Legion minutes 1945 – 1965
Nov 13 1945
Meeting of Walsh Post 432, Nov 13, 1945. Meeting called to order by the adjutant, A. D. Coleman. Minutes of last meeting read.
The following officers were elected for 1946.
Comm Bugie Anderson
Vice Comm Oliver Johnson
Adjutant A.D. Coleman
Serg at Arms Andy Rubis
Chaplain Leo Detterman
Chris Strube
Herman Boetscher
Fred Mohr
The following members were present. Bugie Anderson, Oliver Johnson, A.D. Coleman, Andy Rubis, Leo Detterman, Chris Strube, Herman Boetscher, and Fred Mohr.
A discussion followed in regards to the Legion membership.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
A.D. Coleman
Nov 5 1946
Meeting of Walsh Post No. 432 at the office of the Adjutant, Tuesday evening Nov 5 1946.
Members present:
Bugie Anderson Comm
Ollie Johnson Adj’t Pro-Tem
Garland Walters Roger Lewis
Andy Rubis Gerald Taylor
Adolph Petters Herman Boetscher
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The following officers were elected for 1947.
Comm Roger Lewis
Vice Comm Gerald Taylor
Adj’t Garland Walters
Serg at Arms Henry Blum
Chaplain Weldon Lewis
Service Off L.J. Moore
Adolph Peters A.D. Coleman
Ollie Johnson Andy Rubis
Herman Boetscher
The Motion was made and seconded that the dues be raised to $3.25 per year. Motion carried.
Members with dues paid for 1947.
Weldon Rubis Chris Strube
Keith Wright W.H. Nachtigall
Adolph Petters Burr Wright
Albert Coleman Bugie Anderson
John Petta Harold Marsh
Daniel Fairchild Bert Brock
Stanley Nelson Duane Anderson
Andy Rubis
Ollie Johnson
Adj’t Pro-Tem
Nov 26 1946
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 held in the Legion Club Room.
Motion made to change the Post name not carried, but to be held over for further consideration.
Motion made and carried to exhibit a film for the benefit of Walsh Post 432.
Motion made and carried that the Legion Post use the name “Legion Youth Movement” as a title to assist the youth of the Terril community and that Henry Blum, Edith Walsh, and William Pederson act as representives or committeemen of the said “Legion Youth Movement”.
Motion made and carried that Weldon Rubis, Sam Zehnder and William Cruse represent the “Sick Committee”.
Motion made and carried that Emil Zehnder be made “Legion Club Manager”.
Motion made and carried that a committee of Lloyd Birt, Robert Powell and Vern Johnson handle the U.S.O. fund drive.
Members present:
Andy Rubis Oliver Johnson
Robert Powell Edith Walsh
Archie Birt Willie Pederson
Lloyd Birt Weldon Rubis
Henry Blum W.M. Cruse
Herman Boetscher Emil Zehnder
Roger Lewis Adolph Peters
Minutes were read and approved as read. Meeting adjourned.
Garland Walters
Feb 4 1947
Walsh Post 432
Roll Call
Roger Lewis Jennings Aske
Ben Nutting Lynn Lunstrom
Henry Blum Ernest Bridson
Herman Boetscher George Bonn
Emil Blunder Garland Walter
Motion made and carried that Bert Coleman be paid balance on flag.
Motion made and carried that the Byron post name “Walsh” not be changed.
Motion made and carried that a sum of twenty dollars be allocated to each of two representatives to the commanders and adjutants meeting held at Des Moines, Iowa Feb. 16-17 1947.
Motion made and carried that the legion assist in fostering a boy scout organization for Terril.
Those selected for building committee,
1 Herman Boetscher
2 Ernest Bridson
3 Ollie Johnson
Entertainment Committee
1 Ernest
2 Andy Rubis
3 Lyn Lunstrom
Minutes were read and approved as recorded. Meeting adjourned.
Garland G. Walters, adj.
Feb. 25, 1947
Regular Monthly Meeting of Feb. 25, 1947
Roll Call
Chris Nochtigal Bill Cruse
Floyd Birt Archie Birt
Sam Schnider LaVern Johnson
Andy Rubis Wildon Lewis
Lynn Lunderstrom Gerald Taylor
Emil Schnider Everette Zittirich
Wildon Rubis Herman Buetcher
Motin made and carried that the legion sponsor a junior legion baseball team.
Motion made and carried that the club room be rented to outside activities for five dollars per ‘nite’
Motion made and carried that Gerald Taylor act as Manager of the Junior Legion Baseball Team.
Motion made and carried that the meeting be adjourned
Garland G. Walters, adj.
March 25, 1947
Walsh Post 432,
Regular Monthly meeting of March 25, 1947
Roll Call
Emil Slander Linyings Ashe
“Bird” Lewis Fred Mohr
William Bettinch Herman Bactcher
Ollie Johnson Lyn Lundstrom
Sam Shuder Gerald Taylor
Floyd Birt John Petta
Chris Nochtigal John Clark
Adolph Petters
Motion made and carried that this legion post pay for flowers for the Rubis funeral.
Motion made and caried tha the Legion furnish ice cream for the children on the day of the womens auxilliary festivition.
Junior legion baseball committee
Gerald Taylor, Manager
Chris Nachtigal and John Clark Assistants.
Motion made and seconded tha the minites stand as read. Meeting closed
Lunch served for the members present.
Garland G. Walters Adjutant
May 27 1947
Walsh Post 432
Regular manthly meeting of May 27 1947
Roll call:
Roger Lewis Lloyd Birt
Archie Birt Gerald Taylor
Cliff Rubis Emil Zehnder
Ollie Johnson Les Moore
John Clark Bill Pedersen
Herman Boetcher Andy Rubis
Ralph Cutshall Dan Quick
Zipp Koons Ben Nutting
Charles Waterman Bill Cruse
Guy Eick Henry Blum
Tom Rubis Sam Zehnder
Lynn Lunstrom Erwin Bridson
Verne Johnson Fred Wylanders
Fred Mohr
Motion made and carried that we buy an electric coolers for the club.
Motion made and carried that we elect a tempary board of directors for the club.
Tempary Board of Directors:
Andy Rubis
Ollie Johnson
Gerlald Taylor
Motion made and carried that the Walsh Post furnish one baseball suit for the town baseball team.
Motion made and seconded that the post have a sign made reading as follows ” Legion Club Room – Post 432″
The following were selected as Club Roon Committee for fair days:
Fred Mohr
Bill Cruse
Geddy Taylor
Meryl Lewis
Cilfton Rubis was nominated to be head of the Fair Committee.
Motion made and carried that the meeting be adjourned. Lunch was served to the members after the meeting.
Lloyd Birt
Adj’t Pro-Tem
June 6 1947
Walsh Post 432 June 6 1947
Roll call:
Andy Rubis Lynn Lumstrom
Emil Zehnder Oliver Johnson
Sam Zehnder Everett Zittrich
Tom Rubis Archie Birt
Fred Wyland Le Vern Johnson
Gerald Taylor
A special meeting was called June 6 to discuss Caravel funds.
Motion made and seconded to give our share of the proceeds from the lunch stand to the woman.
Motion made and seconded to make ballot cards.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn.
John Clark
June 24 1947
Walsh Post 432 June 24 1947
The regular meeting of the Walsh Post 432 Was held June 24. A motion was made and seconded that $25.00 be sent to Rev Melson of Sibly for his services on Momorial Day.
Motion made and seconded that the bill of $6.75 be paid to Roger Lewis for his order of flag and staff.
Motion made amd seconded that the Club manager on approval of members and if profits ane sufficient be paid mot more than $10.00 a month.
Motion made and seconded that $1000.00 be put into a flexable building jund which can be used in case of emergency for othe uses only on vote of Legion members.
Motion made and seconded that when the cash on hand reaches $750.00 , $250.00 be put into flexable building fund.
Election of Officers:
For Commander:
Oliver Johnson 13
Bill Pederson 5
Gerald Taylor 2
Weldon Rubis 2
Vice Commander:
Bill Pederson 11
Gerald Taylor 5
Vern Johnson 3
Lloyd Birt 14
Guy Eick 5
Service Officer Weldon Rubis
Chaplain Herman Boetcher
Sergeant at Arms:
Henry Blum 10
Meryl Lewis 9
Motion made and seconded that Club Manager be kept as was. Therefor:
Comm Oliver Johnson
Vice Comm Willie Pederson
Adjutant Lloyd Birt
Service Officer Weldon Rubis
Chaplain Herman Boetcher
Sergeant at Arms Henry Blum
Motion made and seconded that meeting come to close.
John Clark
July 15 1947
Walsh past 432 Special Session July 15 1947
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
Installing of officers were made by our past Commander and our new officers took their posts.
Motion made and seconded that the Post Colors be sent to Sioux City during the Convention August 11, 12, and 13th.
Motion made and seconded that the meeting be brought to a close.
Lloyd W. Birt
Aug 26 1947
Regular meeting was held and brought to a close by motion made by Ralph Cutshall seconded by Bill Cruse.
Members present:
Herman Boetcher Fred Wyland
Ralph Cutshall Bill Cruse
Lynn Lunstrom La Verne Johnson
Fred Mohr Sam Zehnder
Sept 30 1947
JUNE 29 1948
Regular meeting was held June 29 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows
Ollie Johnson Sam Zehnder
Meryl Lewis Danny Quick
Lynn Lundstrom Gerald Taylor
Fred Mohr Luvern Johnson
Bill Rohlf Weldon Rubis
Emil Zehnder Archie Birt
Motion made by Weldon Rubis and seconded by Fred Mohr that the Legion give Rev. Nelson $25.00 for Memorial Day Speaker.
Emil Zehnder and Zipp Koons were appointed by the Commander to serve on the Building Committee.
Motion made by Weldon Rubis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that the meeting come to a close. Carried by the majority.
Lloyd Birt
By Archie Birt
Aug 1948
Election of Officers, those elected were as follows:
Bill Pedersen Commander
Sam Zehnder Vice Commander
Archie Birt Adjutant
Franklin Koons Chaplain
Robert Harvey Sgt of Arms
Daniel Quick Assistant Sgt of Arms
George Sands Club Manager
Motion made by Sam Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that the meeting come to a close. Carried
Archie Birt
Sept 26 1948
Regular meeting was held Sept. 26 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Bill Pedersen Andy Rubis
George Sands Fred Wyland
Stanley Nelson Jack Arthur
Bill Cruse Emil Zehnder
Lynn Lundstrom Meryl Lewis
Fred Mohr Tom Rubis
Danny Quick Sam Zehnder
Ollie Johnson Vernon Pederson
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that the 1949 dues be set at $2.25. Carried.
Motion made by Vernon Pederson and seconded by Meryl Lewis that the Legion have a Bowling team. Lynn Lundstrom appointed as captain.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Lynn Lundstrom that the Building Committee be empowered to buy Stratmans building for $7,00.00 or less. Carried.
Motion made that the meeting come to a close. Carried.
Archie Birt
Jan 4 1949
Regular meeting was held Jan 4th at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Ollie Johnson Fred Mohr
Danny Quick Andy Rubis
Bill Pederson Emil Zehnder
Sam Zehnder Don Schmeling
Cliff Rubis George Sands
Guy Eick Weldon Rubis
Weldon Lewis Geddy Taylor
Adolph Peters Meryl Lewis
Lynn Lundstrom Archie Birt
Luvern Johnson
Motion made by Tom Rubis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we pay Grow’s for the Christmas advertising
Motion made by Cliff Rubis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that the Legion Club grant $100.00 to the American Legion. Carried.
