he has been for the past 18 months. While in England he married an English girl. She will come to the United States next November. Sgt. Gardner is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner and will report back to Jefferson Barracks in 30 days.
Re: Lester Glover
Pvt. Lester Glover is now stationed at Camp Fanning, Texas
November 22, 1945
Lester Glover is home, having received his discharge.
Re: James Glenn
Five Reported Missing in Past 10 Days
Special to The Messenger
Dickinson county homes have been hard hit by the war news and government official telegrams within the last 10 days. More bad news had been received than throughout the war period previously.
Fortress Gunner Missing
Mrs. James Glenn of Spirit Lake was advised by telegram that her husband, Sgt. James Glenn, is missing in action. He was tail gunner on a Flying Fortress, downed Feb. 24. Mrs. Glenn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Brown. Sgt. Glenn never resided here.
Re: Marvin Elvis Goetsch
March 23, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Marvin Goetsch is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetsch, now of Los Angeles, California. The Goetschs made this their home for about five years. After his parents moved, Marvin still stayed here with his brothers. He is about 22 years of age. He graduated with the class of 1936 from the Terril high school.
He enlisted in the Army Air Corp last August but was transferred to the Navy. He took his boot training at Farragut, Idaho and is now in the Naval Aviation Technical Course at Norman, Oklahoma.
His two brothers, Harry and Elmer and families live here.
Marvin Goetsch an Air Training Graduate
Marvin E. Goetsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetsch, formerly of Terril was recently graduated from the naval Air Technical Training Center located at Norman, Oklahoma. While at the Norman school he studied the aviation specialty field fro which his recruit training aptitude tests showed he was best suited.
The newly graduated man is now awaiting active duty orders either to sea or to a neval base where after further experience in his new trade, the Bluejacker will be eligible for a higher promotion.
October 7
Farragut, Idaho
Marvin Elvis Goetsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetsch, 134 W. 60 St., Los Angeles, formerly of Terril, Iowa has begun his recruit training at this U.S. Naval Training Station, the largest in the West.
For the next several weeks he will be busy learning military discipline, the fundamentals of seamanship, and undergoing intensive physical hardening. Upon graduation from recruit training, he will be given an opportunity to qualify for enrollment in one of the many Navy Service Schools for specialized training, or will report immediately for duty with the U.S. fleet for action against our enemies.
Re: Kenneth F. Gordon
December 16, 1943
Qualified for the Army Air Corps
The Des Moines Army Aviation Cadet Examining Board today announced that Kenneth F. Gordon age 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.G. Gordon of Terril, has successfully qualified for training as an aviation cadet with the Army Air Forces.
A letter has been furnished him requesting his assignment to the Army Air Corps. When called he’ll be given five months training in a leading college and will also get dual-control flying instruction. After this he will go on to eight months of full flight training. When graduated as a pilot, bombardier or navigator, and his winning of the coveted “wings”, his pay and allowance will be from $246 to $327 per month.
The entire training course lasts well over 14 months and is valued between $15,000 and $30,000. Only the finest planes, the best and safest that money and engineering skill can build, will be used. This work will qualify him for leadership in the world’s newest industry-aviation.
March 29, 1944
Ellington Field, Texas, Mar., This station’s Advanced Navigation School has just graduated its final class of aerial navigators, trained in the latest methods of path-finding in the skies of various combat theaters. Thousands of such AAF specialists have gone out from this station of the AAF Training Command, to distinguish themselves in aerial combat with the enemy.
Ellington Field is now the only field of its kind in the Army Air Forces, the concentration and training point for returned from combat navigators. Here they are given graduate training and special instruction to broaden their usefulness to the Army Air Forces.
The final class included a large number of rated bombardier student officers who took the course to give them dual proficiency in aerial operations.
One of the graduates was Lt. Kenneth F. Gordon, 19, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gordon of Terril. He attended Iowa State, Ames, 1942 to ’43.
June 29, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and the Navy
Kenneth F. Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.G. Gordon, was born in Marshalltown January 26, 1925. He lived in Reinbeck until he was three, moving then to Terril, where he has lived since.
He was graduated from Terril high school in 1942 and then attended Iowa State College. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in November, 1943, going to Camp Dodge January 27, 1944. He took his basic training at Jefferson Barracks and from there he went to Garden City Kanas for “on the line” training and is now at Oklahoma A. and M. college at Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Kenneth has two brothers, Dale and Robert, at home.
A/S Kenneth Gordon came Wednesday from Enid, Oklahoma for a few days visit with relatives.
September 21, 1944
San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center, Tex. – At the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center, potential pilots, bombardiers and navigators are receiving preflight training to prepare them for aerial instruction and duties as aircrew members in the Army Air Forces.
The future fliers are subjected to a rigorous 10-week program of instruction covering physical, academic and military training. At the Cadet Center a unit of the AAF Training Command, they study maps and charts, aircraft identification, small arms and other subjects while being conditioned physically for the long training period ahead. Bombardiers, navigators and pilots receive the first five weeks of preflight instruction as a group, then are separated for specialized training.
The present class includes 93 from Iowa, one of them from Terril: Cadet Kenneth F. Gordon.
May 31, 1945
Lt. Kenneth Gordon Marries Texas Girl
Lt. Kenneth F. Gordon and Velma Hollister of Houston, Texas were married at a candle light ceremony at the chapel at Lincoln Army Air Base May 15. It was a double ring ceremony performed by the chaplain, Capt. Clarence L. Ouple, formerly a Methodist minister at Emmetsburg at nine p.m.
Attendants were Lt. Jack Frissell and Wilma Drake. The best man, a friend of the groom is from Cape Gerardia, Miss. and Miss Drake is a friend of Lt. Frissell from Comstock, Nebraska now working in Lincoln.
The reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Woods where the newlyweds are staying while stationed in Lincoln.
Re: Louis Paul Grady
June 8, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and the Navy
Louis (Slip) Grady was born at Ruthven. October 5, 1913. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grady and practically all his life was spent in northwest Iowa, at Ruthven, Algona, Terril and Spencer until he got in the Army. He graduated from Terril in 1932 and was married to Lola Gran in 1935. He was inducted into the Army in January 1943 and is in the mess squadron of the Army Air Corps at Amarillo, Texas. His wife is also at Amarillo. His mother and father and youngest sister, Marian Morton, are located at Seattle, Washington and his other sister, Marie, Mrs. Luverne Johnson is still here.
August 1, 1944
Louis Grady Writes From Amarillo, Texas
Dear Mrs. Grow,
We have been receiving our Terril Record and we enjoy it. Did not know just who to thank for it, until Mother wrote and said you were sending it to us. Please accept our thanks for we do appreciate it very much.
And the little paper does double duty. After we have it read we send it on to Ila (Marineau) Tanhoff in Long Beach, California. She is interested in the Terril news having lived near there and attended school there also.
Let me thank you also for the Terril Annual. It pleased me very much to find it in a package of photographs I received from Mother yesterday.
I am stationed here at the A.A.A.F. Live off the Post so get home every night. Lola is here with me now, but does not like it as well as she did in California. She has an office job downtown.
The Texans can have Texas, all of it. I can swear it is the only state in the United States where one can stand in mud to his ankles and have the dust blowing in his eyes at the same time. It gets HOT, yesterday reaching 104 degrees
I often think of Pat, and the good old days. I know he will be home again one of these days, and we all hope it will be soon.
Give our best regards to your family. And again thank you for the Annual and the Record.
Yours Truly,
Pvt. Louis Grady
Re: Bernard L. Grow
November 2, 1941
Dear Folks,
We left San Francisco aboard the U.S.A.T. General Hughes Scott at 5p.m. October 27th.
Military rules and regulations says we cannot mention our destination so if you want to write to me, send mail to Casual Det. Ft. McDowell, Angel Island, California, for at least the next 40 days.
There are 1285 officers and men abroad and 14,000 ton of equipment so you see we are loaded.
In the harbor here there is an Australian light cruiser. Also a U.S. Navy repair ship, a Japanese merchantman and a lot of freighters besides this boat. We are to be convoyed from here by the Australian cruiser and four or five destroyers. The President Coolidge, this boat and the Australian troop ship go in a unit.
I am on the deck clean-up gang. I can and will go ashore and buy some Hawaiian trinkets and will mail them home.
I have pulled K.P. on the boat and have to police the decks every morning.
The weather was nice all the way with very little wind blowing. I was not at all sick. The only difference I noticed was occasional spells when my head felt fuzzy and light (more than usual) but that was all and now I feel fine.
Saw some flying fish and can see palm trees and such from the boat.
The weather is hot as the devil.
Sure would like to be back listening to the bang of of ears of corn, eating fresh instead of cold storage eggs and going squirrel hunting.
Haven’t heard from you for a long time. Did not get the paper (any copy) or Georgia’s letter.
Write and tell the kids hello and Percy’s too. I am well and haven’t lost any weight yet. Will have some pictures taken soon and will send them home.
Some of the guys were really sick the first three days out. I feel sorry for some of the guys here. They are so young and are so blue and homesick. I try to help them along by kidding them and getting them to kid back. Our poor air corp. corporal jumped over board the first night out of San Francisco. When they found out, he was so far back that there was no use looking for him. Poor foolish boy.
Give the Terril folks all a greeting from me.
Your son,
April 2 1942
The Boy They Call “Pat”
At last we got a letter from Bernard. We have had no word from him since Dec. 16, 1941, the cablegram from Manila saying Manila was these and so was he, until Wednesday, April 1st after waiting 16 weeks and if we seemed a bit – perhaps quite a bit excited, just think what you’d feel if it were one of your kids and forgive us.
The letter had no black outs and follows.
Headquarters Co. in the Field,
Bataan Province, P.I.
February 12, 1942
Dear Folks,
I have finally gotten around to writing a letter and found out that it might get out to the States.
I am well and happy, anyhow reasonably so. I have lost quite a lot of stomach and a lot of weight now weigh less than 200, I think.
