Gold Star Names
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Several Terril area men gave their lives so you and I can enjoy the freedom we have today.
The Term Gold Star
Today, the nation recognizes the sacrifice that all Gold Star Family members make when a father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, or other loved one dies in service to the nation. Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day is the last Sunday of September and Gold Star Spouses Day is April 5.
The strength of our nation is our Army. The strength of our Army is our Soldiers. The strength of our Soldiers is our families. The Army recognizes that no one has given more for the nation than the families of the fallen.

World War I
Terril area

World War II
Terril area
- Pvt. John Anderson ; May 14, 1945; in Germany
- Sgt. Robert Christenson; Feb. 1944; Windover, Utah
- Sgt. LeRoy Cruse; May 1944; over Germany
- Pvt. Roger Cushman; Feb. 1945; in Germany
- Sgt. Dale Enderson; Oct. 1944; near Borneo
- Pfc. Bernard Grow; 1944; in Japan prison camp – Battan Death March
- Sgt. Albert Kahler; Aug. 1944; in France
- PFC. Kenneth McCoy; May 23, 1945; Okinawa
- Lt. Maurice Miller; Dec. 11 1942; off the coast of Puerto Rico
- Seaman 2nd Class Leonard Moore; August 1942; on the cruiser U.S.S. Vincennes, Pacific Ocean
- Pvt. Milton Simpson; September, 1944; in France
- Capt. Ralph Wade; April 23, 1944; Schick General Hospital, Clinton, Iowa
- Seaman 2nd Class Jerry Wyland; May 11, 1945; South Pacific