Motion made by George Sands and seconded by Danny Quick that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie Birt
Jan 25 1949
Regular meeting was held Jan 25th at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Vernon Pederson Jack Arthur
Danny Quick Les Moore
Bill Pederson Emil Zehnder
Sam Zehnder Don Schmeling
Luvern Johnson George Sands
Bill Cruse Weldon Rubis
Weldon Lewis Archie Birt
Meryl Lewis Lynn Lundstrom
Howard Sands
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we split the bill for the Oyster Supper of the joint meeting.
Motion made by George Sands and seconded by Weldon Rubis that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie Birt
Feb 22 1949
Regular meeting was held Feb 22th at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Chris Nachtigal Cleo Hopkins
Danny Quick Les Moore
Bill Pederson Emil Zehnder
Sam Zehnder Don Schmeling
Luvern Johnson George Sands
Bill Cruse Ollie Johnson
Weldon Lewis Archie Birt
Meryl Lewis Lynn Lundstrom
Howard Sands Archie Birt
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by George Sands that the Legion pay for Oyster supper.
Motion made by Bill Pederson and seconded by George Sands that we pay for the flowers and flag for Bud Cruse’s funeral.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Meryl Lewis that Howard Sands open the club at convenient time for Legionnaires.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Bill Cruse that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie Birt
March 7 1949
Special meeting was held Mon. March 7th at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Meryl Lewis George Sands
Sam Zehnder Claude Stratman
Luvern Johnson Weldon Lewis
John Bielfeldt Ralph Cutshall
Fred Mohr Bill Cruse
Ollie Johnson Emil Zehnder
Dan Quick Howard Sands
Everett Zitterich Don Schmeling
Les Moore Lynn Lundstrom
Bill Pederson Archie Birt
Stanley Nelson Leonard Zitterich
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Luvern Johnson that we pay Howard Sands $25.00 a week. Carried
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Dan Quick that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie Birt
March 29 1949
Regular meeting was held March 29 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Howard Sands Dan Quick
Bill Pederson Fred Mohr
Guy Eick Bill Cruse
Sam Zehnder Luvern Johnson
Ollie Johnson Lynn Lundstrom
Emil Zehnder Ralph Cutshall
Donald Schmeling
Those present voted 13-0 in favor of a County Service Officer at a fee not to exceed $1.00 per person. Those present at County meeting were instructed to vote accordingly.
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Lynn Lundstrom that we send a boy or boys to Boys State.
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Lynn Lundstrom that we appoint Howard Sands and Ollie Johnson to represent Legion in Simper Fidelis Clean Up Program.
Motion made by Lynn Lundstrom and seconded by Danny Quick that we adjourn. Carried
Archie Birt
April 26 1949
Regular meeting was held April 26 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Dan Quick Les Moore
Bill Pederson Ollie Johnson
Bill Cruse Don Schmeling
Ollie Johnson Lynn Lundstrom
Emil Zehnder Ralph Cutshall
Approved by members that we advance the date of the May meeting from the 31st to the 24th due to Memorial day.
Discussion was held on speakers for Memorial day. Also the building committee chairmen gave a report.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Ralph Cutshall that Walsh Post 432 cooperate with the Library Board in building a Memorial Building, and contribute building fund for said building with equal representation for governing.
Motion made by Les Moore and seconded by Dan Quick that meeting come to a close. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
May 24 1949
Regular meeting was held May 24 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Everett Zitterich Meryl Lewis
Lynn Lundstrom Don Schmeling
Dan Quick Ollie Johnson
Luvern Johnson Andy Rubis
Claude Stratman Fred Mohr
Emil Zehnder Willie Pedersen
George Sands Fred Wyland
Cliff Rubis Archie Birt
Minutes of last meeting read and stood approved.
Dan Quick gave a report on the Ninth District Convention held at Spirit Lake.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Dan Quick that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
June 28 1949
Regular meeting was held June 28 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Meryl Lewis Emil Zehnder
Dan Quick Sam Zehnder
Howard Sands Don Schmeling
Willie Pederson Luvern Johnson
Cliff Rubis Archie Birt
Fred Mohr
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Cliff Rubis that no additional funds be turned over to the building fund as of June 28 1949 until sixty per cent of paid up members vote on it differently.
Motion made by Fred Mohr and seconded by Howard Sands that we pay Peter Narey $25.00 as Decoration Day speaker.
Motion made by Cliff Rubis and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we send in the form for new rifles.
Motion made by Howard Sands and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we hire Dan Quick as of the first of the month at $25.00 a week and 10% of the net profits with the same hours.
Motion made by Sam Zehnder and seconded by Cliff Rubis that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
July 26 1949
Regular Legion meeting was held July 26 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Cliff Rubis Ollie Johnson
Luvern Johnson Weldon Rubis
Don Schmeling George Sands
Dan Quick Lynn Lundstrom
Meryl Lewis Sam Zehnder
Emil Zehnder Archie Birt
Motion made by Dan Quick and seconded by George Sands that we change the meeting date from the last Tuesday of the month to the second Monday of the month effective immediately. Carried.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
August 8 1949
Regular Legion meeting was held August 8 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Meryl Lewis Sam Zehnder
Claude Stratman Ollie Johnson
Lynn Lundstrom George Sands
Hank Blum Willie Pederson
Emil Zehnder Archie Birt
Election of Officers was held.
Those elected were as follows:
Commander Sam Zehnder
Vice Commander Hank Blum
Adjutant Archie Birt
Chaplain Willie Pederson
Sgt at Arms Meryl Lewis
Service Officer Emil Zehnder
Historian Dan Quick
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
October 9 1949
Regular Legion meeting was held October 9 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Don Schmeling Leonard Zitterich
Emil Zehnder Meryl Lewis
Lynn Lundstrom Claude Stratman
George Sands Luvern Johnson
Fred Mohr Jerry Berger
Willie Pederson Sam Zehnder
Dan Quick Archie Birt
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we put the membership dues at $3.00. Carried
Emil Zehnder and Willie Pederson were elected to be put on the Library Governing Board.
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
November 7 1949
Regular Legion meeting was held November 7 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Ollie Johnson Luvern Johnson
Claude Stratman Willie Pederson
Emil Zehnder Les Moore
Bill Cruse Meryl Lewis
Dan Quick Sam Zehnder
Archie Birt
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we give five ($5.00) dollars to the Salvation Army. Carried
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Dan Quick that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
December 12 1949
Regular Legion meeting was held December 12 1949 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Luvern Johnson Willie Pederson
Emil Zehnder George Sands
Jerry Berger Meryl Lewis
Dan Quick Sam Zehnder
Archie Bit Leonard Zitterich
Don Schmeling Lynn Lundstrom
Willie Pederson gave a report on the governing board of the Community Building.
Motion made by Willie Pederson and seconded by Dan Quick that the Legion sponsor a New Years Eve dance providing the floor is ready. Carried.
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Luvern Johnson that meeting come to a close.
Archie D. Birt
January 9 1950
Regular Legion meeting was held January 9 1950 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Luvern Johnson Willie Pederson
Emil Zehnder Les Moore
Jerry Berger Meryl Lewis
Dan Quick Sam Zehnder
Archie Birt Leonard Zitterich
Don Schmeling Lynn Lundstrom
Claude Stratman Ollie Johnson
Motion made by Dan Quick and seconded by Meryl Lewis that the Legion pay for tuning the Auxiliary piano in the Memorial Building. Carried.
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
1. Richard L. Kinkead
2. Allen Guy Eick
3. Oliver Johnson
4. Harold W. Schnell
5. L. H. Nachtigall
6. W. H. Nachtigall
7. Chris Nachtigall
8. Archie Dale Birt
9. Willie Pederson
10. George Carson Sands
11. John Bielfeldt Jr.
12. Chris J. Strube
13. Leo Kevane
14. Meryl A. Lewis
15. Joe V. Pick
16. Gerald Berger
17. Cleo C. Hopkins
18. Emil Zehnder
19. Leonard Harry Zitterich
20. Everett W. Zitterich
21. Leslie John Moore
22. William C. Rohlf
23. Donald E. Schmeling
24. Claude Stratman
25. E. W. Youell Jr.
26. Luvern Nels Johnson
27. Gerald E. Taylor
28. Samuel W. Zehnder
29. William Cruse
30. Leo G. Determan
31. Chris Peters
32. Stanley H. Nelson
33. Daniel Quick
34. Lynn Lundstrom
35. Fred Mohr
36. Ted Loudermilk
37. Paul V. Flaharty
38. Claude Krieger
39. Henry C. Blum
40. Vernon R. Pederson
41. Robert Harvey
42. Art Roe
43. Ernest L. Baedke
44. Weldon C. Rubis
45. Howard J. Sands
46. Kenneth G Gordon
47. Darial H. Determan
48. Clifton Rubis
49. Francis Hoppe
50. Robert W. Glenn
51. Erwin Bridson
52. Donald Zelinsky
53. Ralph Cutshall
February 6 1950
Regular Legion meeting was held Feb 6 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Lynn Lundstrom Sam Zehnder
Meryl Lewis Dan Quick
Emil Zehnder Don Schmeling
Luvern Johnson John Bielfeldt Jr.
A representative from Arnolds Park gave some facts on the membership drive and on the County Convention.
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
March 13 1950
Regular Legion meeting was held March 13 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Don Schmeling Dan Quick
Don Zelinsky Sam Zehnder
Luvern Johnson Archie Birt
Les Moore Emil Zehnder
Lynn Lundstrom Cliff Rubis
Willie Pederson George Couch
Coach Couch gave some facts on Junior Legion Baseball. It was carried by a majority of the members present for the Junior Legion Baseball.
Lynn Lundstrom was appointed to attend the County meetings.
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Willie Pederson that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
April 10 1950
Regular Legion meeting was held April 10 at eight o’clock.
Those present were as follows:
Sam Zehnder Dan Fairchild
Luvern Johnson Guy Eick
Don Schmeling Jerry Burger
Weldon Rubis Leonard Zitterich
Ollie Johnson Archie Birt
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Guy Eick that we hold a County meeting at Terril- April 27 1950. Carried.
Motion made by Dan Quick and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we hold a joint meeting with the Auxiliary on Thursday April 13th 1950.
Motion made by Tommy Rubis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we send a boy to Boys State.
Motion made by Tommy Rubis and seconded by Dan Fairchild that we sponsor and pay for equipment for a Junior Legion Baseball Team. The equipment buying committee consists of:
Coach Couch
Emil Zehnder
Sam Zehnder
Candidate for Outstanding Legionnaire is Ollie Johnson.
Motion made by Tommy Rubis and seconded by Guy Eick that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
May 8 1950
Regular Legion meeting was held May 8 1950 at eight P.M.
Those present were as follows:
Ralph Cutshall Don Schmeling
Guy Eick Weldon Rubis
Dan Fairchild George Sands
Emil Zehnder Sam Zehnder
George Couch Archie Birt
Motion made by Weldon Rubis and seconded by Ollie Johnson that we contact Peter Narey as a Memorial Day Speaker. Carried.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Guy Eick that we purchase a duplicator.
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Weldon Rubis that we withdraw the amount deposited after June 28, 1949 into the Legion Club Building Fund, and put it into Legion Club savings account. Carried.
Motion made by Ollie Johnson and seconded by Dan Quick that we adjourn. Carried.
Archie D. Birt
August 14 1950
Regular meeting was held August 14 1950 at 8:00 P.M..