The weather is quite hot here around 65 or 70. Some different than Iowa.
Hope you are well and not too broke. Received the Grow’s and Moore’s Christmas wire about January 15th. Was surely glad to get it.
February 3rd I stated making $30 a month and yesterday I got promoted to 5th class specialist which makes my pay $36 per month. Can’t see why they made me a specialist, as I have no job as there is no incoming mail so am assigned to Headquarters Co. to do straight duty with the company.
Maybe it’s because I am a specialist at digging latrines. Anyway I have had plenty of practice. Guess I can’t tell just what my jobs around camp are.
We are out in the woods about 100 miles from Manila and behind the lines.
Have seen some of the boys I met at Ft. Des Moines and Ft. McDowell lately.
We have two meals per day and don’t do so bad considering.
Chiseled this paper off the A.G. office force.
Have sent you 3 wires since the war stated. 2 G. I. and one private. Will send more and try to write from time to time.
Have been through several bombings and have only received two bruises from flying rock. One on my back and one on my right leg. Neither broke the skin nor were very painful. Sprained my knee about 2 weeks ago and am getting over it nicely now.
This is rather poor writing but all I have is a truck for a writing desk.
Tell the Terril folks hello for me. Also the Lyons and Moores and Edna.
Don’t know when you will receive this but hope it’s soon.
Some of my letters in the past contained requests for some articles please forget them.
We just had a bit of instructions in infantry drill. Just what we need to know in cases of eventualities.
Guess that’s about all there is to write. Will close now, take this to the censor and hunt up my mess kit.
Don’t worry and maybe someday soon mail service will be resumed.
Love to Mom, Pop, Nonie and Denny.
Your son
Pvt. Bernard L. Grow
We did not receive but one telegram and have had no letters previously since he landed in the Philippines, but maybe now more will be getting out now and maybe soon some of those that have been written him will reach him.
Terril Boys with Flying Colors
Bernard “Pat” Grow
Pat to you, is the oldest child, only son of George and Winnie Grow and was Born in Bayard, August 15, 1914. He has also lived in Thief River Falls, Minn. Ellsworth and Kiron, Iowa and came here in November of 1928, when a freshman. From then on any of you can take over as you all know him. There are two sisters, Georgia Moore and Nona Banden, 1 neice, Mary Moore and two nephews, Billy Moore and Dennis Branden.
Bernard enlisted last September at Fort Des Moines. The last word received from him by the family was from Bataan written Feb. 12 and reaching here April 1.
May 7, 1942
The item in Thursday’s Register does not say Bernard was taken prisoner or was still alive on Corregidor. It merely said he was one of the Iowa men who had been there and gave part of his last letter which we received, written Feb. 12 and received here April 1.
Saturday, April 25, Bernard’s letters stated coming back, some of them as long ago as October 1941. Stamped on them is “Return to Sender, service suspended.” We hope that all who get the letters back, which were sent to him will keep them until he gets home so he’ll know he wasn’t forgotten these awful months.
May 20, 1942
Bernard L. Grow Listed as “Missing in Action”
Saturday we received a letter from the Adjutant General’s Office stating that Bernard was “missing in action” as of May 7th the final surrender. As a lot of us here have not understood the meaning of these letters when we have seen such items in other papers, we shall publish a part of this letter.
War Department
Office of the Adjutant General Washington
May 20, 1942
Mr. George A. Grow,
Terril, Iowa.
Dear Mr. Grow:
“According to War Department records, you have been designated as the emergency addressee of Private Bernard L. Grow, 17,032,817, who, according to the latest information available, was serving in the Philippine Islands at the time of the final surrender.
I deeply regret that it is impossible for me to give you more information than is contained in this letter. In the last few days before the surrender of Bataan there were casualties which were not reported to the War Department. Conceivably the same is true of the surrender of Corregidor and possibly of other islands of the Philippines. The Japanese Government has indicated its intention of conforming to the terms of the Geneva Convention with respect to the interchange of information regarding prisoners of war. At some future date this Government will receive through Geneva a list of persons who have been taken prisoners of war. Until that time the War Department cannot give you positive information.
The War Department will consider the persons serving in the Philippine Islands as “Missing in Action” from the date of the surrender of Corregidor, May 7, 1942, until definite information to the contrary is received. It is to be hoped that the Japanese Government will communicate a list of prisoners of war at an early date. At that time you will be notified by this office in the event his name is contained in the list of prisoners of war. In the case of persons known to have been present in the Philippines and who are not reported to be prisoners of war by the Japanese Government, the War Department will continue to carry them “missing in action” in the absence of information to the contrary, until 12 months have expired. At the expiration of twelve months and in the absence of other information the War Department is authorized to make a final determination.
What do You Think?
May 27, 1942
Special to The Messenger
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Grow of Terril have been notified L. Grow by the war department that their son, Bernard L. Grow, 27, has been listed as missing in action since May 7, date of the surrender of Corregidor.
Grow enlisted in the coast artillery last September and left Fort McDowell, Cal., for the Philippines Oct. 27, choosing the islands to take his training.
The last word received from him was a lette written from Bataan Feb. 12. This letter arrived in Terril April 1.
The war department notice said Grow “might be a prisoner of the Japanese.”
After his graduation from Terril high school in 1932, Grow was associated with his parents in the publication of the Terril Record. Grow was an ardent sportsman when he lived here and was widely known in the community.
Thursday, June ll, 1942
Owners and Publishers
Many look pityingly at us or refrain from saying anything or writing anything about Bernard. To think that Bernard is dead from the letter we got from the War Department, would to our notion, be losing the faith. Trose letters are only form letters sent out by the thousands and are sent because they have to say something and that’s all they can say now.
We will not say we do not worry because everyone knows better, but we truthfully say we did not take that letter as final or cause for too much anxiety.
We are still holding the thought that some day Pat will be back in Terril. It may be months and years before we know for sure and it may not, its in the hands of God. But we haven’t given up. We do not say, “Pat was,” we say “Pat is,” We must keep the faith. Perhaps some may think this out of place, but for years Pat was a part of the office force and everyone knows him, so we feel you are glad to know that we think with _______.
October 13, 1942
Dear Mrs. Grow,
The picture you refer to in your letter of 10th was bought by us from one of the photo agencies in New York City. There are so many pictures taken nowadays on the fighting fronts all over the world, that it would be impossible to make any sort of record of the names of the subjects of the various pictures. Unfortunately, and much to our regret, we cannot identify the boy whom you think might be your son.
In the hope that you will soon get good news of your son, we are
Very truly yours,
The Editors
Saturday Evening Post
October 15, 1942
Mrs. C. R. Hill discovered it! What she and almost everyone in Terril and surrounding country who has seen it, thinks is a picture of “Pat” with four or perhaps 5 Filipinos, on page 25 of the October 3 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. The posture, the hair line, the fore arm and even the stiff little right finger, seems to almost unmistakably Bernard. If it is he looks well and seems in normal health and weight. We are trying to contact the writer of the article, who make his scape before the fall of Bataan, to see if he recalls anything of the circumstances regarding the taking of this picture and if he would know if it is really Bernard.
The following letter was received by us this morning form the Saturday Evening Post:
December 2, 1942
We are printing “Pats” picture again because we want to call all the boys attention to it, as many have said they watched The Record each week to see if we had heard from him again.
The Grows received another one of those Jap Prison form cards Friday from Bernard. It had his signature and on the other side said he was in the hospital, under treatment and improving. The idea that he was in the hospital, when the cards received Aug. 13 and Sept. 6 had both said he was under treatment, gave us a good many qualms. Then Saturday we got another, saying his health was excellent, he was well and not under treatment. While the cards were received but a day apart, we have a feeling that there might have elapsed several weeks or perhaps a month or two between the writing of them. We imagine they both came on the exchange ship the Gripsholm, and may have been written several months ago. The Gripsholm left new York on its outward trip September 1 and was docked in New York on its return trip December 2.
We prefer to believe the last card. That he is well and O.K. It seems the most sensible than to carry on the worry any more than one naturally has to.
We are hoping that the ship that met the Gripsholm at some point in Portuguese, East India, got to the Philippines with the supplies in time for all the boys to get their packages and that it will not be too hard a Christmas, and we are sure that everyone in the United States who is so safe and secure, is saying a prayer.
February 18, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Grow Get Verified Word From Adjutant Gen.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Grow got the letter from Adjutant General Ulio, Friday verifying the telegraphic report that Bernard L. Grow is a prisoner of the Japanese government in the Philippines and also a letter from the Provost Marshall giving the information that “we may communicate with our son” and how to address him. Packages may not be sent and letters are sent through the Red Cross in Tokyo, as there is no mail base in the Philippines.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grow of Terril received two form cards last week from their son, Pfc. Bernard I. Grow, who is interned in Military Prison Camp No. 1 in the Philippines.
The first card came Friday saying he was only in fair health, sick and in the hospital. The second one came Saturday and said his health was excellent that he was well and not under treatment. His personal signature was on the cards.
The Grows had cards from him August 13th and again on September 6th, both saying that he was sick and under treatment.
He enlisted in the coast artillery September 28th 1941 and left Angel Island, Calif., October 27, 1941 arriving in the Philippines just before the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor. Since then, his parents have received one cablegram on December 16, 1941 and a letter April 1, 1942, and the four Japanese form cards.
Bernard, the only son in the family, is 29. He is well known to northwest Iowa fishermen as “Pat.” There are two younger sisters in the family.
August 19, 1943
Word From The Philippines
The Grow family received a card from Pfc. Bernard L. Grow, who is interned in Philippine Military Prison Camp No. 1 on Friday, August 13.
The card is a regular form, with lines and blanks printed to be filled in by the prisoner.
This one contained the message:
“I am interned in Philippine Military Prison Camp No 1. My health is fair, I am under treatment. I am improving. To the family “I hope you are all well.” A message to another, “Give my best regards to Dennie.” The fill ins are all typewritten. On the address side in the left hand corner is his name and location typewritten but above this in his own hand writing is his name. We can positively identify this as his hand writing and believe the message to the 5 year old nephew, Dennis, is also an identification.