Dickinson County, Iowa
Gold Star Names Total 35
State Dept. of History and Archives Compiled List
Thirty-five of the 1250 men who went to World War II from Dickinson county gave their lives that this nation might continue to be free. Between the birthdays of two great Americans, it seems fitting to pay tribute at this time.
The total casualty list of Iowa’s known dead as of Feb. 9, 1946, is 7259. Dickinson county’s list is small in comparison but according to population figures, we more than gave our share.
The list which appears below is a summary of the casualties recorded by the State Dept. of History and Archives. The accompanying letter explains that the War Department as yet has sent no official list. There will be additions and corrections because the listing has been made according to the permanent address of the next of kin at the time the man entered the service.
Bean, Raymond: Killed in action in Pacific area July 11, 1945.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Bean, Arnolds Park, IA.
Behrens, Estel Lt. (formerly Spirit Lake) Killed over China Feb. 2, 1945.
Wife: Mrs. Estel Behrens, Spencer, IA.
Bellow, Glenn, Pfc. Died in Japanese prison camp June 1943.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. B.V. Bellows, Rfd. 1, Spirit Lake, IA.
Berning, Arthur. Killed in action in Europe Sept. 25, 1944, France.
Father: J.A. Berning, Milford, IA.
Bockwoldt, Edwin J., Pfc. Lake Park. Killed in action in France Aug. 16, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Hans N. Bockwoldt, Rfd. 3, Lake Park, IA.
Burger, Dennis D., Milford. Killed in action, Coral Sea. Missing since May 8, 1942 declared dead May 8, 1943. Father: Rex Burger, Milford. Mother: Mrs. Ruby Burger, Milford, IA.
Christensen, Robert K., S/Sgt. Lost life in bomber crash, Utah, Jan. 27, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christensen, Superior, IA.
Cruse, LeRoy. S/Sgt., Terril. Previously reported missing, now declared dead in Germany, May 28, 1944. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cruse, Terril, IA.
Foss, Howard. Killed in Italy.
Sister: Miss. Marjorie Foss, Arnolds Park, IA.
Grow, Bernard L., Pfc. Died in Japanese prison camp Dec. 1, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grow, Terril, IA.
Hensley, Gale, Lake Park. Accidentally shot Oct. 3, 1944 somewhere in South Pacific.
Mother: Mrs. Lillie Hensley, Lake Park, IA.
Hoffman, Ora W. Pvt., Spirit Lake. Killed in action in France, Oct. 21, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hoffman, 417 E. 12th, Spirit Lake, IA.
Kehoe, Kenneth C., Pfc. Milford. Killed in France Nov. 17, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kehoe, Milford, IA.
Kidd, John Wilbur, 1st Lt. Lost life in action off Crete Oct. 29, 1942. Officially declared dead.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. V.V. Kidd, Spirit Lake, IA.
Laster, Donald, Killed in action, Leyte, Philippines.
Mother: Mrs. Sophia Laster, Lincoln, IA.
Luchtel, Gilbert R., Sgt., Killed while fighting Japanese on Leyte, Nov. 12, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Luchtel, Milford, IA.
McCormick, Russell, Pfc. Killed in action on Okinawa May 3, 1945.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. C.J. McCormick, Spirit Lake, IA.
McKinney, Derald K., Pfc. Killed in action in SW Pacific area Nov. 12, 1944.
Father: Arthur McKinney, Arnolds Park, IA.
Marks, Morris, Lt. Reported missing in action over Germany Feb 21, 1944, declared dead Oct. 5, 1945.
Parents: Dr. and Mrs. Wilford Marks, Lake Park, IA.
Mitchell, William, Killed in action on Okinawa April 28, 1945.
Mother: Mrs. Maude Mitchell, Oakland, CA. (formerly Spirit Lake)
Wife: Mildred S. Mitchell, 1222 10th Ave., Oakland, CA.
Molly, Maynard Francis, Lt. Missing over Mediterranean March 31, 1943, presumed dead April 1, 1944.
Wife : Mrs. Francis Molly, Arnolds Park, IA.
Morphew, Lambert Linton, Pvt. Killed in action on Luzon March 16, 1945.
Mother: Mrs. Alma M. McClure, Lake Park, IA.
Father: Fae Morphew, Nora Springs, Iowa.
Murray, Ralph Clinton, S/Sgt. Missing over Poland April 11, 1944, declared dead.
Wife: Mrs. Emma Murray, Arnolds Park, IA.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Murray, Arnolds Park, IA.
Newman, Duane G., Pvt. Killed in action Jan 23, 1945, Belgium.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Newman, Rt. 2, Milford, IA.
Place, Leon A., 2nd Lt., Milford. Killed in plane crash near Mason City, Iowa August 1, 1943.
Parents: Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Place, Milford, IA.
Prinz, Donald Leroy, Lt. Spirit Lake. Killed in plane crash in Salton Sea, Calif. Aug. 2, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Prinz, Spirit Lake, IA.
Simpson, Milton D., Pfc., Terril. Killed in action in France, Sept. 15, 1944.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Simpson, Terril, IA
Stammer, Ralph. Killed in action in Germany, March 24, 1945.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stammer, Spirit Lake, IA.
Stauffer, Edward H., Lt., Milford. Missing aboard USS Indianapolis sunk July 30, 1945, declared dead.
Parents: Chaplain and Mrs. W.A. Stauffer, San Antonio, TX.
Titterington, Everett Cecil, Milford. Fireman 1/c. Killed in action aboard USS Oklahoma Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Mother: Mrs. Pearl C. Titterington, Milford, IA.
Wade, Ralph Vernon, Capt. Died April 23, 1944, at Schick Gen. Hospital, Clinton, IA. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wade, Bode, Iowa.
Weaver, Sydney, Pvt. Killed in action as of Nov. 8, 1944, previously reported missing.
Wife: Mrs. Muriel Weaver, Spirit Lake, IA.
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Weaver, Spirit Lake, IA.
Wyland, Jerry Dale, MM 2/c. Terril. Killed in Action aboard USS Bunker Hill, May 11, 1945, South Pacific
Mother: Mrs. Ruth Wyland, Terril, IA.