Members present were:
Commander Sam Zehnder Don Schmeling
Emil Zehnder Luvern Johnson
Bill Pedersen Meryl Lewis
Ralph Cutshall Dan Quick
Ollie Johnson
Election of Officers was held:
Commander Ollie Johnson
Vice Commander Luvern Johnson
Adjutant Dan Quick
Sgt of Arms Don Schmeling
Service Officer Emil Zehnder
Chaplain Bill Pedersen
Finance Officer Emil Zehnder
The boy we sent to Boys State gave a report on his activities in “Boys State”.
Motion made by Bill Pedersen and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn. Carried.
Daniel Quick
Oct 9 1950
Regular meeting was held at Legion Clubrooms. Commander Oliver Johnson Commanding.
Members present were
Commander Oliver Johnson
Vice Commander Luvern Johnson
Adjutant Daniel Quick
Sgt of Arms Don Schmeling
Service Officer Emil Zehnder
L.J. Moore Claude Stratman
Joe Peck Weldon Rubis
Sam Zehnder Meryl Lewis
Color Bearers were appointed as follows:
Meryl Lewis
Joe Peck
Color Guards were:
Weldon Rubis
Les Moore
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we hold a joint County meeting with the Auxiliary at a date to be set by the Auxiliary. Motion carried.
Finance Officer Zehnder gave a financial report.
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn. Motion carried.
Daniel Quick
April 16 1951
A special meeting was held on April 16 1951 at the Legion Clubrooms.
Members present were:
Oliver Johnson Kenneth Hanson
Emil Zehnder Dan Fairchild
Sam Zehnder Luvern Johnson
Dan Quick
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Luvern Johnson that Sam Zehnder be appointed as Jr. Legion Baseball Manager.
It was decided to keep the club open on Wed & Sat nites.
Discussion was held on finishing of the Legion room in the Memorial Building.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Daniel Quick
May 14 1951
Regular meeting of Walsh Post No. 432 of the American Legion was held at the Legion Clubroom.
Members Present were:
Oliver Johnson Luvern Johnson
Emil Zehnder Sam Zehnder
Don Schmeling Bob Harvey
Meryl Lewis Dan Quick
Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Meryl Lewis that we donate $100.00 (one hundred dollars) for improvement of the baseball diamond and backstop.
Motion made by Meryl Lewis and seconded by Sam Zehnder that we donate $10.00 (ten dollars) for construction of a batting cage providing the town team will cooperate.
Motion made by Luvern Johnson and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we adjourn.
Daniel Quick
Legion meeting held on April 1st, 1955. Purpose, reorganize Walsh past 432, in Terril, IA.
Acting comm Olie Johnson, reorganization discussed, new officers elected.
Comm. Stanley Nelson
Vice Comm. Wm. Cruise
Adj’t Donald Lane
Service Officer Emil Zehnder
Sgt of Arms Weldon Rubis
Finance Officer Eugene Youell
Chaplin Willie Pederson
Meeting night-1st Friday night of the month.
Discussed purchasing of building, voted building to be purchased, motion carried.
Motion made by Fred Mohr-seconded by Lewis Grady. That comm. and adj’t be authorized to borrow $2000.00 from State Bank of Terril for purpose of buying. Telephone building motion carried.
Motion made by E. Zitterich to adjourn-second by Lowell Hills-motion carried.
May 6, 1955
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril, IA. called to order by Comm. Nelson. 9 members present minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Discussion of purchase of building for Legion. Telephone and Stratman buildings are mentioned. Building committee appointed are Bill Cruze, E. Zehnder and E. Zitterich.
Motion made by Don Zelinsky-second by Bob Harvey, that we help the auxiliary with memorial day services and pay half of the expense of speaker motion carried. Tom Rubis approved committee char.
Motion made by L. Hills-second by Leonard Zitterich. That meeting adj. motion carried.
June 3, 1955
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril, IA meeting called to order by Comm. Nelson.
Motion made by E. Zehnder, second by Tom Rubis to send Reo Jones a check for $15.00 for this service on memorial day, carried.
Discussion on sending cards to members as a reminder for meetings. Also on membership. The possibilities of building a new building. Telephone building and Stratman building way of raising money.
Motion made by Tom Rubis- second by E. Zehnder. The following bills be allowed. Express or skills $1.85, carried.
Motion by L. Hills second by Don Zelinsky for meeting to adjourn carried.
July 1, 1955
Meeting of a Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. S. Nelson, minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Discussion of membership drive committee of Don Zelinsky, Tom Rubis, and Stanley Nelson.
Motion made by Tom Rubis-second by Bob Strube to have Ken Heberster speak at our next meeting. Lunch committee, Don Zelinsky and Tom Rubis.
Motion made by L. Hills second by L. Zitterich to adjourn carried.
August 1955
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson. After pancake supper was enjoyed Legion members meeting was turned over to Ken Heberster who gave a talk.
Meeting adjourned:
Sept. 2, 1955
Legion meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Stanley Nelson. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Motion made by Tom Rubis to hold a pancake supper. Second by Bob Fairchild, motion carried.
Kitchen chairman Stan Nelson
Dining room chairman Don Zelinsky
Motion made by Don Zelinsky, that dues by set at $5.00 second by E. Zitterich motion carried.
Bills- K & M Sales Co. Briefcase $2.86
Motion made by Blaine Pederson, that bills be allowed. Second by Tom Rubis.
Motion made by Tom Rubis that the legion offer our services to the School for Football games. Second by Bob Fairchild.
Motion made by Bob Fairchild that meeting adjourn Second Tom Fairchild carried.
Oct. 1955
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson.
Motions by E. Zitterich that a bill of $5.00 crush basement,
be allowed second by D Bensen.
Discussed building for Legion motion by O. Johnson, second by L. Hill to have E. Zitterich inquire about cost of round rafters, building of different size.
Motion made by Tom Rubis -seconded by D. Bensen meeting adjourn carried.
Nov. 4, 1955
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Stan Nelson. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Report by E. Zitterich on cost of buildings.
Clean up old club rooms Sunday Nov 6th.
Stanley Nelson gave report on County Legion meeting at Milford.
Lowell Hills elected to be Walsh Post rep or Vice Comm on County Unit.
Motion made to adjourn by Les Moore-seconded by L. Johnson carried.
Dec 1, 1955
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Stan Nelson. Minutes read and approved.
Movies shown.
Discussion of buildings. Stratman building.
Motion by E. Zitterich Sec by D. Bensen to appoint building committee to check on Stratman building.
Committee appointed:
E. Zitterich
Wm Cruse
D. Bensen
Motion carried by L. Hills-second by Tom Rubis for a committee to meet with library board.
Stan Nelson
Don Lane
Gene Yowell
Motion by Bob Harvey Second by D. Bensen that bill of $14.50 on cards be allowed, carried.
Motion by Rubis Second by Harvey that meeting adjourn, carried.
Jan. 5, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by adj’t Don Lane. Minutes read and approved.
Report on Stratman building by E. Zitterich a sum of $2,500.00 to repair the outside.
Motion by E. Zitterich.-Second by Tom Rubis to drop the Stratman Building and get estimates on building from ground up carried.
Motion by E. Zitterich Second by S. Zehnder to have a writer vote on purchases of projector.
Yes 8
No 9
Motion by S. Zehnder second by V. Pedersen that meeting adjourn carried.
Feb. 3, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson. Minutes read and approved.
Bob Burquist of Spirit Lake was introduced and spoke on sponsoring the Boy Scouts of Troop of Terril.
Motion by D. Bensen that Walsh Post 432 of Terril sponsor Scout Troop 66 of Terril Second by E. Zitterich carried
Troops Committee
Stan Nelson
Darril Benson
Don Lane
O. Johnson
Dan Fairchild
Cliff Blum-scout master
Cleo Hopkins-asst scout master
Motion by D. Fairchild-Second by D. Bensen we donate $100.00 to March of Dimes carried.
Meeting turned over to Comm. Plase.
Motion carried by E. Zitterich second by O. Johnson to adjourn. carried.
March 2, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson. Minutes read and approved.
Letter from National Comm read of recognition of membership quota.
Don Lane gave report on C & A Conference in Des Moines.
Stan reported that Mrs. G. Sands offered their Hotel Building to the Legion for a sum.
Motion by O. Johnson seconded by L. Mohr to table hotel until a future meeting.
O. Johnson gave a report on Big Scout Troop.
Motion by Dan Fairchild second by Bill Zitterich. That we send a boy to Boys State carried.
Motion by Nissen second by L. Zitterich that meet adjourn. carried.
April 5, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson. Minutes read and approved.
Stan read a letter from county commander.
Color guard order for Dist Spring Conference April 23 at Spencer.
Tom Rubis volunteered to rep Post at county meetings.
E. Zitterich made a motion that he E. Zitterich talk with Dale Luehring,s’s landlord second by Bob Fairchild carried 100%.
Motion by Bob Strube second by L. Zitterich to purchase the movie projector for $250.00 screen one carried 11-1.
Motion made by O. Johnson second by Bob Fairchild to transfer the purchase price of projector from saving out to checking and carried.
Motion by E. Zitterich second by Tom Rubis to adjourn carried.
May 4, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson, minutes read and approved, a movie was shown.
Motion made by Tom Rubis second by Dale Luering that we drop the Stratmon building completely carried 100%.
Plans for Dec. Day discussed and made that day.
E. Zitterich made motion that we meet and clean the Stratmon building of Legion property.
Stan Nelson gave report on Spring Conf in Spencer.
Nominating committee appointed by Comm. Nelson.
Arnold Nissen
Luvern Johnson
Motion made by Dale Luehring second by E. Zitterich to adjourn carried.
June 1, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Nelson. Minutes read and approved.
Nominations were opened for election of officers for comming year.
For Comm- Tom Rubis nom by Olie Johnson
2nd by L. Johnson
Vice Comm-Bill Zitterich nom by Cleo Hopkins
2nd by L. Johnson
Adj-Don Lane nom by Tom Rubis
2nd by Bob Strube
Service Officer E Zehnder nom by E. Zitterich
2nd by L. Johnson
Serg at Arms-Bob Strube nom by Tom Rubis
2nd by E. Baedke
Finance officer L. Grady nom by Tom Rubis
2nd by Bob Strube
Chaplain-Bob Fairchild nom by Bob Strube
2nd by E. Baedke
Bills-memorial day speaker $10.00
express on amn $1.99
Record book(Gills) $3.08
Motions by Tom Rubis second by L. Zitterich that bills be allowed.
Motion by Tom Rubis second by Bill Zitterich that we call a special meeting for purchasing property. Motion by Bill Zitterich second by R. Nissen to adjourn carried.
Aug. 3, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril, IA called to order by adj Don Lane. Minutes read and approved.
Motion by E. Zitterich that the Post purchases the Stratmon building for sum of $800.00 not to exceed $1,000.00 with approval of 60 percent of paid up members by vote at special meeting or by absentee ballot on Friday Aug. 10, 1956-Second by Cleo Hopkins, motion carried.
Members present:
L. Zitterich
Cleo Hopkins
E. Zitterich
Darrel Benson
Weldon Rubis
Arnold Nissen
S. Zehnder
L. Johnson
Don Lane
Darrel Benson is appointed to see that ballots are made.
Meeting by C. Hopkins second by A. Nissen to adjourn carried.
Aug 10, 1956
Special meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril, Ia called to order by Comm. Stan Nelson purpose of meeting is to count ballots on motion made at reg meeting Aug. 3, 1956 on purchasing of Stratmon Building.
Members present to count ballots.