The last direct word from Bernard was written on Bataan Province February 12, 1942 and received here April 1, 1942. So even his signature looked pretty good to us. It denotes vision, the use of his right hand and arm, that his mind is clear and the writing was fairly strong. So-we go on hoping for the best for him and all the 11,000 boys who are interned there.
Monday we got word from the office of the Provost Marshal General that we may now send a package to Bernard. There is a list of things which may be sent. We are studying this closely that we may send the things which will carry 10,000 and which we hope will be of the most use to him. Because there can be no other package sent until we get permission again. Bernard has not had any package from home since he left Des Moines October 4, 1941 as the ones sent to Angel Island came back. We can only hope now that he gets this one and that it means as much to him as we think it will. Also that we may have permission to send another soon.
It probably will interest some to know that the G.A. Grow family received another card September 7 from Pfc. Bernard L. Grow, a Japanese prisoner in the Philippines, The previous one was received August 13. The card was almost identical to the last one received except the first one was addressed to Mrs. G.A. Grow and this one to Mrs. Winnie L. Grow. The same person but probably a way of showing us that “Pat” dictated it.
Mr. and Mrs. George Grow of Terril have had another postcard from their son, Bernard L. (Pat) Grow, who was taken prisoner with the fall of Bataan, The card was received August 18, the first since Dec. 18, 1943. In that card, he has said he was ill and had lost 70 pounds. This latest card assures his parents he is well again and has been moved from Camp No. 1.
Text of the card follows: “I am interned at Philippine Military Prison Camp Mo. 10C. My health is good. Dear Mom: I am well now and weigh 150 pounds. Don’t worry. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Give my love to the kids and nieces and nephews. I think of you and Dad and send my best regards. Your son, Bernard L. Grow.”
February 1942
Bernard L. Grow Reported Prisoner of Japs in Philippines
A telegram received at 1:30 p.m. February 3 from Adjutant General Ulio from the War Department reads as follows: Washington D.C. Feb. 3, 12:29 noon. George A. Grow: Your son P.F.C. Bernard L. Grow, Coast Artillery Corp reported prisoner of war of Japanese government in Philippine Islands. Letter follows Signed, Ulio Adj. Gen.
December 14, 1944
Pfc. Bernard L. Grow Now A Prisoner in Japan
Saturday, George Grow received a communication from the War Department, written the 6th of December mailed in Washington the 7th and reaching here the 9th, stating that their son, Pfc. Bernard L. Grow, has been removed from the Philippines to the Prison Camp Fukuoka, Island of Honshu, Japan. That’s all there was to it. He has been a prisoner in the Philippines since the fall of Corregidor in May 1942, now he has been moved to this camp in Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grow, who operate the Terril Record Friday received the first direct word from their son, Pfc. Bernard “Pat” Grow, who is held in a Japanese prison camp. He stated in the card, which he signed himself, that his health was fair, he was receiving medical treatment and that he hoped his parents were well.
Mr. and Mrs. Grow had no word from their son for sixteen months. He enlisted in the U. S. Coast Artillery Oct. 27, 1941 and afte only a short period of training was sent to the Philippine Islands. After the fall of Bataan, he was listed as missing in action and later…………
August 24, 1944
Grows Received Card From Bernard
Friday, Aug. 18, we received another card from Bernard which reads, in part as follows:
I am interned at Philippine Prison Camp No. 10-C.
My health is good.
A message limited to 50 words says: “Dear Mom, I am well now and weigh 150 pounds. Don’t worry. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Give my love to the kids and niece and nephews. I think of you and dad and send regards to you. Bernard L. Grow.”
This card 8 months to the day from the time we received the last one December 18, ’43. The signature we can positively identify as Bernards.
The card, unlike the other four which we have received since Aug, 13, ’43 did not come all the way in open mail, but came from the provost Marshall’s office in Washington with a printed slip stating that if there had been a change of camp, relatives would be notified the new camp number and how to address messages to the prisoners. When Bernard enlisted Sept. 28, 1941 he weighed 220. He was just about 1/10th of an inch under 6 ft. A loss of 70 pounds might seem serious but a letter written to his sister, Georgia, in February, 1942 stated that he has lost 30 pounds then. If the other 40 pounds loss on gradually, it might not be too bad. Anyway, there is nothing we can do about it. Only wait until he comes home and feed him up good.
January 18, 1945
Grows Receive Card From Bernard L. Grow, POW
The Grow Family received another one of those Japanese prisoner of War cards from Bernard Monday, January 15. It has no date and it is from Military Prison Camp No. 10-C Philippine Islands. This must have been several months ago, before he was taken to the island of Honshu, where they have earthquakes. The message was as follows:
I am interned at Philippine Military Prison Camp No. 10-C
My health is excellent.
Dear Folks: Hope this finds all of you in good health. I am in good health and feel fine. Give my regards to the folks in town. Tell the kids I’m all right. Write to me sometime. Love to all the family from your son.
Bernard L. Grow
January 25, 1945
Grows Received Another Card From Bernard Friday
The George Grow folks got another card from Pfc. Bernard L. Grow, POW of the Japs. This differed from the other six in that it was dated. No other word received from him since the cablegram Dec. 16, 1941 and the letter that was written Feb. 12 and received April 1, 1942 has borne a date. While this was over 8 months coming and he was still in the Philippines (that is it was written before he was taken to Japan) it seemed the most like him of anything we have had in nearly years. And he did get the package sent in August 1943 via the exchange ship Gripsholm.
The message of the card follows:
Dear Folks: Got your package and letters, was glad to hear from you. No clothes next time tobacco, medicine, food fine. Am fairly well now. Hope all are well at home. My regards to all. Birthday greetings to Mom and Denny. Thanks for the box.
Bernard L. Grow
May 6, 1944
We see by other papers that other people are getting cards thru now. It must be that the Nips got big hearted and released a lot of them. We think now it would make us happier to get some word from him after he arrived in Japan.
War Department Reports on Pfc. Bernard L. Grow
The following letter is self-explanatory. After the prison ships were sunk by our submarines enroute to Japan I became panicky and wrote the Information Bureau at Washington on February 22. The reply was received April 2. There was no doubt thousands of letters received daily, inquiries, request, complaints, but after all the only way to find out anything is to try to get in touch with those who know. We very much appreciate this letter because I, at least, had been having some worries as to whether Bernard had arrived in Japan. From this letter is seems the Japs land them before they report.
Army Service Forces Office of the Commanding General
Washington D.C.
March 27, 1945
Mrs. George A. Grow
Terril, Iowa
Dear Mrs. Grow:
The Provost Marshal Gen. has directed me to reply to your letter of 22 February 1945 regarding you son, Private First Class Bernard L. Grow.
The records indicate that your son is now interned as a prisoner of war by the Japanese Government at Fukuoka Prison Camp , Island of Honshu, Japan.
Past experience indicates that the reports of transfers of prisoners of war were submitted by the Japanese authorities to the International Red Cross representatives after the actual transfer had been completed. Therefore, it can be assumed that your son is now in Japan.
Further information will be forwarded as soon as it is received.
Sincerely yours,
Howard F. Bresee
Colonel, CMP
Director, American Prisoner of War
Information Bureau
Provost Marshal General Office
Aug. 23, 1945
Word From Dickinson County Jap Prisoners Expected Soon
Three county families are anxiously awaiting word of the liberation of the Jap prisoners of war since the surrender of Japan. As a result of the surrender the families last week were contacted by the county Red Cross Home Service chairman in connection with sending a letter to the prisoners. Throughout the United States such letters are being sent through the Red Cross to the prisoners, the letters to be delivered to them the day they are liberated. Each letter may contain a picture. Mrs. H.P. Smithers has made the arrangements for the mailing of these letters by Dickinson county relatives.
Among those from Dickinson county is Capt. Lloyd Allen, son of Mrs. John Swanlund. Capt. Allen, as well as others from this county now in Jap prison camps, was taken with the fall of Bataan. Capt. Allen was last heard from, from the Fukuoka prison camp on the island of Honshu. Pfc. Bernard “Pat” Grow, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Grow of Terril was last heard from, from the Fukuoka prison camp on the Island of Honshu. Pfc. Melvin Kuhse, a brother of Lester Kuhse of Spirit Lake is at the Mukden prison camp in Manchuria. It will be remembered that Kuhse was reported this past winter to have been injured when American bombs struck the territory in which he was held. Kuhse’s mother, Mrs. A. C. Kuhse, passed away in March.
May, 1945
Card Comes From Bernard L. Grow – Japan
May 22, the Grow family received a card from their son, Bernard, a Japanese prisoner of war since the fall of Corregidor, May 1942. This is the first word that has been received from him since he was taken from Cabanataun prison camp in the Philippines. Word came from the war department Dec. 9, 1944 that he had been removed to Japan. The card says:
October 11, 1944
“Dear folks: Am in fair health. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to all. Hope you are all well. Am in Japan now. Please write. Regards to all. Your son, Bernard L. Grow.” The signature was positively his and it is presumed that the typing is also as it is rather amateurish. This card came from Fukuoka Furyo Shuyosho.
From October to May is a long time but all the word which the Grow family have had from their son has been months apart. It is something to know that at least he landed in Japan.
One of Million Reasons for Bond Buying
Pfc. Bernard L. Grow
This is the boy who is in Japan in a prison camp. This is the boy whom we doubled our bond assessment to help and thousands of others who are in like condition. Can you think of not buying bounds to get the boys home? The bond ads particularly feature the war in the Pacific. We hear of boys in the Philippines going for 40 or more day without taking off their clothes, fighting, fighting, and fighting those yellow devils for their lives and for the peace of the world. One lad, who had always been kind, thoughtful and courteous, heard a noise in a fox hole. He looked and before the Jap got him, he cut the Japs throat from ear to ear. Nice work! Are we going to help furnish the weapons to do this, or are going to selfishly say “we’ve bought our share”. County chairman A. L. Beverly says to prod ‘em up as our county is running below the quota.