E. Baedke
E. Zitterich
L. Grady
B. Fairchild
L. Zitterich
D. Benson
A. Nissen
S. Nelson
T. Rubis
O. Johnson
D. Lane
votes counted yes-34
Motion on special ballot carried.
Motion by Bob Fairchild that we transfer $800.00 from saving acct to checking acct.
Tom Rubis & E. Zitterich appointed to represent the Post purchasing of building.
Motion by L. Grady to adjourn-Second by L. Zitterich carried.
Members 1957
1.Roland Lickteig 50. H.R. Fairchild
2.L. H. Nachtigal 51. Dan Fairchild
3.Wm H. Nachtigal 52. Cleo Hopkins
4.Luvern Johnson 53. Cas Varney
5.Weldon W. Lewis 54. Chris Strube
6.B.C. Wright 55. D. W. Bensen
7.Bill Zitterich 56. Lynn Mohr
8.John Bielfeldt Jr. 57. Les Moore
9.Chris J. Nachtigal 58. Arnold Nissen
10.Daniel L. Quick 59. David Brant
11.Fred A. Mohr 60. Danny Moyer
12.Lloyd W. Birt 61. Joe Feldman
13.Wm. Cruse 62. H. Blum
14.J.D. Anderson 63. Blaine Pederson
15.Robert R. Strube 64. Harold Schenell
16.Leo Kevane
17.Ralph Cutshall
18.Leonard H. Zitterich
19.James L. Ballah
20.Chris Peters
21.Wilbert D. Bielfeldt
22.Carrol D. Erickson
23.Keith D. Cockburn
24.Emil H. Zehnder
25.George Couch
26.E.W. Youell Jr.
27.Gerald E. Taylor
28.Ernest H. Ferguson
29.Virgil Eugene Schmeling
30.Adolph E. Peters
31.Oliver Johnson
32.Art H. Roe
33.George C. Sands
34.Louis Paul Grady
35.Claude Willemissen
36.Donald A. Lane
37.Samuel Zehnder
38.Weldon Rubis
39.Everett Zitterich
40.Stanley Nelson
41.C.O. Clark
42.Duane Cuklanz
43.Lawrence McVicker
44.Vernon Pederson
45.Leslie Edwards
46.Duane Gunderson
47.Ernest Baedke
48.Ed Wollner
49.Erwin Bridson
Aug 17, 1956
Special meeting called to order by Comm. Nelson. Minutes read and approved. Report on purchases of building by E. Zitterich. Discussion and inspection of Building was made. Motion by Bob Fairchild second by E. Zitterich. That the legion use the west side of building. carried
Motion by Dale Luehring that as building committee of 3 men be elected to serve with committee Vice Commander.
E. Zitterich
Bill Nachtigal
Larry McVicker
Every Tuesday night has been designated for work night.
Motion by L. Johnson that our building fund be run as is seconded by E. Zitterich carried.
Motion by Sam Zehnder second by B. Fairchild. The dues for 1958 year be left at $5.00.
Motion by Blaine Pederson second by E. Baedke to adjourn carried.
Sept 7, 1956
Meeting to order by Comm. Nelson. Minutes read and approved.
Officers for the coming year were installed by Olie Johnson.
Weldon Rubis takes over as commander.
General discussion of work to be done on building.
Motion by Stan Nelson to adjourn-second by A. Nissen-carried.
Oct. 4, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Rubis. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Report on Finances 508.71 on hand.
Motion by Bob Strube-seconded by L. Johnson that a $5.00 memorial be given to the Boy Scouts in name of Kent Moore carried.
Motion by E.Zitterich seconded by L. Johnson that all bills by allowed carried.
Membership drive discussed.
Motion by Bob Strube to adjourn-second by Bill Zitterich carried.
Nov 6, 1956
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Rubis. Minutes read and approved. Fiance report given.
Motion by S. Zehnder-seconded by Don Quick that all bills be allowed.
Motion by Don Quick that the east side of basement as is be used by Boy Scouts second by Zitterich carried.
Motion by Ollie Johnson that our legion meeting be changed to the last Tuesday of each month. Second by S. Zehnder. carried.
Motion by Sam Zehnder seconded by L. Grady to paint the the front of the building rust, carried. Motion by L. Zitterich seconded by Sam Zehnder to use rust, peach, and cream to paint the inside of building carried.
Sam Zehnder was appointed char of a Feather Party.
Motion by L. Zitterich second by L. Grady to adjourn carried.
Nov 28, 1956
Meeting called to order by commander Rubis. Minutes read and approved.
Financial report by Grady $268.41 in treasury. Grady reports 2 outstanding bills.
Comm. Rubis brought up letters from U.S.O. asking donations for Christmas party. Donations denied as per Post policy.
Comm. Rubis said some mentions has been made of Legion putting up Christmas decorations. General discussion disapproved in favor of Commercial Club doing it as before.
Motion made by Bob Fairchild that Ollie Johnson investigate costs etc. of papers for ceiling and give him authority to purchase paper if reasonable. Motion seconded by Sam Zehnder.
Comm. Rubis designated Tuesday evenings as usual plus any afternoon for work on building.
L. Zitterich made motion that H. Maas be contracted to have snow from in front of building. Motion seconded by Bob Strube and carried.
Motion by Fairchild second by B. Zitterich that meeting adjourn.
Larry McVicker
acting adj’t
Dec. 2,1956
Special meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm. Rubis, on the subject of proposal feather party.
Motion made by Roland Lickteig seconded by L. Johnson that feather party should not include any hard beverages. carried.
General discussion resulted in designation of Wed. Dec. 19th instead of Tues Dec 18th the night for the feather party.
Comm Rubis appointed a new Bldg. Comm. consisting of Everett Zitterich, Bill Zitterich, Robert Strube, Stanley Nelson, and Lou Nachtigal.
Motion made by Sam Zehnder, seconded by Robert Fairchild that the meeting adjourn, carried.
Larry McVicker
acting adj’t
Dec. 25th 1956
Meeting called to order by Comm. Rubis with. Minutes read and approved.
Members present
S. Zehnder C. Nachtigal
B. Strube L. Nachtigal
E. Baedke B. Zitterich
B. Nachtigal E. Zitterich
L. Mohr L. Zitterich
A. Nissen D. Fairchild
L. Johnson B. Fairchild
D. Johnson L. Grady
S. Nelson T. Rubis
B. Coleman
Financial report made by Grady as follows.
Cash on hand- $637.91
Bills outstanding – 764.11 +
Special fund- 96.+
Motion made by B. Strube seconded by S. Zehnder that this special fund be transferred into General Fund carried.
Motion made by S. Nelson seconded by L. Johnson that we discontinue 20 cents week contribution to special fund carried.
Motion made by E. Baedke seconded by O. Johnson that the Post borrow $500.00 from the bank-motion carried.
Motion made by S. Nelson that we pay the following outstanding bills presented. Seconded by E. Zitterich carried.
#1 Everett Zitterich $120.47-lighting
#2 Buns Hardware $78.74-Hdw and paint
#3 Buns Hardware $139.04-elec supplies
#4 J.F. Anderson $145.67-lumber
#5 J.F. Anderson $153.70-sheetrock and etc.
#6 Terril Record $14.50-Postcards and Postage
#7 Standard Oil Co. $23.05-fuel
#8 Estherville Concrete Product Co $88.97-paint
The following dues presented to finance officer.
Chris Strube
Leo Moore
Lynn Mohr
Arnold Nissen
D.W. Benson
Motion made by E. Baedke and seconded by Bob Strube meeting adjourn,carried.
HR. Fairchild
Acting Adj’t
Jan 29, 1957
First Meeting of 1957 was held at the Legion meeting with 17 members present. A general building committee report was given by Everett Zitterich. A report on the boy scouts activities was given by Dan Fairchild.
Motion made by Sam Zehnder and seconded by Everett Zitterich that we allow the boy scouts to use the large meeting rooms for special events accompanied by their parents, motion carried.
A letter from Congressman Hover was then read by Comm. Rubis. A 3 man committee was appointed to draw up a constitution and a set of by laws, they were.
Luvern Johnson
Chris Nachtigal
Further discussion was held on boy scout activities
Several ideas were suggested for making money
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned and lunch was served.
The following bills were allowed
State Bank of Terril- $15.90 fire
” “- $25.00 liab.
Pratt found films- $1.72
C.E. Gill- $14.19
Motion carried by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Willard Zitterich that we increase our insurance to $14,000.00 divided equally. E.W. Youell and Coleman insurance agency for fire insurance.
Motion made by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Louis Nachtigal the all presented bills be paid, motion carried.
Motion made by Don Fairchild and seconded by Sam Zehnder that we authorize the finance officer to pay all utility bills as they become due, motion carried.
The adj. was instructed to notify the American Legion Magazine of any change of address of members.
Members present Jan 29 1957.
Leonard Zitterich Joe Feldman
Everett Zitterich Luvern Johnson
Willard Zitterich Robert Strube
Chris Nachtigal Claude Willemssen
Louis Nachtigal Louis Grady
Daniel Fairchild Virgil Schmeling
Daniel Quirk Weldon Rubis
David Brant
Sam Zehnder Guest:Morris Schroeder
Daniel L. Quick
Acting Adj’t
Feb 26, 1957
Meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril, IA called to order by Comm W. Rubis Adj. Don Lane
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Motion of correction of Bill of Gills 11.30 by Don Quick Second by Olie Johnson carried.
A report on constitution and by-laws was given by Comm. Rubis which was read in full.
Motion by Olie Johnson that the constitution and by-laws as read with corrections be adapted. Second by L. Nachtigal motion carried.
Report from building committee they need more help.
Comm. Rubis call for name for 3 men to been Exc. Comm
The following men are nominated for the Exc. Comm The 3
13 Stanley Nelson
10 L. Nachtigal
Dan Quick
Everett Zitterich
9 Joe Feldman
Vernon Pedersen
A legion party has been prolonged for March 12. A general discussion was held.
Motion made by Stanley Nelson that the following bills by allowed
Dickinson Co-op $161.08
Standard oil $59.39 (oil)
E. Clark $3.00 (doors)
Second Dan Quick motion carried
Motions by Bill Zitterich to adjourn second by Bob Strube motion carried
Feb 28, 1957
Special meeting was held for the purpose of changing the date of the party.
1. W. Rubis 11. B. Wright
2. L. Nachtigal 12. V. Pederson
3. C. Nachtigal 13. R. Strube
4. L. Johnson 14. C. Willemssen
5. D. Quick 15. Lynn Mohr
6. S. Nelson 16. A. Peters
7. E. Zehnder 17. C. Hopkins
8. L. Zitterich 18. J. Feldman
9. E. Zitterich 19. D. Gunderson
10. W. Zitterich 20. A. Nissen
1. Motion made by Ernest Baedke and seconded by Luvern Johnson that we hold an American Legion Smorgasbord motion carried with one opposed.
2. Motion made by Bob Strube and seconded by Everett Zitterich that we do not serve liquor by the drink
3. Motion made by Leonard Zitterich and seconded by Stanley Nelson that no movies be shown at the party.
4. Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Stanley Nelson that we draw no more than 25 cent limit
5. Motion made by Emil Zehnder and seconded by Chris Nachtigal that we serve beer.
6. Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Cleo Hopkins that we call in all tickets out to this date and a committee of 4 be appointed to procure and sell new tickets at $1.50 each.
7. Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we sell “set ups” for 15 cent Cokes, 7-Up, Grape, and Orange.
8. Motion made by Robert Strube and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we serve the following at the party cold meats, cheese, bread, crackers, pickles, butter, pickled herring, coffee, cream, sugar, potato chips, picnic hams, olives, lettuce, carrots, celery, mayonnaise, pretzels, onions, mustard, catsup.
9. Motion made by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Arnold Nissen that we open at 7:30 p.m. and close at 12:00 p.m. and everyone out by 1:00 a.m.
10. Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Emil Zehnder that we give a door prize of $10.00 ten dollars cash.
FEB 28, 1957
11. Motion made by Bob Strube and seconded by Luvern Johnson that the following committees be appointed
Lunch Committee
Everett Zitterich
Chris Nachtigal
Willard Zitterich
Adolph Peters
Ticket Committee
Arnold Nissen
Emil Zehnder
Sam Zehnder
Lynn Mohr
Table Committee
Leonard Zitterich
Ernest Baedke
Fred Mohr
Bill Cruse
Bar Committee
Danny Quick
Claude Willemssen
Cleo Hopkins
Arrangement Committee
Luvern Johnson
All motions carried 12 yes, 8 failed to vote
Motion made by Adolph Peters and seconded by Emil Zehnder that this Special Meeting be adjourned, motion carried.
Daniel Quick
acting Sec
March 8, 1957
Special meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by comm Rubis. Minutes read and approved.
W. Zitterich B. Strube
L. Johnson S. Nelson
D. Fairchild W. Rubis
L. Nachtigal D. Long
C. Nachtigal E. Baedke
E. Zitterich D. Quick
visitor-Jack Dexsler
Motion by L. Johnson to have party on the regular meeting night of March 26, 1957. Second by Chris Nachtigal motion carried.
Motion by L. Johnson to sell beer at 25 cent second by S. Nelson. motion carried
Motion by Bob Strube seconded by Bob Fairchild. Motion carried.
April 30, 1957
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held. Minutes read and approved.
T. Rubis L. Zitterich
W. Zitterich L. Nachtigal
E. Zitterich J. Feldman
L. Johnson S. Nelson
D. Fairchild C. Hopkins
S. Zehnder D. Quick
C. Nachtigal
A report of the building committee was given. A discussion was held on building improvements and septic tank.
Motion made by Everett Zitterich and seconded by L. H. Nachtigal that we spend aprox. $200.00 more on building repairs, motion carried.
The following bills were allowed
Everett Zitterich $6.50 snow removal
Mrs. Fairchild $20.00 sink
$10.00 donation
Mike Cruse $2.00 sharpening saw blades
Hansons D-X $11.85 fuel and gas
Coleman Ins. agency $31.76 insurance.
Motion made by Sam Zehnder and seconded by Willard Zitterich that these bills by paid
Motion made by Cleo Hopkins and seconded by Stanley Nelson that we participate in the memorial day services. Motion carried
Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Bill Zitterich that we pay half for the speaker on memorial day, motion carried. County meeting here next meeting night May 28.
Dan Fairchild brought up the idea of holding a street auction.
Ideas were submitted for getting members to meetings.
Dan Quick
Acting Adj
May 28, 1957
A regular county meeting of the Dickinson County American Legion was held at Terril
T. Rubis W. Zitterich
Oliver Johnson L. Zitterich
D. Quick R. Strube
A. Nissen L. Grady
G. Taylor M. Schmeling
L. Edwards E. Baedke
L. Johnson S. Nelson
E. Zitterich
County Officers were introduced. A report on the state conference was given by the county commanders.
A report was given on boys state activities only 2 posts were represented so there was no regular county meeting. A report was given by the county service officer on vets benefits.
There was a discussion on a memorial for the late Bert Coleman
The following bills were presented
Petes Plumbing and Heating $47.23
Standard Oil Co. $18.19
Bum’s Hardware $69.42
Bob Strube $ .72
Weldon Rubis $ 1.95
Motion made by Louis Grady and seconded by Everett Zitterich that these bills be paid, motion carried
The colors were retired and the meeting was adjourned
The following members of the Milford Post were present
Wance Miller Comm Post 384 Milford
Wm. Murrey Co. Adj ” ”
L. D. Dr. Moore Adj ” ”
C. Asheland ” ”
Daniel K. Plase ” ”
Glen Hilts ” ”
J. B. Drexler service officer ” ”
June 25, 1957
Regular meeting of the Walsh Post 432 Dept of Iowa was held at the legion building. Minutes were read and approved
T. Rubis R. Strube
D. Quick L. Edwards
L. Grady S. Zehnder
W. Zitterich E. Zehnder
E. Zitterich E. Wollner
L. Zitterich E. Baedke
L. Nachtigal C. Willemssen
C. Nachtigal E. Ferguson
B. Pederson L. Moore
L. Johnson S. Nelson
O. Johnson L. McVicker
R. Fairchild
Motion made by B. Fairchild and seconded by E. Zehnder that we vote on whether or not to rent the upstairs 12-yes 9-no
Motion made by W. Zitterich and seconded by L. Nachtigal that the following bill be allowed.
Terril Record $2.50
Motion carried
Election of 1958 officers was held
The following officers were elected
Commander- Weldon Rubis
Vice Commander- Bill Zitterich
Adjutant- Les Moore
Service Officer- E. Zehnder
Finance Officer- L. Zitterich
Sgt. of Arms- Henry Blum
Chaplain- E. Baedke
Historian- L. McVicker
Exec. Board- L. Nachtigal
S. Zehnder
E. Wollner
Discussion was held on whether or not send a delegation to the state convention, it was decided not to.
The question was brought up whether or not to have a speaker at the next meeting. Claude Willemssen was appointed to give talk on flag etiquette for the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Daniel Quick
Acting Sec
July 30, 1957
Regular meeting of the Walsh Post 432 of the American Legion was held at the Legion building.
Members present
T. Rubis L. Nachtigal
C. O. Clark S. Zehnder
L. McVicker C. Nachtigal
L. Zitterich L. Johnson
W. Zitterich L. Grady
E. Zitterich D. Quick
C. D. Erickson C. Hopkins
L. J. Moore E. Baedke
E. Wollner
Discussion was held on renting the upstairs. Motion made by Larry McVicker and seconded by L. Nachtigal that the matter of renting the upstairs be dropped motion carried.
Motion made by E. Zitterich and seconded by W. Zitterich that the following bills be allowed
Estherville Concrete Products, Paint $19.48
Everett Zitterich, 5 keys $2.50
Motion carried
Installation of new members was held
Discussion was held on holding an auction.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Daniel Quick
Acting Sec’y
August 8, 1957
The American Legion execution board of Walsh Post 432 met at the legion hall Thursday evening August 8, 1957.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss programs and special project activities for the forthcoming year. Considerable discussion was given to a community sale to be held in September and sponsored by the local post. Dan Fairchild was present to present his views on details involved in such a project and a committee of Weldon Rubis, Willard Zitterich and Leonard Zitterich volunteered in assisting Dan with the promotion of the sale.
Other discussion consisted of the possibility of securing speakers and films for some of our regular meetings.
There being no further business to come before the group the meeting was adjourned
L.J. Moore
Sept 9, 1957
A special meeting of the Walsh Post 432 was held Wednesday September 18, 1957 as 9:15 p.m. Fourteen members were present.
The meeting was called to discuss the legion sponsored community sale and to procure assistance from Legionnaires during the day for the sale. After much discussion the meeting was adjourned.
L.J. Moore
Sept 24, 1957
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held September 24, 1957 at the Legion Hall. Sixteen members and 2 guests were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Members present
Henry Blum Stanley Nelson
Sam Zehnder Arnold Nissen
Ed Wollner Everett Zitterich
Clairance Clark Virgil Schmeling
Dan Fairchild Ernest Ferguson
Luvern Johnson Leonard Zitterich
Oliver Johnson Weldon Rubis
Willard Zitterich L. J. Moore
Commander Rubis introduced the guests who were Clairance Ashland and Jack Drexler of the Milford American Legion. Ashland, County Commander spoke briefly and invited local Legionnaire to the District Fall Conference to be held at Mapelton on October 8, 1957. Drexler County Service procedures used in abstaining financial aid for veterans in need.
Dan Fairchild reported on the Community scale but stated that final tabulation had not been made and so was unable to give a financial report. Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich gave the treasures report. Bills were read and upon motion were allowed.
In a brief ceremony Oliver Johnson presented to the Post Memorials in honor of departed comrade Albert D. Coleman. These memorials a framed Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion and a picture of WW I Veterans from the community were given to Walsh Post by Mrs. Coleman. The adjutant was decided to write a note of thanks to Mrs. Coleman
Plans for a feather party were discussed and Commander Rubis appointee Sam Zehnder to serve as chairman of the functionary event.
A motion was made by Nelson to allow the Boy Scouts to hold meetings in the Legion Hall\; second by Fairchild, motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the group the meeting was adjourned. Lunch was donated by Andy Larson.
L.J. Moore
October 29, 1957
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held October 29, 1957 at the Legion Hall. Twelve members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Members present:
O. Johnson Luvern Johnson
Dan Quick Stanley Nelson
Sam Zehnder L. Zitterich
Chris Nachtigal L. Nachtigal
Weldon Rubis Les Moore
H. R. Fairchild Bill Zitterich
Sam Zehnder reported on the Feather Party which is to be held on Wednesday evening, November 20, 1957. It was decided to have dressed fowl and also door prizes were planned. The Legion Auxiliary was to be invited to serve coffee and pie.
Oliver Johnson discussed a proposal to incorporate Walsh Post. After some consideration it was decided to have the Execution Committee study the Articles of Incorporation as written up and than proceed to write plans for incorporation.
The treasurer’s report was given. Bills were introduces and upon motion were allowed.
There being no further business to come before the group, meeting was adjourned.
L. J. Moore
November 6, 1957
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held November 26, 1957 at the Legion Hall. Twelve members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given. Bills were introduced and upon motion were allowed.
Members present:
Weldon Rubis Dan Fairchild
Dan Quick Stanley Nelson
Leonard Zitterich Chris Nachtigal
Luvern Johnson Bill Nachtigal
Henry Blum Louis Nachtigal
Bill Zitterich L. J. Moore
It was decided to have the next meeting on December 17, 1957 instead of the regular meeting night which would be New Years Eve.
There being no further business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
L.J. Moore
December 17, 1957
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall December 17, 1957. Ten members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given. Bills were introduced and upon motion by Everett Zitterich and Emil Zehnder were allowed.
Members present:
Leonard Zitterich Everett Zitterich
Bill Zitterich L. J. Moore
Robert Strube Emil Zehnder
Dan Quick Stanley Nelson
Weldon Rubis Dan Fairchild
A motion was made by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Bill Zitterich that we pay $250.00 plus interest on a $500.00 note due at the bank. Motion carried.
Discussion concerning a New Year Ad in the paper was brought before the group and declined by majority vote.
Other discussion dealt with the problem of procuring a color Guard and having one available for all occasions whenever necessary. No definite action was taken.
A proposal by Louis Grady to sell a new stove to the Legion for $35.00 was discussed. No action was taken.
L.J. Moore
Jan 24 1958
A meeting of the Executive Committee was called by Commander Rubis and was held in the Legion Hall on January 24 1958.
Commander Rubis stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss methods of stimulating more interest in the Legion.
Other discussion dealt with a proposal to convert the 2 nd floor of the Legion building into a roller skating rink for the kids. The cost involved was discussed and it was felt that other organizations in town might assist in the project.
A proposal to invite all local veterans to a get together was discussed with no action taken.