The war is going on in Europe, too. They must have ships, planes, food, ammunition, jeeps, tanks, trucks, clothing, food, medicine, blood plasma, hospitals, and care, practically everything has to come from the United States. Our bonds pay for them. We have dozens of boys there as well as the ones fighting in the Pacifica. Can we let them down? Dickinson county has always done her part. There is more money now than ever before. Are we going to buy nonessentials and let there be a depression as after World War 1 or are we going to put our money in bonds to help fight our common foes and have security 10 years from now?
November 16, 1945
Chaplain Writes Regarding Bernard
Kosciusko, Mississippi
My Dear Mrs. Grow,
I was a prisoner of war held by the Japanese in the Omine Machi camp on the southern end of Honshu Island from September, 1944 to the end of the war. Your son, Pfc. Bernard L. Grow, 17032817, was also in this camp having come to Japan from the Philippines early in July in the hold of a small Jap. freighter. Food and living conditions on this trip which lasted for sixty-two days were very poor. When we arrived in Japan, Bernard had lost considerable weight and never seemed to regain his strength. He died about 5:15 a.m. on December 1, 1944. I personally held the service for him and gave him as nearly a military burial as was possible under the circumstances.
Bernard had many friends in the camp. One of his best friends was Staff Sgt. Robert H. Jones, 3915 W. Lander St. Seattle, Washington. I believe they were in the same outfit before the war.
Since I was fortunate enough to return to my family and see their joy over my liberation, I can only say that I am extremely sorry that your vigil has ended in tragedy. Mere words cannot express the sympathy I should like to extend to you in the loss of your son. May God comfort you and other members of the family in your great loss.
Benson Guyton
Major, CAC
It turned out that the broadcast Wednesday evening meant that messages had been sent to the Japanese prisoners, not that the prisoners had sent messages home. 1945
Bernard L. Grow, Terril, Died in Jap Prison Camp
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grow Receive Official Message.
(The Milford Mail)
One of the sad war casualties of this county became known on Monday of this week, when Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grow of Terril, publishers of The Terril Record, received word of the death of their son, Pfc. Bernard L. Grow, in a Japanese prison camp Dec. 1, 1944.
The word came from a doctor who was in charge of the prison camp, a major in the U.S. medical corps. He wrote that Bernard had died of pulmonary tuberculosis and malnutrition.
Bernard L. Grow was born at Bayard, Iowa, August 15, 1914. He came to Terril about 18 years ago with his parents. In Terril he received his schooling and assisted his parents with the operation of The Terril Record. “Pat” as he was better known to his friends, entered the service Sept. 28, 1941, enlisting in the coast artillery. He left for the Philippines Oct. 28, 1941, to receive his army training.
Pat barely had time to reach the Philippines and start training when war broke out. He was taken prisoner by the Japs with the fall of Corregidor. He was moved from the Philippines June 26, 1944, and arrived in Japan Sept. 2, 1944. The last word received from Pat was a form card written from a prison camp Oct. 11, 1944, and received here May 11, 1945.
Pat was quite generally known over the county through his newspaper work. He gave his life in an effort to help his county. His friends will long remember him for his likeable, easy going disposition, and his friendly manners. We know that Pat would have been proud to have returned home and found the war record made by his parents. They have supported the war effort in their community a little stronger than any newspaper people we know of.
The sympathy of the entire county goes to Bernard’s survivors, his mother and father, two sisters, two nephews and one niece.
November 24, 1945
Letter From Man who Knew Bernard in the Philippine Islands
Dear Friends:
Your letter of November the 20th was received in this morning’s mail. I am sorry that I have not written to you before as I have definitely meant to. However, so many things have happened since I have returned to the United States that I just haven’t been able to get a lot of things done that I wanted to.
Your son, Bernard, went to work for me in the Army Postal service a few months prior to the outbreak of war in the Philippines. He seemed to enjoy his work in our office very much, and I can truthfully say that he was one of the most conscientious men that has ever worked for me. Any work that I laid out for him, I could feel assured that it would be completed to satisfaction.
I am not sure about his complete internment by the Japanese, but I believe that he spent the most of it at Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. Most of the time he was quite active and in fairly good health although he had lost quite a little weight. That was typical of everyone and was not serious. Later on he had a slight touch of malaria and dysentery.
On the 2nd of July 1944, he, myself and 1012 other men left Manila enroute to Japan. Don’t confuse this trip with the last ship form the Philippines which has such a terrible fate. I say that your son was definitely wise to leave the islands when he did. Things were getting rough there and at that time it was still somewhat of a voluntary proposition, but had he stayed I am sure that he never would have made it. As it was, he stood a chance. However, as it turned out we had a rather bad trip. We spent 62 days enroute to Mojie, an immigration port in central Japan. Food was short and so was the water, so that all the men that arrived were in a very weakened condition. However he had high spirits, but just didn’t have enough strength to make it through the cold winter which followed. I was deeply grieved to think that he was unable to make it the rest of the way, but with the beatings and tortures that followed in that camp, perhaps it was for the best after all. I certainly would have hated to see him endure such things in his weakened condition. To my knowledge he was never beaten or mistreated in that manner.
From Mojie we were taken to a place called Omine Machi, on Southern Honchu where we worked that coal mines, but I don’t believe that Bernard was ever in the mines himself. He died at this camp on December the 1st and was cremated the following day, with as much of a Military funeral as we were allowed to have. Taps were played. I personally boxed his remains, and I am sure that they will reach you, or you will be notified of them in due time through official channels. Should you not, write me and I will trace them for you.
I am very sorry that my first letter to you folks is in regard to such circumstances, but I am trying to answer the questions that I know that you would want answered. Bernard was a very good friend of mine and a might good soldier.
I hope that you folks will all feel free to write me again, as this letter will no doubt open new questions that you will want answered. I am leaving for my vacation early next month and will go to Missouri and from there to Mexico City, but I will arrange for my mail to be forwarded to me. If I can be of any service to you in any manner, be sure to let me know.
Bernard’s friend
Bob Jones
Robert H. Jones, Jr.,
Tech. Sgt. D.E.M.I.
November 22, 1945
In Memoriam
It is with sadness that we think of the news that we have recently heard of Bernard Grow, or Pat as we like to remember him. He is another of the illustrious alumni who have given their greatest sacrifice for the preservation of our democratic way of life.
We students in school now do not remember him as a fellow student, for he was graduated before we began. We do remember him as a friend about town, and like to recall his friendly smile and greeting to even us little “kids”. We do know that a person with this type of personality must have been a contributing influence to school when he was there.
Pat, your suffering for us in the hands of our infamous enemy, makes all of us sad. Words are too empty to thank you for what you have given us and other school students in the world. Your going does not mean that we will forget. Your memory will live with us as an example of great courage in the performance of duty for the sake of others.
In Memory of
Pfc. Bernard Lyon Grow
Methodist Church
Terril, Iowa
Sunday, Dec. 2, 1945
2:30 p.m.
“Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends”
– John 15:13
PFC. Bernard Lyon Grow
Memorial Services
Bernard Lyon Grow
At Bayard, Iowa, August 15, 1914
Enlisted September 28, 1941
Entered Philippines November 20, 1941
Reported a prisoner as of May 7, 1942
Died of malnutrition and tuberculosis on Honshu, Japan, December 1, 1944 at the age of 30 years, 3 months and 15 days
Body cremated by American friends
Remains to be sent home later.
Memorial Services Conducted by
Rev. Harvey Nelson, Sibley, Iowa
Captain M. L. Jones, Spencer, Iowa
Rev. Clarence Thompson, Terril, Iowa
I cannot say- and I will not say
That he is dead- he is just away
With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there,
And you – O you – who the wildest yearn
For the old-time step and the glad return.
Think of him faring on – as dear
In the love of There, as the love of Here
Think of him still as the same, I say
He is not dead – he is just away.
-James Whitcomb Riley
The telegram from the War Department came November 24, verifying other reports which the G.A. Grow family have had of the death of Pfc. Bernard Lyon Grow. He died of tuberculosis and malnutrition at 5:15 a.m. Dec. l, 1944 on the Island of Honshu, Japan, a prisoner for 2 years and 7 months.
Memorial services will be held December 2, 1945 at the Methodist church at Terril at 2:30 p.m.
Rev. Harvey Nelson of Sibley and Capt. M.L. Jones of Spencer will have charge of the services, assisted by the local pastor, Rev. Clarence Thompson.
T. Sgt. Robert H. Jones of Seattle, called long distance Wednesday and said if he could get plane reservations he would be here for the services. His letter regarding Bernard is in another collumn.
The American Legion will have charge of their part of the service.
Memorial serices were held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church for Pfc. Bernard Lyon Grow, who died in a Japanese prison camp Dec. 1, 1944. The first word which came to the family was on Monday, Nov. 12, from Major Harold Imerman of Saginaw, Michigan, telling of his death. On the following Monday, a letter was received from Chaplain Benson Guyton from Koscusko, Miss., who told a little more that Bernard had as near military services as the Japs would allow. On Monday, Nov. 26, a letter was received from T-Sgt. Robert Jones of Seattle, Wash., giving a little more information. Saturday, Nov. 24, the word came by telegram from the War Department telling of his death and this Monday the letter came confirming the telegram.
Services were conducted by Rev. Harvey Nelson of Sibley, formerly a pastor here. He came here just a few weeks after Bernard left, but had heard so much about him and knew the family so well and had had so many similar services here that this one just naturally seemed to fall on him. Captain Maurice L. Jones of Spencer, also a former pastor here assisted. He was a Chaplain in the South Pacific for two years and was able to give great comfort and encouragement. The local pastor, Rev. Clarence Thompson also assisted.
Capt. Jones also read the tribute to Bernard, and Rev. Thompson read a poem sent by a friend from Kiron, Mrs. Anna Gardner, who knew him when he was just a lad.
The American Legion from Terril and Arnolds Park formed a line on both sides from the side walk to the church. Many returned veterans of this war were present. Mrs. Adrian Krieger played the piano softly while the family and friends took their places and also when they left the church. Art Hansen sang two solos, Rock of Ages and The Lord’s Prayer, with Marietta Fliss accompanist. John Clark sounded taps. Thus ended the service for one more boy who has died that others might live. This is the thirteenth name under the gold star on our honor roll.
Bernard was born at Bayard, Aug. 15, 1914. In 1918 the family moved to Thief River Falls, Minn., and in June 1920, they came to Ellsworth, Iowa. Bernard and Georgia, just a year younger, entered first grade here and attended two years. In June 1922 the family moved to Kiron and in November 1928 they came to Terril. Bernard and Georgia were freshmen then and finished their school work in 1932. From then, and even before, he helped in the Record office. Two different times he worked for a few months for his uncle, Percy Lyon, at Schleswig and had also worked some for John Sullivan of the Graettinger Times, T.M. Bragg of the Lake Park News, Jim Miller of the Milford Mail and helped out Charlie Kinnan of the Arnolds Park News, even as Charlie helped the Record out in a pinch.
From the age of 8, he learned to fish in a small stream near Kiron and could usually be found on the bank of the steam within call of home. After he came here he learned to hunt as well and hunting and fishing was his chief diversion. He was essentially an outdoor boy.
Bernard enlisted in the Coast Artillery Sept. 28, 1941. He left Angel Island, California for the Philippines October 27, 1941. He was reported “missing in action” as of May 7, 1942. In February, 1943, he was reported a prisoner of the Japanese as of the fall of Corregidor. He was moved to Japan in July of 1944 and died of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and malnutrition on December 1, 1944. He was cremated by American buddies Dec. 2, 1944.
His friends were his acquaintances as his ever cheery “hi” and his ever ready smile and kindly demeanor to all people, young or old, big or little, rich or poor, endeared him to all.
We could write columns about it, but you mostly all knew Bernard.
Besides his parents there are the two sisters, Georgia Moore and Nona Branden, one niece, Mary Moore; two nephews, Billy Moore and Dennis Branden. The family is small. There are but three cousins. No known uncles or aunts.
Robert Lyon of Schleswig, Mrs, McWhorter, a very dear friend from Algona, Mr. Thompson of Algona, who lost a boy in the Philippine prison camp Cabanatuan, in 1942, besides friends from Milford, Arnolds Park, Spirit Lake and Lake Park, Rex and Hank from Austin, came to show their love for a brave, a good and a dear son, brother, uncle and friend.
A tribute written by Mrs. Francis Johnson, a friend of Bernard’s.
For those who knew Bernard best it is easy to recall, today, his characteristic qualities which endeared him to no one group or class, but to all who knew him. His interests centered not in certain persons or things but in all whose path he chanced to cross.
Perhaps it was natural for him to be thus constituted, having been raised in the newspaper business and having assumed the responsibility of gleaning, here and there, news-notes for the paper which happened to be a family enterprise. In most homes children quite unconsciously inherit tasks which they like or dislike, perhaps, but Bernard’s love of people made his talk a natural one which he truly enjoyed. To him, every event was of importance, not necessarily as “news” but because of the interest he had in the individuals concerned.
His was an understanding interest, a rare virtue found only in few. He evaluated things and people well. His abounding faith in people for whom he had high regard was often deeply rooted but seldom ever displayed. He had no enemies but he had many friends. His belief in God as the Creator of the woods, fields and streams was fundamentally inherent. It was in this beautiful out-of-doors that Bernard was at home; he knew the birds and trees intimately. Being an alert student and an avid reader, he possessed a rare abundance of information which often surprised his most intimate friends.
Home to “Pat” as he was fondly called, was a real haven where his friends were welcome. The friendly association there and the warm hospitality will long be a cherished memory to those who were fortunate enough to share them. To “Pat”, home meant true affection apart and beyond anything, anywhere in the world.
He did not wait to be drafted but volunteered his services early in the war and was immediately sent to the Philippines. He had a keen desire for adventure and his trip was anticipated with many thrills. Little did Bernard dream of the long, long trail which awaited him and from which there was no return. His friends were always eager to hear of his travels and to follow him in his different locations. All too soon he was in the midst of the tragic battles of Bataan and Corregidor. News from the lines was scarce and brief. After interminable waiting, word came that Bernard was a prisoner of the Japanese. Eventually, he was among those removed to Japan. Apparently, his health was bad from the time he was taken prisoner. Only the brief information received from him; these cards told of his illness and hospitalization.
After months and years of waiting for word of his release after the war ended there came the sad message of his death, December 1, 1944.
Another gold star glistens on the honor roll, reflecting the devotion, courage and the supreme sacrifice Bernard made for his home, his community and his country. He has joined the ranks of the immortal heroes whose memory is ever sacred to all true Americans.
He is Not Dead
They say my son is dead
But this is not true,
For in his heart was
The love of God,
For him there could be no death.He loved the world,
And all that God
Had created there in
But he was sickened by the mess
Men had made of it;
By their hatred and their greed.He loved truth, honor and decency;
So he set his course skyward
In search of them.He is not dead,
He merely flew through the clouds
To the other side.There he was found
Peace, love, and beauty,
And all of the things
That he cherished.Would it not be selfish of me
To deny him the joy
Of his newly found life.
In order to assuage
The pain that is in my heart?Rather is it not for me to wait,
And while waiting,
To dedicate my life
To all that he held dear,
Until God in his infinite mercy,
Shall reach out His hand
And lead me to my son.LITTLE BOY BLUE
The little toy dog is covered with dust,
But sturdy and staunch he stands;
And the little toy soldier is red with rust,
And his musket moulds in this hands.Time was when the little toy dog was new,
And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue
Kissed them and put them there.“Now don’t you go till I come,” he said,
“And don’t you make any noise!”
So toddling off to his trundle-bed,
He dreamt of the pretty toys;
And as he was dreaming, an angel song
Awakened our Little Boy Blue——Oh! the years are many, the years are long,
But the little toy friends are true!Aye, the faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,
Each in the same old place–
Awaiting the touch of a little hand,
The smile of a little face;
And they wonder, as waiting the long years through
In the dust of that little chair,
What has become of our Little Boy Blue,
Since he kissed them and put them there.–Eugene Fields
This childish poem may seem out of place here. But to me it is very pertinent. For 6 1/2 years we waited for Bernard, then he came in August of 1914, a beautiful well formed baby, a boy whom we wanted so badly. He grew through the childish years, with honest hazel eyes, brown curly hair, a handsome little lad that somehow crept into peoples hearts. Kindergarten in Minnesota, was his first experience away from home. He took it all in stride with a smile for everyone. School started he and Georgia together at ages of 6 and 5. From then on they were pretty much always together. Pals, learning to fish, learning to do all the outdoor things which our family did. Nona was but a step behind and grew up with them, a happy trio. He went through high school as he did most things, casually taking each day as it came. When, or before, they were old enough to drive they learned to drive the old Dodge and all of the young folks know the happy silly school kid good times. They all played together, swam and fished, attended school parties and skating parties and dances together. When the war began to shape up, he tried to get into the navy in October 1940, but because of nearsightedness he was twice rejected.
He had taught most of the younger boys here to fish and hunt and the sportsmanship of these things. He was always essentially honest, always willing to share and divide. In some ways he was remarkable as no one ever knew him to say an unkind word to an older person or be disagreeable to a little child. He had character and characteristics which are strange to many. Always an individual, never a yes man. So far as we know, Bernard had no enemies until he went to the Philippines. His kindness, his absolute straight way of thinking and acting, his utter disregard to trivials, his generosity, makes us all feel that something fine has been taken out of not only our family world, but the world at large. The wonderful letters and cards and messages, the words from those here and away, make us, his parents and family feel very proud. He was tall and strong and well built, in perfect physical condition when he went away in September 1941. He had a beautiful body. People thought he would get through and once more be home with us. We worked to fix the house and the office comfortable for him. For four years that had been our aim. Right now things are rather pointless. But the kindness of people and the fine words make us hope his life was not all in vain.
Receiving the flag at the Memorial services is one of the hard things for the families. From the time Bernard was a little fellow, during World War I, he learned to love the flag. It seemed to stand for so much to him. And we must believe that he never saw an American flag after the fall of Corregidor. Our hope is now that we, and all who have been touched by such sorrows during the past four years, will never be unworthy of this beautiful flag and of the sacrifice which the many beloved boys have to still keep flying it “o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave”.
Someone said to us the other night that in the fullness and purpose of life, Bernard had probably lived more in 30 years than many had in 60 or more. We had felt that perhaps he had been cheated, but looking at it that way, there is a point. A full, clean well rounded out existence that stood for so much at 30.
“His little toy soldier” were his guns and shells, which have been put away and waited over four years for him. His applewood bed has waited and his black walnut dresser. The things that he loved have been here all these long 4 years. We hope he had some happy memories of his home and his folks who loved him so dearly and that his extraordinary reading since he was a child brought him some comfort. Before he left, he talked to a minister much about Christianity, he talked to me, his faith was firm and we know “God giveth his beloved sleep”.
Creed meant not so much to him, a merciful God, a kind Creator and friend seemed to be his idea of what Christianity meant.
And as I said, we had waited 6 1/2 years for him, we had him 27 years and one month with us. We had worried for four years, now we must feel that we had a wonderful boy, well loved, and that God has him in a better place now.
Re: Sherman Gunderson
May 18, 1944 
Mrs. Sherman Gunderson returned Saturday from a month spent with her husband who is stationed in a camp at San Diego, California. Sherman will be going overseas shortly as his address is now APO, San Francisco.