Members present were:
Rubis Wollner
L. Nachtigal L. Zitterich
Bill Zitterich Sam Zehnder
Emil Zehnder Moore
L.J. Moore
Jan 28 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall January 28, 1958. Twenty members were present. They are:
Ed Wollner E. Zitterich
Luvern Johnson Vernon Pederson
Joe Feldman Dan Quick
Sam Zehnder N.R. Fairchild
Leonard Zitterich Stanley Nelson
Lickteig Emil Zehnder
Louie Nachtigal Wm Nachtigal
Chris Nachtigal Robert Strube
Rubis Moore
Bill Zitterich Gilbert
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The treasures report was given: bills introduced and upon motion by Emil Zehnder and Louie Nachtigal, were approved
Robert Strube presented a clock to the Legion in memory of his father, Chris Strube, who was a member of this Post. The Adjutant was instructed to write a note of thanks to Mrs. Strube.
A discussion concerning an all veterans party was given considerable attention. A motion by Sam zehnder and seconded by Joe Feldman that we have an all veterans stag party at our next meeting was made. Motion carried. Commander Rubis appointed the following committee to take charge of arrangements:
H.R. Fairchild Chairman
Sam Zehnder
Joe Feldman
Ed Wollner
Bill Zitterich
Commander Rubis discussed converting the upstairs of the Legion building into a Youth Center. After considerable discussion a motion was made by Feldman that the upstairs be repaired and placed into suitable condition for a Youth Center. Motion seconded by Quick. Motion Carried.
A committee was appointed by Commander Rubis to survey the work to be done and investigate action in placing the 2nd floor into satisfactory condition.
Emil Zehnder Chairman
Lou Nachtigal
There being no further business to come before the group, meeting was adjourned.
L. J. Moore
1. Weldon Lewis 56. Eugene Gilbert
2. Bill Zitterich 57. Leo Kevane
3. L. J. Moore 58. Darial Determan
4. Emil Zehnder 59. Guy Eick
5. Leonard Zitterich 60. Jim Mortenson
6. Henry Blum 61. Walter Jackson
7. Ernest Baedke 62. August Schnell
8. Lawrence Mc Vicker 63. Duane Gunderson
9. Lou Nachtigal 64. Gerald Taylor
10. Sam Zehnder 65. Jerome Smith
11. Ed Wollner 66. Wade Feldman
12. George Sands 67. Don Ehwegen
13. E. W. Youell Jr.
14. Harold Schnell
15. Stanley Nelson
16. Roland Lickteig
17. Adolph Peters
18. Louis Grady
19. B. C. Wright
20. Lynn Mohr
21. Virgil Schmeling
22. Dan Fairchild
23. Wm Cruse
24. Everett Zitterich
25. Wm Nachtigal
26. H. R. Fairchild
27. Chris Nachtigal
28. Luvern Johnson
29. Wilbert Bielfeldt
30. Weldon Lewis
31. C. O. Clark
32. Fred Mohr
33. Keith Cockburn
34. Ralph Cutshall
35. James Ballah
36. C. D. Erickson
37. Arnold Nissen
38. Blaine Pederson
39. J. D. Anderson
40. D. W. Benson
41. Geo Couch
42. Chris Strube
43. Erwin Bridson
44. Joe Feldman
45. John Bielfeldt Jr.
46. Claude Willemssen
47. E. H. Ferguson
48. Cleo Hopkins
49. Robert Strube
50. Oliver Johnson
51. Vernon Pederson
52. David Brant
53. Art Roe
54. Duane Cuklanz
55. Chris Peters
Feb 25 1958
The meeting was called to order by Commander Rubis. Rubis introduced guests who were present.
There was some discussion of the termination of the Boy Scout Charter. Motion made by Vernon Pederson that we sponsor the Boy Scouts. The motion was seconded and carried.
A progress report on the upstairs construction was given. A motion was made by Henry Blum that we open the Youth Center on Wednesday night and Sunday afternoon on a trial basis. Motion seconded. A secret ballot was taken with twenty three votes favoring the proposal. None opposed.
The Treasure reported a balance of $268.01.
Motion made by Henry Blum that we raffle off merchandise offered by Henry Van Barbber as discussed by Robert Strube. Motion seconded and carried.
Motion made by Cleo Hopkins that we have a bingo party sometime before Easter and give away hams as prizes. Motion seconded and carried.
There being no further business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
H. R. Fairchild
Acting Adj.
March 25 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post was held at the Legion Hall, March 25, 1958.
There were twenty-one members present:
Bill Zitterich Everett Zitterich Robert Strube
Leonard Zitterich Benson Cutshall
H. R. Fairchild Don Erickson Stanley Nelson
V. Pederson Gunderson Birt
Virgil Schmeling Gilbert Sam Zehnder
Luvern Johnson Chris Nachtigal Rubis
Louie Nachtigal Wade Feldman Moore
The Adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $293.18. Bills were introduced and upon motion were duly allowed.
Commander Rubis read a letter from the Milford Legion Post inviting us to participate in the Ninth District Parade to be held in Milford. Members present voted not to participate.
A letter from Dr. Hoover, a Milford Chiropractor, writing on behalf of the Iowa Chiropractors Society, was read by Commander Rubis. A resolution contained therein dealt with provision for supplying Chiropractic service for our present veterans. A motion was made by Gilbert and seconded by H. R. Fairchild that we vote upon this resolution. A vote was taken with twenty-one opposing and none in favor of American Legion support of said resolution.
Discussion concerning Junior Legion Baseball was brought before the group. It was decided not to sponsor a baseball team this year. It was decided however to lend support to Pee-Wee baseball for the current year. Benson was selected to meet with the manager of the Pee-Wee team and find out needs of that organization.
A motion was made by H.R. Fairchild and seconded by Benson that we contribute $10.00 to the Chapel of Four Chaplains. Motion carried.
Boys State was discussed. Motion by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Bill Zitterich that we send a boy to Boys State. Motion carried.
A birthday cake in observance of the American Legion’s 39th birthday since its founding was served. Commander Rubis spoke briefly about the history of the American Legion.
There being no further business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
L.J. Moore
April 29 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post was held at the Legion Hall, April 29, 1958, with 19 members present.
Members present were:
Rubis Wade Feldman
L.J. Moore Leonard Zitterich
Stanley Nelson Dan Fairchild
Virgil Schmeling C.D. Erickson
E.H. Ferguson Ollie Johnson
Luvern Johnson Eugene Gilbert
C.O. Clark Duane Gunderson
Jerome Smith Henry Blum
Robert Strube Bill Zitterich
Everett Zitterich
The Adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read.
The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $270.20. Bills were introduced and upon motion allowed.
The Memorial Day Speaker was discussed. The Adjutant was instructed to contact Wilber Hanson, Spirit Lake, Iowa, in an effort to obtain him for the speaker on that day. In the event Mr. Hanson was unable to be present Ken Herbster in Spencer was to be contacted.
Upon motion the meeting was adjourned.
L.J. Moore
May 27 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post #432 was held at the Legion Hall on May 27, 1958. Fifteen members present.
Members present were:
Rubis Baedke
Chris Nachtigal Lou Nachtigal
Blaine Pederson Bill Zitterich
Bob Strube Henry Blum
Stanley Nelson Luvern Johnson
Duane Gunderson Virgil Schmeling
Dan Fairchild L. Moore
Wade Feldman
The Adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read.
Due to the absence of the Treasurer no report was given.
Upon motion by Nelson and Cutshall, Twenty dollars was donated to the midgets for their baseball needs.
A motion was made by Strube and Zitterich that Dan Fairchild purchase appropriate “get well” and sympathy cards for Legion use.
The Memorial Day program was discussed briefly.
Commander Rubis appointed a nominating committee consisting of Joe Feldman, Duane Gunderson, Dan Fairchild, and Oliver Johnson, to nominate members for office for the ensuing year.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourn.
L.J. Moore
June 24 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post #432 was held at the Legion Hall with twenty-one members present.
Members present were:
Brant Baedke
Bill Zitterich Cleo Hopkins
Leonard Zitterich Joe Feldman
Duane Gunderson Dan Fairchild
Luvern Johnson Emil Zehnder
Wade Feldman Virgil Schmeling
Don Ehwegen Mortenson
Joe Halva Ed Wollner
Gerald Taylor Sam Zehnder
Stanley Nelson Rubis
The Adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer reported a balance of $83.75. Bills were introduced and upon motion were allowed. A bill for $80.00 for roof repair was partially paid due to insufficient funds.
Billy Hemmi reported on his trip to Hawkeye Boys State.
Cadet Ronald Barrick spoke to the group about his first year at West Point.
The election of officers was as follows:
Commander Ed Wollner
1st Vice Commander Weldon Rubis
2nd Vice Commander Emil Zehnder
Adjutant David Brant
Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich
Service Officer Oliver Johnson
Historian Ernest Baedke
Chaplain Eugene Gilbert
Sergeant of Arms Donald Ehwegen
Executive Committee
Luvern Johnson
Lou Nachtigal
Chris Nachtigal
There being no further business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
L.J. Moore
July 29 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall with twenty members present.
Members present were:
Wollner Rubis
Chris Nachtigal Dan Fairchild
Cleo Hopkins Blaine Pederson
Stanley Nelson Everett Zitterich
Louie Nachtigal Leonard Zitterich
Don Ehwegen Bob Strube
Joe Feldman Wade Feldman
H.R. Fairchild Virgil Schmeling
Ernest Baedke Bill Zitterich
Gilbert Moore
The Adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read.
The Finance Officer reported a balance on hand of $ 67.73.
New officers for the ensuing year were installed with Everett Zitterich acting as installing officer.
It was decided to sponsor a Legion dance to be held at the Roof Garden on August 29, 1958. A committee was selected to handle ticket distribution and sales.
Gilbert Cleo
Nelson Blaine Pederson
Bob Strube Ernest Baedke
Bob Fairchild Wade Feldman
Everett Zitterich Ed Wollner
Weldon Rubis
Korean bonus application forms were available and explained by Weldon Rubis.
There being no further business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
L.J. Moore
Aug 26 1958
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held st the Legion Hall on Aug 26, 1958. Twenty-four members were present.
Members present:
Emil Zehnder Sam Zehnder
Lickeig Louis Nachtigal
Chris Nachtigal Pederson
Gunderson L. Zitterich
B. Zitterich C. Hopkins
Vern Johnson V. Schmeling
B. Fairchild Bob Strube
Erne Baedke Don Ehwegen
Ed Wollner Tom Rubis
Bill Gilbert Don Erickson
Wade Feldman Stanley Nelson
Everett Zitterich D. Brant
Our Treasurer read our financial report as approved.
The roof repairing bill owed to the Nachtigal boys was discussed & was satisfactory with them.
A motion was made by Emil Zehnder & seconded by Roland Lickeig to use dance money to put the septic tank & stool in our building.
Discussion on what to do about the upstairs & what to tell the PTA about the money.
No further business, meeting adjourned.
D. Brant
Sept 30 1958
A regular meeting was held Wept 30 1958 at the Legion Hall. 18 members were present.
Bill Gilbert gave a financial report on the dance.
3 bills were presented & voted to be paid at once. Motion was made by Everett Zitterich & seconded by Emil Zehnder.
Our State Commander passed away & the Legion voted to send $2.00 to his memorial.
We had a very interesting talk by Patrolman Marvin Grelie , question & answers were the main discussion.
Leonard Zitterich showed a movie on Bermuda.
Motion made by O. Johnson & seconded by E. Zitterich to adjourn.
David Brant
Oct 28 1958
A regular meeting was held Oct 28, 1958 of Walsh Post 432 at the Legion hall. 22 members were present with guests.