October 6, 1944
(received) Oct. 19, 1944
Interesting Letter From Sherman Gunderson
South Pacific
Dear Grows,
I’ve wanted to write to you for a long time, but seemingly I have a tough time writing to everyone.
I have just received the picture of the new “Honor Roll” board, and wish to thank the Terril Commercial club for same. Seemingly they are to be complimented on a good job done. The board looks very nice.
Since I’ve been moving around a bit now, my papers seem to have difficulty in catching up with me. Sure hope the Record comes through soon as I do miss it. Even though the papers are old by the time we get them they are pretty welcome and read word for word from front to back. I guess the Record has been read by fellows from most every corner of the U.S.
Those letters you write in the Record every week are very interesting and so much like a letter from home, that I feel they are written especially for me, and I’m sure all the fellows feel the same way about it when they read it.
Most things about which we are doing, of course I cannot say, but we are training now for a future operation where or when I do not know. We have a pretty nice camp now, set up right on the beach and the breeze from the blue Pacific is rather fresh, but the temperature runs about the same as an Iowa “heat wave”. Only difference this every day. The air is so full of humidity too, which makes it worse. Of course the lizards etc. are becoming bosom companions along with the ants, land crabs, and mosquitoes.
These tanks are quite different from my tractor which I used to drive on the farm. I’m afraid they will feel like a toy when I get back on one of them, after driving these around over almost all kinds of terrain. They are about like an oven out in the sun, makes a guy feel like an egg in an incubator, but I doubt if we’ll ever hatch anything but trouble for a few of those yellow bellies, known as Japs.
Guess that’s enough of that for this time as it isn’t one of the most cheerful subjects in the world to talk about.
Just keep those Records coming and keep on plugging for all the boys out here, as we know you are.
I imagine everyone around there is thinking about corn picking by now and soon the snow will be flying, believe I could use a little of that snow myself now but guess I’ll just have to wait another year and see what happens then.
Greet all my friends around Terril, and I’d better wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New Year as I’ll probably not get another letter written by then.
Your Friend
Alias the “Gunner”
October 26, 1944
Sherman Gunderson writing to the Terril Record from the South Pacific says:
“Most things about which we are doing of course I cannot say, but we are training now for a future operation where or when I do not know. We have a pretty nice camp now, set up right on the beach and is rather fresh, but the temperature runs about the same as in Iowa “heat wave.” Only difference this is every day. The air is so full of humidity too, which makes it worse. Of course the lizards etc. are becoming bosom companions along with the ants, land crabs, and mosquitoes.
These tanks are quite different from my tractor which I used to drive on the farm. I’m afraid they will feel like a toy when I get back on one of them, after driving these around over almost all kinds of terrain. They are almost like an oven out in the sun, makes a guy feel like an egg in an incubator, but I doubt if we’ll ever hatch anything but trouble for a few of those yellow bellies, known as” Japs.”
Jan. 25, 1945
Henry Lofblom told me Friday that Henry Blum and Sherman Gunderson see each other frequently on Guadalcanal.
June 21, 1945
Mrs. Sherman Gunderson tells us that her husband has been wounded twice on Okinawa. She received a notice from the government that he had received a shrapnel wound on the left knee May 12. Since that Sherman has written her that he had, had a concussion that impaired the hearing of one ear. Pfc. Gunderson is with the 6th marine division.
June 28, 1945
Mrs. Sherman Gunderson had a letter this week from Pfc. Sherman Gunderson telling her that he is now in a naval hospital near Honolulu.
July 26, 1945
U.S. Naval Receiving Hospital, San Francisco, Calif., July 6, 1945—Pfc. Sherman J. Gunderson USMCR, son of Mrs. Mark Husby, Jackson, Minn., husband of Clara Arlene Gunderson, Terril, following service in the combat areas of the Pacific, has arrived at this hospital for further medical treatment.
He anticipates transfer soon to a naval hospital nearer his home. This hospital received most of the Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard casualties returning to the mainland from Pacific combat areas. The average stay of a combat patient in this receiving hospital is four to days—during which time the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in Washington is advised of convoy arrivals at the hospital and orders are received back assigning patients to a hospital nearer home, if at all possible. In some cases, need of specialized medical treatment, or crowded conditions in naval hospitals in a particular area make it difficult to assign a man very close to home, but every effort is made to do so. In the main, Navy men leaving here are “headed toward home” and speedy recovery through excellent treatment and the comfort of being near their families and friends and old surroundings once again.
Previous duty stations included San Diego, New Caledonia, Guadalcanal, Okinawa.
Mrs. Gunderson tells us he is now at Farragut, Idaho.
Aug. 9, 1945
Mrs. Sherman Gunderson had a telephone call from Sherman at Farragut, Idaho Tuesday. He is in a veterans hospital there.
Sept. 13, 1945
Sherman Gunderson, who has been in a hospital at Farragut, Idaho, came home about ten days ago. He is in the Marines but expects to be discharged very soon.
Sept. 20, 1945
Pfc. Sherman Gunderson went back to Farragut, Idaho Saturday after a couple weeks stay at home. Mrs. Gunderson went as far as Minneapolis with him and came back Sunday.
Sept. 20, 1945
Sherman Gunderson, who has been in a hospital at Farragut, Idaho, is home. He is in the Mariners but expects to be discharged very soon.
Sept. 27, 1945
Pfc. Sherman Gunderson has returned to Farragut, Idaho, after a two week visit at home.
Oct. 4, 1945
Sherman Gunderson is home. That means he has been to Farragut, Idaho and got his discharge from the marines and is out of service. He said he would probably be on the farm again come spring.
Oct. 18, 1945
Sherman Gunderson, son of Mrs. Mark Husby of Jackson, Minn., was born in Emmet county, which has always been his home. He graduated from the Estherville high school in 1932. He was married to Clara Lofblum Jan. 7, 1939. They had farmed up to December, 1943, when he volunteered as a marine, entering the service Dec. 3. He served in the Asiatic and in the south Pacific area and was wounded May 13, 1944 and again in May of this year. He has the Purple heart, the Asiatic-Pacific ribbon and Admiral Halsey’s commendation ribbon. He was discharged Sept. 25, 1945 at Farragut, Idaho.
Sherman says he will probably go back to the farm in the spring.
Re: Delbert Hall
December 21, 1944
Major Delbert Hall, who is back in Arnolds Park after two and a half years overseas action with army air forces in Africa and England, is now able to tell of the action in which he was wounded and for which he received the Purple Heart decoration. The Arnolds Park youth went overseas as 2nd lieutenant, and during the years he has been gone has been promoted, first to first lieutenant, then captain and early in October this year to the rank of Major.
Major Hall, as a pilot of a B-24 Liberator bomber; flew first on missions out of Africa, later going to England, from which he flew on missions over Germany. It was on November 18, 1942, that his plane was badly shot upon a mission to St. Nazaire. With two motors out, and four of the crew killed at their posts, the remainder of the crew brought the plane back to its base, or rather, as Major Hall stated, “the plane brought us back.” Major Hall was injured on that mission and was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in the action. He also wears the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf Clusters. He has 29 missions to his credit.
Major Hall completed his combat action in April 1943 and was sent to a heavy bombardment school from June 1943 until February this year. Since then he has been in the operations department of the Combat Wing at an English base.
Concluding a twenty-one day visit with his mother, Mrs. A.A. Johnson grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Copeland, all at Arnolds Park, with a sister, Mrs. Rudolph Zehnder at Terril and a brother, Walter at Algona, he will report at Santa Ana,,, Calif., for assignment for duty. He made the trip to Africa by plane and also returned to the states by plane. – The Beacon
Re: Robert Harvey
September 6, 1945
Pvt. Robert Harvey came Friday from Camp Hood, Texas for a few days furlough at home. He has to go back next Wednesday
Re: Kenneth Hanson
July 6, 1944
Kenneth Henson left Friday for St. Ambrose college at Davenport to begin his naval training.
Terril Boys in the Army and the Navy
Kenneth A. Hansen, A. S. V-12 (A) USNR Company 3, St. Ambrose College, Davenport, is the son of Cornelius Hansen and was born April 2, 1926, on a farm northeast of Sioux Rapids. When he was five years old they moved to Everly and he attended eight years of county schooling. He started to high school at Hartley, but later moved to Terril and finished his last three years of high school here and graduated with the class of ’44.
He enlisted in the Navy V-5 program at Minneapolis in the latter part of January. He is now taking V-12 training at St. Ambrose.
Kenneth has two brothers, Harry of Fostoria, Andrew of Alta and one sister, Mrs. Nels Pedersen of Terril.
April 5, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peterson entertained at a birthday supper Saturday night for Kenneth Hanson’s (USN) birthday Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson and family of Alta, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson of Fostoria, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mann, Bonnie Bob and Jerry.
June 27, 1946
Kenneth Hanson was discharged Monday from the Navy at Great Lakes. He came home, at least for the summer, Monday evening.
A list of 202 Iowa students enrolled in Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., gives the name of Kenneth Alden Hansen, college of Liberal Arts, Terril. They have the largest enrollment in the school’s history, 21,818 students. A large percentage of these are G.I’s.
September 6, 1945
Kenneth Hansen, AS was home from Davenport over the week end and Labor Day.
June 28, 1945
Kenneth Hansen AS, is home from Davenport on a nine day leave.
Re: Raymond R. Hasbrook
July 9, 1942 
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hasbrook of RFD 1, Spirit Lake, were happy to receive a letter this week from their son, Pvt. Raymond R. Hasbrook, who is with the 167th Field Artillery in Australia. Pvt. Hasbrook left San Francisco, Calif. in March, 1941. His letter was written May 31.
He writes as follows:
Dear Dad and Mother,
Well I guess I had better write you a few lines again and let you know I am still alright. Have only been writing once every two weeks but thought maybe I had better write once a week while I have a little time to do it. Only have lantern light to write by, so that isn’t so good to do much writing. Just got electric lights in our mess halls the other day, so we can see what we are eating in the morning and evenings. The days here are getting pretty short now. Seems funny, when it seems like they should be getting longer.