Tom Rubis brought up the idea of the continuing of the feather party. Rubis made motion, seconded by Stanley Nelson to continue it & Nov 19 was the date set.
Motion made by Rubis & seconded by Nelson to leave the discussion up to Sam Zehnder weather to have line or dressed poultry.
Jim See, water foul biologist was our speaker for the evening.
Our County Commander, Stanley Nelson introduced all the visitors.
The District Commander presented the plaques to Arnolds Park & Terril for there memberships. Bill Zitterich is to be congratulated on his fine job on the membership drive.
Jan 27, 1959
A regular meeting was held Jan 27, 1959 at the legion hall. 26 members were present. The adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read. Treasurer’s report was given and approved as read.
Frank Wichel gave a talk on organizing and managing a boy scout troop. Larry Ransford also discussed the scouting in our local area. Plans for scout leaders and increasing the pack was discussed.
Motion made by Cleo Hopkins and seconded by Louis Nachtigal to pay small bills.
Organizing a stag party was brought up by Bob Strube, seconded by Wade Feldman.
Stag Committee:
Bill Zitterich Everett Zitterich
Sam Zehnder Duane Gunderson
Bill Mehan Louis Nachtigal
Don Ehwegen Don Erickson
Bill Gilbert
Motion made by Tom Rubis and seconded by Don Ehwegen to have it Friday, Feb. 20.
Meeting adjourned
David Brant
March 31,1959
A regular meeting was held March 31 at the legion hall. 21 members were present. The adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting.
Verl Coleman attended the legion and gave a short talk about the first night the legion was formed in Terril, the new legion and auxiliary light were given in memory of herself and her husband.
Bills were presented. Motion was made by Bill Zitterich to pay all bills and seconded by Dale Luering.
March 17, 1918 was when the American legion was formed. There were 5 members that were present that have been members for 40 years. There names were as follows: Ollie Johnson, Chris Peters, Bill Cruse, Chris Nachtigal, Ralph Cutshall, Ernie Ferguson. 3 members could not attend. They were Louis Nachtigal, Fred Moore, and Bill Nachtigal.
Meeting adjourned.
Wade Feldman
May 26, 1959
A regular meeting was held May 26th at the legion hall. 15 members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Discussion was on repairing the roof on the hall and it was decided to have it fixed immediately.
Motion was made by Leonard Zitterich and seconded by Stanley Nelson the commander appoint his own adjutant.
Discussion on the memorial Day program was held.
Motion made by Bill Mehan and seconded by Bill Gilbert that the legion pledge one pole for the little league baseball and soft ball team
Meeting adjourned
David Brant
June 30, 1959
A regular meeting was held June 30 at the Legion Hall. 20 members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The building insurance was due and the note was to set the bill aside for a short while.
Gayl Hopkins, our boys state candidate gave an interesting talk on his experiences at Boys State which was held at camp Dodge.
Motion was made to have a dance this fall at our hall and a stag later. Thursday August 6th is the night of the stag.
Election of Officers:
Comm Joe Feldman
Vice Comm Emil Zehnder
Adjutant David Brant
Service Officer Les Moore
Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich
Historian Ernest Baedke
Chaplain Roland Lickeig
Exective Board
Chris Nachtigal
Ed Wollner
Bill Zitterich
Stag Committee
Sam Zehnder Duane Gunderson
Tom Rubis Cleo Hopkins
Maynard Holtz Luvern Johnson
Larry McVicker Bill Mehan
Don Ehwegen
July 28, 1959
A regular meeting was held July 28, 1959 at our legion hall, 12 members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
Plans on the stag August 6th were discussed.
Installation of the new officers was held and our ex-commander Ed Wollner was given a hand on his fine job as our old leader.
Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Bill Mehan to pay our insurance on the building.
Motion made to adjourn by Bill Mehan, seconded by Stanley Nelson
David Brant
Sept 29, 1959
A regular meeting was held Sept 29, 1959 at the Legion Hall. 18 members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Ed Wollner gave a report on a meeting he had attended at Spirit Lake on a mental institute and clinic, Spencer was the town in this area for the center.
Building insurance was due, repairing windows, glass repair and seven-up. Stanley Nelson made the motion that all bills be paid, seconded by Bob Strube.
Discussion on dances was held. Finishing the upstairs was to begin Thursday night.
Motion made by Cleo Hopkins, seconded by Stanley Nelson to adjourn.
David Brant
Nov. 24, 1959
A regular meeting was held Nov. 24, 1959 at the legion hall. 20 members were present.
A letter from John Moore our Dept. Commander congratulating us on fulfilling our membership quota.
Reports on the dance and feather party were given by our finance officers.
Bills were presented and decided on which to pay.
Motion made by Bob Strube to pay the bills, seconded by Duane Gunderson.
Putting a furnace in our building was brought up. A vote was taken to install 2 new furnaces.
Motion made to adjourn.
David Brant
Building committee:
Everett Zitterich Ed Wollner
Vern Johnson Bob Strube
Stanley Nelson
Members present:
Wade Feldman Joe Feldman
Ed Wollner Bill Mehan
Maynard Holtz Leonard Zitterich
Bill Zitterich Stanley Nelson
Duane Cuklanz Everett Zitterich
Sam Zehnder Cleo Hopkins
Dan Fairchild Virgil Schmeling
Duane Gunderson Bob Strube
Emil Zehnder Tom Rubis
Dec 29, 1959
Meeting called to order by Comm. Zehnder. 16 members present, no minutes-adj not present.
The following bills were allowed
Lucktalls $64.72 paint
Christians Sheet Metal $78.82 furnace
Blas Kent $74.74 gas and light
Coca Cola Bott $2.80 Coca-Cola
Motion by Bill Zitterich to pay bills and seconded by Ed Wollner
Discussion on renting upstairs to other organizations
Motion made by Stanley Nelson to rent building if cleaned before and after use.
Vote by ballot
11-no 4-yes
Discussion on New Years eve dance. Discussion on smorgasbord for couples and dance to records after the smorgasbord.
Vote all say yes to have Mixed Smorgasbord $1.50 per person Motion by R. Strube for the 28th of Jan. Seconded by Don Von Ehwegen.
Mixed Smorgasbord Committee
Robert Strube
Bill Mehan
Maynard Holtz
Motion to adjourn by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Sam Zehnder.
Jan 26, 1960
A regular meeting was held Jan 26, 1960 at the Legion Hall. 16 members were present.
The minutes were approved as read, treasurers report was given with a balance of $145.10.
Bills brought up were:
Seven up Bottling Co. $27.04
Dix Bottling Co. $17.80
Standard Oil $61.94
Blass and Kent $73.60
Milford Mail $26.17
Farmers Co-op $74.20
Motion made by Everett Zitterich, seconded by Sam Zehnder to pay bills.
Discussion on arrangements for smorgasbord.
Discussion on renting west side of building to Emmett Bridson for the summer months for his white elephant ice cream stand.
Motion made by Tom Rubis seconded by Sam Zehnder to refuse renting of west side to Emmett.
Post Adj
David Brant
Feb. 23, 1960
A regular meeting was held Feb. 23 of Walsh Post 432 at the Legion Hall. 20 members were present, minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
Our treasurer gave our financial report as $183.66 the bar at the Fireman’s ball took in $36 and Larry McVickers donation was $15.
Larry McVicker made the motion to have the birthday party of the 40th year legionnaires. Seconded by Everett Zitterich.
Bills were Shell Gas $81.60 and Standard Oil $45.38.
Donation of $30 from the Masonic Lodge for use of the building.
Discussion on the use and cost to keep up our building was held.
Tom Rubis made the motion to give Larry M. back his $5 donated to help pay building expenses. Seconded by Dan Fairchild.
June 28, 1960
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held June 28 at the Legion Hall. 14 members were present.
Our treasurer gave the financial report. 17.22 was paid to the State Bank of Terril for interest.
Discussion on having a stag party was held, August was the month decided on.
Sam Zehnder and Tom Rubis are on the nominating committee.
Meeting adjourned
July 26, 1960
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall. 10 members were present.
Plans for having a stag party in August were held, the 18th was decided on.
The following candidates were presented to the members as members willing to accept the various offices preceding their names
Comm- Wm Mehans
V. Comm- Dale Luehring
Finance Officer- Leonard Zitterich
Service Officer- Emil Zehnder
Sgt of Arms- Weldon Lewis
Historian- Lawrence McVicker
Chaplain- Stanley Nelson
Executive Board-
Ed Wollner
Keith Cockburn
Ralph Cutshall
Adjutant to be appointed by Comdr.
Sam Zehnder nominated the slate as present to members
Sam Zehnder made the motion that the Acting Adjutant be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the above slate of candidates. Motion carried .
There being no further business the meeting was closed with a prayer by the acting chaplain
Weldon Rubis
Acting Adj.
August 30, 1960
The regular monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril IA was called to order by Comm. E. Zehnder after a prayer by Ed Wollner.
A report of the stag was read by Leonard Zitterich.
The following bills were presented
Buns Hdwe $73.64
Exec Elec $38.32
Ken Herbster $10.00 speaker
Tom Rubis $43.66 fuel oil
Motion by Bob Strube and seconded by Sam Zehnder that bills by allowed motion carried,
Motion made by Tom Rubis and seconded by Don Ehwegen that we pay the bank $100 on the note and renew the last of note. Motion carried.
The commander read a letter from Scott Olson thanking the post for the opportunity of attending Boys State.
Next was the installation of the new officers.
Bill Mehan- Comm
Dale Luehring- Vice Comm
Maynard Holtz- Adj
L. Zitterich- Treasurer
Larry McVicker- Historian
Stan Nelson- Chaplain
Emil Zehnder- Service Officer
Weldon Lewis- Sgt of Arms
Tom Rubis was installing officer
The officers being sworn in the new comm asked for a hand for the outgoing officers the new comm then brought the meeting to a close.
Maynard Holtz
Post Adj.
Sept 27, 1960
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 Terril Ia was held on Sept 27, 1960 at the Terril Legion Hall. There were 14 members present. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Chaplain Nelson.
Comm Mehan read a letter from the 9th District Comm to go out and push memberships for 1961.
Motion made by Ed Wollner and seconded by Tom Rubis to have color Guard participate in the homecoming parade Oct.7, 1960. Motion carried
Motion made by Ernest Baedke and seconded by Wm. Zitterich to subscribe to School calendar sponsored by the music Club. Motion carried.
Following bills were presented.
$60.13 to Blass and Kent
$23.40 Dix Bottling
$58.77 Insurance
Stan Nelson made a motion to pay these bills and seconded by Tom Rubis.
Some discussion was held on the dance in October and a feather party in November. Motion was made by Ed Wollner to have feather party on Sat Nov. 19 and seconded by Ernest Baedke.
There being no further business the meeting was closed by a prayer by Chaplain Nelson and declared closed by Comm. Mehan.
Maynard Holtz
Post adj.
October 25, 1960
Walsh Post 432 Terril Iowa held their regular meeting on October 25, 1960 at the Terril Legion Hall. There were 16 members present. The meeting was opened by a prayer by Tom Rubis.
A report of $41.18 balance was given for the dance held in October.
Motion made by Tom Rubis and seconded by Sam Zehnder to let the fireman have a dance on Saturday Jan 28, 1961, motion carried.
There being no further business the meeting was closed by a prayer by Chaplin Nelson and declared closed by Comm. Mehan.
Maynard Holtz
Post Adj
P.S. A very interesting football film was shown.
Nov 29, 1960
No meeting was held
Dec. 27, 1960
Meeting was called to order by Comm Mehan and 13 members present. No minutes-adj not present.