We have been having three or four days of rain about every week. Have trouble once in a while with the trucks bogging down in the fields. Have done more walking since we have been over here than I have for quite a while. Am getting used to it now tho.
I have been working all day today hauling wood. Have to work about every week end we are in camp. And we only get week-end passes, once every three of four weeks.
Haven’t gotten any mail for a week or two now. Guess there haven’t been any more boats come in. Have received letters from the middle of March to the 14th of April, but not all you have written between those dates. I received the cigarettes O.K. Thanks a lot. They sure came in handy, as American cigarettes are not very easy to get here. Received the cablegram too. Thanks a lot for that.
Went to a stag show in camp this evening again. It was pretty good. Had quite a bunch of pretty girls.
Elingboe came back again from the hospital the other day. He was pretty thin and pale. Had the measles after he was taken to the hospital, was pretty sick I guess. He seemed to enjoy it after he got over being sick. Have some pretty good looking nurses.
Suppose the corn is up so you can row it by now, and everything is nice and green. How is the work coming along.
We’re supposed to start on American rations this week, that ought to help some, maybe we won’t get quite so much mutton to eat then.
Pvt. Raymond R. Hasbrook
37989447 Bat. A. 167th F.A.Bn.
A.P.O. 41 U S Army %Postmaster.
San Francisco, Calif.
Raymond is a cousin of the Moores.
May 6, 1943
Terril Boys in the United States Army and Navy
Raymond Hasbrook is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hasbrook, living near Superior. He was born May 19, 1914. He graduated from the Superior school in 1932.
He was inducted into the armed forces in July, 1941, going to Camp Roberts, California first and then to Tacoma, Washington for his training.
He has been in Australia about a year.
March 22, 1945
Tech. Sgt. Raymond Hasbrook has written from the South Pacific to his aunt, Mrs. W. A. Moore, not to write him anymore because he will soon be headed home. He has been in the service 4 years come July and overseas for three years. He was on various islands including Australia, New Guinea and the Philippines. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hasbrook of near Superior.
Re: Leonard Heldt
February 22, 1945
Cpl. Leonard Heldt Writes of Fighting in Germany
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heldt have received another letter from their son, Cpl. Leonard Heldt, who is now stationed in Germany. In the letter of February 6, he wrote as follows: “Received a letter from you today, dated Dec. 10. Pretty good time. There’s quite a bit of mail coming in now again, so we should get caught up soon now. We are having nice spring weather here now and all of the snow is gone and we have mud up to our knees again. I’ll sure be glad when this thing is over so we can get in a place and really get cleaned up again. I thought we would get to clean up and to get our clothes in order while we were back in Belgium, but we were all working so hard no one had a chance to clean up.
“That was really tough down on the bulge and we lost a lot of men and equipment, but we got it whipped and are ready to hit them hard where it hurts and try and end this thing soon. The Russians have sure been moving haven’t they? It looks like the way we came up across France and Belgium. I don’t think I need anything right now unless you want to send some more popcorn. We really enjoyed that. None of us had had any for so long it was quite a treat.”
July 1945
Cpl. Leonard Heldt, who had spent eighteen months in the European war arena part of that time in Germany arrived home Saturday and is spending a thirty four day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heldt and other relatives. He had landed at Norfolk, Va., and at the end of the holiday will report at San Luis Opispo, Calif., for eights weeks further training before going to the South Pacific combat zone. Cpl. Heldt is serving with the field artillery. He was accompanied from Chicago by his sister, Miss Wilda Ludke, who has a business position in that city and who will enjoy a two weeks vacation at home.
Re: Howard C. Hewitt
January 14, 1942
Dear Mrs. Grow and family,
I suppose the natural thing for me to do is to start making a lot of excuses for not having written before. I will say one thing though, they did tell us when I first went to Riley not to write to a home newspaper. In that respect, up to now, I guess I was a good soldier. Their main reason for telling us that was for the simple reason that if I wrote home, for instance and said that our food was fairly good, somebody would read it and say that I wrote home and said the food was terrible, and in time the story would be that the food in the army wasn’t fit for a dog to eat. You know how some stories like that can be made up.
Before I got into the army, I can truthfully say that I never appreciated a home town paper. Now about every time I write home I tell the folks to be sure and have the Record sent to me. Whatever kind of news it is, a fellow has some idea of some of the things going on back home.
I hear it has been cold in Iowa. The first week we were here it was rather cold and rained every day. Since then it has been nice and warm in the daytime, but it still gets rather chilly at night.
This camp is on the edge of a big bay of the ocean. I can look out of a window in our barracks and see the water.
I suppose it takes some time for letters to get to where Pat is. It seems like it takes long enough out here. Most of the men from this regiment are from Ohio. A lot of them from the troop I’m in are from the city of Cleveland.
They have really kept us busy since we came out here. We have patrol duty, guard duty, and every other kind of duty and then a little K.P. thrown in.
I hear from Jeddy and Bud regular. Received a letter from Bud today and he says he likes it down there. Was glad to hear Jeddy got home, since it was his first time. I guess Bud and I were lucky to get home as many times as we did.
I haven’t been in any of the towns around here since I have been here, but some of the men went to Monterey, which is only a few miles from here and they saw Mickey Rooney and his bride.
Wish I could have come out here sooner. This is the camp Bow Maas was in before he went to Alaska. I haven’t run into anyone that I knew before I got into the army.
I’ve received the papers you’ve sent me since I came out here. Thought I had better mention it, so you’ll know I’m getting them.
I guess I’m about out of anything to say for this time. I’ll write later and thanks again for the paper.
As ever,
Suds Hewitt
August 27, 1942
Terril Boys with Flying Colors
Howard (Suds) Hewitt
Pfc. Howard C. Hewitt has been stationed with 107th Cavalry at Ft. Ord, Calif. which is now on maneuvers in southern Calif.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Hewitt and has three sisters, Eva Hewitt of Terril and Mrs. Andy Reinken of Milford and Mrs. E.L. Maas of Moneta.
Howard graduated from the Terril high school in 1937 and took an active part in football and basketball. For a time he managed the Standard Service Station and was inducted into the U.S. army on Sept. 3, 1941 at Des Moines. He went to Fort riley, Kansas for his preliminary training in the cavalry. From there he was sent to Camp Forest, Tenn. and then to Ft. Ord, Calif., where he was an official driver of scout cars and jeeps, but recently has been a gunner.
He was granted a ten day furlough just recently, which he spent with relatives and friends in Terril.
The following letter was given to us by Claude Hewitt and was given to Howard by his captain after he had taken an intelligence test:
June 2, 1943
Eureka, California
Subject: Intelligence School
To: Corp. Howard C. Hewitt
Troop D, 107th Cavalry, Eureka, California.
You have successfully completed the Regimental Intelligence Course at Santa Rosa, California. The Regimental Commander has instructed that his commendation be forwarded to you. I, also want to add that you were a credit to Troop “D” during the course and that I am proud to have a man of your type in my organization.
Julius F. Janes, Jr.,
Captain, Cavalry,
Commanding Troop D.
February 8, 1945
Claude Hewitt received the following letter this week. It is the first word they have had about Howard since he went overseas. The last they heard from Howard was December 30.
Somewhere in France
January 20, 1945
Dear Mr. Hewitt,
Introducing myself as platoon leader of you son, Howard. Knowing that at a time like this you worry considerably about your son, just as my Dad does about me, I will try to alleviate some of your fears.
Your son is in good health and is well liked by both officers and men. Every care and consideration possible will be given him, and I trust that this assurance will reduce your worries to a mere concern.
If at any time I can be of any service to you regarding your son, I shall be only too glad to do so.
May the Lord’s will be done.
Lt. Edwin P. Fifielski
August 20, 1945
Sgt. Howard Hewitt arrived home Monday. He is home on a 30 day furlough. He got back to the states the 21st and reported to Jefferson Barracks. He got to Estherville Monday morning, where his folks met him.
October 4, 1945
Sgt. Howard Hewitt, who has been home 30 days, got a 15 day extension to his furlough.
October 25, 1945
Howard Hewitt is now just Mr. Howard Hewitt, having received his discharge last week. Howard was in the service four years and one month.
Howard (Suds) Hewitt
Pfc. Howard C. Hewitt has been stationed with 107th Cavalry at Ft. Ord, Calif., which is now on maneuvers in southern Calif.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Hewitt and has three sisters, Eva Hewitt of Terril, Mrs. Andy Reinken of Milford and Mrs. E.L. Maas of Moneta.
Howard graduated from Terril high school in 1937 and took an active part in football and basketball. For a time he managed the Standard Service Station and was inducted into the U.S. army on Sept. 3, 1941 at Des Moines. He went to Fort Riley, Kansas for his preliminary training in the cavalry. From there he was sent to Camp Forest, Tenn., and then to Ft. Ord, Calif., where he was an official driver of scout cars and jeeps but recently has been a gunner.
He was granted a ten day furlough just recently, which he spent with relatives and friends in Terril.
Howard Hewitt has recently been promoted from Corporal to Sergeant and is now stationed at Santa Cruz, California.
Howard Hewitt arrived home Tuesday afternoon from Santa Rosa, Calif. He came via Carroll where Mrs. Hewitt and Eva from here and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mass of Moneta met him. They came by the way of Moneta so he could see the three little Maas children. He has a 15 day leave.
Re: Darrel Dean Higley
February 15, 1945
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Darrel Dean is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Higley and was born at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. on June 14, 1927. He spent most of his school years in Terril and since leaving school worked most of the time at the elevator. He enlisted in the Navy in October of 1944. He is now in training at the Naval Training Center at Farragut, Idaho.
Dean has two brothers, Bob and Leonard, both in school. He has one sister, Eileen, who is the wife of Donald Woodyard. Seaman 1-c who is somewhere in the South Pacific.
July 18, 1946
Dean Higley, USN, came home Thursday morning. He has been stationed at Pearl Harbor. He received his discharge, but isn’t sure what he will do. Dean looks fine like navy life agreed with him.
Bruce Hildreth went to Fort Snelling, Minnesota for his pre-induction physical examination for the army. He returned home Saturday.
Re: Wheeler Hinshaw
October 29, 1942
Former Terril Boy Survivor
Wheeler Hinshaw, formerly of Terril and now of Arnolds Park is among the survivors of the aircraft carrier Wasp, which was sunk in the South Pacific September 15. He is now home on leave and called on friends in Terril Tuesday.
Wheeler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cargill, former residents of Terril. He enlisted in the Navy December 8. the day the United States declared war on Japan.
Hinshaw spent about two hours in the water before being rescued by a destroyer. He suffered burns and hand injuries because he and his gun crew stayed at their post until the order was given to abandon ship.
13 Days On A Life Raft In The Pacific
Re: Marvin L. Hodge
May 30, 1943
Received June 10, 1943
Interesting Letter From Marvin Hodge
Fort Lewis, Wash.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Grow,
I sincerely hope that none of the receivers of the Record are as delinquent in responding to your most generous and thoughtful gesture as I am. I receive the Record each Monday and never wait till I get to the Barracks to open it up. I am very much interested in knowing what boys at home are in the armed services of the U.S. and where they are located. Many of them I know very well and others I am not acquainted with. Your thoughtfulness and generosity in sending me the Record will long be remembered.
I am sure that all the service men from home as well as the subscribers of the Record have heard of your sons captivity in the Philippines and are praying for his safe return home when the big job is done.
You as well as some of my friends at home would probably like to know what branch of service I am in. I am in the Infantry, where the real soldier was born. This unit is a combat outfit. I can’t say I like the Infantry but at the time of induction I had no choice. Our training is very tough, strenuous, and rigid. We arise at 4:30 a.m. and our days work is supposed to be finished at 5:30 p.m. but we have numerous night problems that last till 9 p.m. and some all night. We have no time to ourselves at all. I have been here 3 months and have not left the Post yet so you see how busy we actually are. For the past two weeks we have been on the combat range living under combat conditions. Before this we spent two weeks on the rifle range where I made shape shooter and lately have been coaching other soldiers how to shoot the rifle. We are taking lots of hikes now with long heavy pack on our back, the average hike being from 10 to 20 miles per day. Our training is so tough I would just as soon be fighting a the front- the only difference is that we would be more likely to be killed.
By the way have you ever seen anyone go to sleep standing up? It’s an everyday occurrence here. Most of us boys, at the end of the days work, are pretty well exhausted.
The second week I was in camp here a book was given to me as well as every soldier in camp. It’s the best book in the world and I’ve read it time and time again. Each time I get more out of it and it seems to put more strength into me which helps me to carry on my daily activities which become more strenuous each day. You probably have guessed the name of this book by now if not it’s the “Bible.” We are fighting a tough war and we are up against strong, ruthless enemies and it will take more than fighting and machines to win this war. It will take prayer and lots of it. We have lots of good churches here in camp and I go a s often as I can. Most of the boys here would rather go to church than go to town to a show. This sounds like it should be vice versa but the war has made a great change and it never the less is true.
Again I thank you for your contribution and in the end when the allies march in Rome, Berlin and Tokyo that your son may return home safely and tell you a story of a hero as only a hero can tell it.
Sincerely yours
Marvin L. Hodge
March 9, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Marvin L. Hodge was born February 11, 1909 in Terril. He graduated from Terril school in 1927. He had one year of schooling in Nashville, Tennessee. Before his induction into the Army he was with a loan firm in the south, mostly in Tennessee.
He entered the service February 12, 1943 and was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. He was home on a furlough from August 26 to September 6. On his return after his furlough, he was transferred to Regimental Headquarters. In January of 1944, he was transferred to Shreveport, Louisiana, at which place he is still stationed.
Marvin is the son of Mrs. E.L. Hodge. He has two sisters, Mrs. Oren Flaskegaard of Windom, Minnesota and Mrs. Arthur Noellsch of Marion. He has two brothers, Perry serving in the Army at Millville, N.J. and a twin brother, Meryl, at Nashville, Tennessee.
January 4, 1945
Mrs. Hodge has received word that her son, Marvin has been slightly wounded. He is in the European theater.
January 18, 1945
Mrs. Hodge tells us that she has just had word from Marvin and he is now in a hospital in England. He is receiving good care there and says the hot baths sure are good. He was wounded in France December 4 but is recovering nicely.
March 1, 1945
Mrs. Emma Hodge called Thursday to show us a purple heart awarded her son, Marvin, for Meritorious Conduct in Germany. He has been sent home and last week called his mother from New York on the telephone. He is still in a hospital for treatment for a wound in his knee suffered some months ago.
April 12, 1945
Pvt. Marvin Hodge and his mother, Mrs. Emma Hodge left Wednesday for Nashville, Tenn. Marvin will go back in the Veterans Hospital there and Mrs. Hodge will visit at Merle’s for a couple months. Marvin has been here for about a week and has also visited a the Orrin Flaskegaard home at Windom, Minn. He is slowly recovering from a leg wound received in England when 7 men were killed and 4 injured by a mortar shell. They will stop at Marion for a short visit on their way to Tennessee for a visit at the Nollsch home.
July 12, 1945
Pvt. Marvin Hodge, also a son of Mrs. Emma Hodge, has received a medical discharge from the army from the Thayer General hospital in Nashville, Tenn. He suffered a severe leg injury as a result of mortar shell shrapnel received on Dec. 4, 1944. He came back to the states early in the spring and was in a hospital in New York for a short time. He was home here for a few days, then he reported to the hospital in Tennessee. He will resume his work in Knoxville, Tenn.
Re: Perry Hodge
March 20, 1943
Former Resident Now in Army Writes
Perry Hodge
Richmond, Va.
May 16, 1943
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Grow,
Each time the Record comes to my desk I resolve anew that another day shall not pass without getting a note of thanks to you for the very generous and thoughtful gesture you are making in sending it to me and, as I gather to the other Terril fellows who are in various branches of our war effort and work. When I admit that I never fail to take time out to read everything in the paper from home it makes my excuse of not having time to write letters sound more than ever like an alibi, but if you could see the rush we are always in here in the job of getting the soldiers on this base paid off on time each month, you would realize that there is some basis for that claim.
Every item from the shortest “local” to the very last word in every advertisement is of intense interest, but I seem to dwell more avidly on the articles about the real fighting lads from Terril than on any others-partly, I’m sure, from a sense of pride in their positions and accomplishment, tinged more than slightly by envy of the privileges those positions give most of them for more tangible participation in the fight we are waging.
A near home news item is that we recently acquired a bevy of WAAC’s to augment our staff here. Even though none of them is originally from Iowa, they all had their basic training at Fort Des Moines, and I’ve had no end of pleasure in visiting with them about what they do know of our state. In true soldierly fashion, they found more to complain of than to praise, but actually that means that they thoroughly enjoyed their sojourn there. I know from personal experience in expressing my own reactions to places and things since getting into the army; the happier and more pleased a soldier is the more he gripes about those things from which his pleasure and happiness are derived. That is generally acknowledged to be the genuinely healthy condition.
Again, thanks for your contribution to the morale of this fragment of the armed forces. I know that each one whom you are similarly remembering each week feels as deeply grateful, and that each in his own way is joining in the prayer that definite and encouraging news of your own son- not already at hand shall not be long delayed.
Sincerely yours
Perry Hodge
February 24, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Sgt. Perry A. Hodge
Perry Hodge was born on a farm near Spirit Lake July 26, 1899. He came to Terril with his parents at the age of 6 months. He had most of his schooling in Terril and graduated from Terril high school in 1915 at the age of 16.
Before his induction into the Army, he was auditor for a loan firm through the south and east. Perry entered the armed forces in October, 1942 and was stationed at the U.S. Army air base at Richmond, Va., with the Finance Detachment. He was home on a furlough in June 1943. After returning from his furlough, he was transferred to Millville, N.J., where he is still stationed.
His home address is Terril as long as his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hodge live here.
July 12, 1945
Staff Sgt. Perry A. Hodge, son of Mrs. Emma Hodge, received his honorable discharge after two and one half years, on his age. He was contract auditor for the Army Air forces and was stationed in New York. Perry is spending a few weeks with his mother here and will then return to his old job in New York City.
Re: Francis J. Hoppe
December 21, 1944
Terril Boys in the Army and Navy
Francis J. Hope Ship-fitter 2/c enlisted in the Ninth Construction Battalion of the Navy Reserve (more commonly known as the “Seabees”) on March 16, 1942 as Spencer, Iowa. He was called to report for active duty May 8th and left from Des Moines for Camp Bradford, Norfolk, Virginia for his six weeks boot training. From there he was sent to Camp Endicott, Davisville, Rhode Island for advanced training before going overseas. The battalion left in August for Iceland and was there fourteen months.
Upon return to the states he was granted a thirty-one day leave and joined his wife in Minneapolis who was employed in the Twin Cities Ordnance Plant. She was the former Maurice Schroeder. They both spent his leave visiting his folks in North Dakota and her folks and friends here, also in Spirit Lake. Prior to his enlistment, Francis was employed at the People’s Natural Gas Company there.
The battalion joined again at the rest camp at Davisville, Rhode Island and Mrs. Hoppe went there to be with him.
Francis is now stationed in the Hawaiian Islands, having left the last of June from Port Hueneme, California.
February 1, 1945
Born Monday at an Estherville hospital a son weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hoppe. Mr. Hoppe is in the Navy. Mrs. Hoppe will be home today with her folks Wm. Schroeders. The baby has been named Roger Morris.
October 25, 1945
Francis Hoppe is reported in the Register list to be discharged from the navy. His home is at Spirit Lake. His wife is the former Maurice Schroeder.