Treasurers report $603.84
Coco-cola Bottling Co. $2.20
Blass Rent gas $71.97
Post Office $1.80
Ruthven Free press ad $1.68
Dix Bottlers $10.20
Motion by Joe Feldman to pay bills and seconded by Stan Nelson carried
Results from dance by Commercial Club in Dec. was $82 less $5 to Ed Munsterman.
Some discussion on use of building by people who do not donate.
Motion by Joe Feldman to authorize building to be rented to Red Cross. and not less than $3 per meeting. Seconded by S. Nelson motion carried
Motion by Bill Zitterich to adjourn and seconded by Cleo Hopkins.
Jan 31, 1961
Meeting called to order by Comm Mehan. There were 23 members present. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurers report was given. A balance of $685.82 was reported and following bills presented.
$16.84 to Torreson Oil Co
$17.02 to Terril Oil Co
$30.20 gas
$36 tank rent
$24 tank rent
$46 gas
A bill of $395 plus interest was presented by the bank and a motion by Joe Feldman and seconded by T. Rubis to pay $195 plus interest on this note and these other bills were approved.
Fred Mohr indicated he would give $50 to the Legion for helping get ready for his sale.
Motion carried by L. Zitterich and 2nd by B. Strube that we put in a lavatory in the men’s room. Motion carried.
Motion made by S. Zehnder to adjourn
Maynard Holtz
Post Adj
Feb 28, 1961
The Terril Legion Post held their regular meeting on Feb 28, 1961. There were 16 members present. The minutes were read and approved. A balance of $331.03 was reported and the following bills were presented
$31.42 for gas
$17.01 to Emmett Bridson
$17.02 for DX (oil)
A motion by Bob Strube and 2nd by Sam Zehnder to pay these bills.
Comm Mehan received a letter from the Civil Defense saying they would give the legion $57 for the use of the building. Fred Mohr gave the Legion $50 for helping him get ready for his sale.
Motion made to adjourn
Maynard Holtz
Post Adj.
March 28, 1961
Terril Legion Post held their monthly meeting on March 28, 1961. There were 15 members present.
An interesting film was shown and then the chaplain opened the meeting with a prayer. Comm Mehan had charge of the meeting. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given a balance of $550.64
The following bills were presented.
$9.21 Bun Hdwe
$13.30 Harley Mass
$6.22 Milford Mail
$16.50 Fuel Oil
$20.48 Leonard Zitterich
$65.71 total balance $484.93
Motion by S. Zehnder and 2nd by Bill Zitterich to pay these bills
Motion was made by B. Strube and 2nd by Dale Luehring to send $25 plus transportation for one boy to Hawkeye Boys State in June.
Motion made by Bill Zitterich and 2nd by Luvern Johnson to purchase a 70 cup coffee maker. Motion approved
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
Post adj
M. Holtz
April 25, 1961
The Terril Legion Post 432 held their April meeting on April 25, 1961 with 11 members present. Comm Mehan had charge of the meeting.
The following bills were presented.
Seven-up $21.81
Dx Bottling- $ 9.20
curtains cleaned $ 9.00
Cities Service $16.84
Post Cards $15.00
Lunch $ 3.73
$75.58 total
Balance $630.89
Motion made by Bill Zitterich and 2nd by B. Strube to pay these bills.
Some discussion was held on the Memorial Day Services
After no further business, motion made and 2nd to adjourn.
Maynard Holtz
Post Adj.
May 30, 1961
Walsh Post 432 Terril IA held their May meeting on May 30, 1961. Their were 9 members present a film on “Holiday in Hawaii was shown and enjoyed by all.
Comm. Mehan had charge of the meeting.
Following bills were presented
Beer- $5.00
Milford Mail- $12.36
Groceries- $14.40
total $31.76
A motion by Joe Feldman and 2nd by Sam Zehnder to pay thee bills. Motion was approved.
A dance will be held on July 4 in the Legion Hall.
Motion made and 2nd to adjourn
Maynard Holtz
Post Adj.
June 27, 1961
No meeting was held
July 25, 1961
Terril Legion Post held their July meeting on July 25, 1961 with 12 members present. Chaplain Nelson had charge of the meeting.
Comm Mehan read a very nice letter from Donald Powell thanking the Terril Legion for the opportunity to attend Boys State.
A discussion was held on a stag to be held Aug 29
Motion made by Ed Wollner and 2nd by Sam Zehnder to order 12 new Monroe tables from Colfax Iowa. Motion by Luvern Johnson and 2nd by Henry Blum to order light colored tables. Motion carried.
Lawrence McVicker and Dale Luehring will take charge of the food for the Stag Party. Ed Wollner will take charge of getting the tickets. Motion made by Ed Wollner and 2nd by Dale Luehring to purchase a used refrigerator from Everett Zitterich for $30. Motion carried.
Motion made by S. Zehnder and 2nd by Luvern Johnson to install a light over the sink in the kitchen. Motion carried.
Motion made and 2nd to adjourn
Post Adj.
Maynard Holtz
Aug 29, 1961
Meeting held Sept 5, 1961
Stag Nite
Sept 26, 1961
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with eleven members present.
A movie on the steel industry was shown by Leonard Zitterich.
The adjutant read the minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
The finance officer reported a balance on hand of $659.72.
Motion made by Everett Zitterich and seconded by Pete Pedersen to pay our building and liability insurance. Also a bill for pop was voted allowed.
Motion made by Sam Zehnder and seconded by Pete Pedersen to have our meeting date put on the school calendar.
Motion made by Ed Wollner and seconded by Sam Zehnder to put an exhaust fan in the upstairs and a small stove in the basement.
Upon motion the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Ed Wollner Maynard Holtz
Everett Zitterich Vern Johnson
Pete Pedersen Sam Zehnder
Bill Mehan Dale Luehring
David Brant
Oct 31, 1961
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 15 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read,
The finance officer reported a balance on hand of $527.12.
Planning for the feather party on Nov. 18 was discussed.
Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Bill Zitterich to pay a lumber bill of $2.41 to the Farmers Elev.
Being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Nov 28, 1961
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 18 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
The finance officer reported a balance of $1536.57.
Motion made by Bill Mehan and seconded by Sam Zehnder to pay the $200 note plus interest at the State Bank of Terril.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Bill Zitterich Stanley Nelson
Bob Strube Virgil Schemlling
Don Ehwegen Ed Wollner
Darial Determan Dan Fairchild
Weldon Lewis Duane Gunderson
Leonard Zitterich Everett Zitterich
Bill Mehan Sam Zehnder
Blaine Pedersen Henry Blum
Dale Luehring David Brant
Dec 26, 1961
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 8 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
The finance officer reported a balance of $1122.51 on hand.
Motion made by Joe Feldman and seconded by Leonard Zitterich to have our meeting room painted. Vern Johnson was asked to see Keith Cockburn about painting it. Darial Determan and Leonard Zitterich were appointed to select the paint.
A bill of $18.29 for 4 projector lamps to Zitterich Elec. one for $7.27 for lumber and nails to Farmers Co-op Elev. Torreson Oil Co. of $16.86 for stove oil. Motion made by Joe Feldman and seconded by Dan Fairchild to pay the bills.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Leonard Zitterich Darial Determan
Luvern Johnson Duane Gunderson
Dan Fairchild Joe Feldman
Ed Wollner David Brant
Jan 30, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 14 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
Finance officer reported a balance of $1179.65 on hand.
Motion made by Luvern Johnson and seconded by Sam Zehnder to pay the following bills. Buns Hdwe $9.53, Peters Plumbing and Heating $199.67, and Farmers Co-op $41.31, soup bowls $20.71.
Motion made by Vernon Pedersen and seconded by Joe Feldman to pay Everett Zitterich for the exhaust fan in the dance hall.
Motion made by Vern Johnson and seconded by Vernon Pederson to go ahead on moving the stairway.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Bill Zitterich Bill Mehan
Leonard Zitterich Sam Zehnder
Joe Feldman Darial Determan
Vernon Pedersen Everett Zitterich
Ed Wollner Duane Gunderson
Vern Johnson Virgil Schmeling
Dale Luehring David Brant
Feb 27, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 11 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Finance officer reported a balance of $928.32 on hand.
The following bills were presented: Buns Hdwe, $42.61, Seven Up Bottling Co $27.35, Dix Bottling Co $11.20, Pratt Sound Films,s $1.80, Luchtels $24.82, Keith Cockburn $55.50, Farmers Co-op $637.19.
Motion made by Bill Zitterich and seconded by Ed Wollner to pay $337 on the Elev bill and pay all the smaller bills up to date.
Motion made by Bill Mehan and seconded by Vernon Pederson to have a stag supper Tues. April 3rd. Bill Mehan, Ed Wollner, Vernon Pederson, and Bill Zitterich have charge of the food and Sam Zehnder will have charge of the upstairs.
Motion made by Vernon Pederson and seconded by Bill Zitterich to pay Paul Poyter $5 for the entertainment at the dance.
Motion made by Leonard Zitterich and seconded by Pat Sullivan to increase our building insurance double when it comes due.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Weldon Rubis Bill Mehan
Virgil Schmeling Leonard Zitterich
Everett Zitterich Bill Zitterich
Ed Wollner Pat Sullivan
Vernon Pedersen Dale Luehring
David Brant.
March 27, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 15 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Finance officer reported a balances of $281.99 on hand.
The following bills were presented: Metropoltioan Supply Co. $20.28, Cities Services $11.06. Motion made by Bill Mehan, and seconded by Henry Blum to pay them.
Motion made by Joe Feldman and seconded by Darwin Will to send one boy to Hawkeye Boys State.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Bill Zitterich Bill Mehan
Virgil Schmeling Ed Wollner
Henry Blum Joe Feldman
Darwin Will Pat Sullivan
Dan Fairchild Darial Determan
Everett Zitterich Duane Gunderson
Dale Luehring David Brant
Leonard Zitterich.
April 24, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 11 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
Finance officer reported a balance of $865.27 on hand.
The following bills were presented: Terril Oil $14.04, Bob Blum, snow moving, $21.50, Dix Bottling $13.40, 7-up Bottling Co. $21.20. Motion made by Vernon Pedersen, seconded by Sam Zehnder to pay these bills.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Leonard Zitterich Sam Zehnder
Darial Determan Ed Wollner
Vernon Pedersen Ralph Cutshall
Duane Gunderson Bill Mehan
Dale Luehring David Brant
Pat Sullivan.
May 29, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 10 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
Finance officer reported a balance of $764.39. The following bills were presented\;
Ray Knittle, tuning piano $10.00
Coca Cola $4.15
7-up $8.60
Elevator balance $323.28
Motion made by Ed Wollner and seconded by Darwin Will to pay these bills.
No further business the meeting was adjourned
David Brant
Members present:
Ed Wollner Leonard Zitterich
Tom Rubis Darwin Will
Ralph Cutshall Dan Fairchild
Bill Mehan Vernon Pedersen
Dale Luehring Pat Sullivan
June 23, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 13 members present. Minutes of the last meeting approved as read.
Finance officer reported a balance of $679.47 on hand.
The following bills were presented: Ins on the building and belongings at Beryle Coleman $63.85, Emblem Flay Co, $24.03 for gravel makers. $10 to Weltz for speaking memorial day.
Motion made by Pat Sullivan and seconded by Everett Zitterich to pay the bills. Discussion on having a blood donor list among the members was held, it was decided to see if it would be possible to type the blood at the next polio day.
Motion made by Vernon Pedersen and seconded by Duane Gunderson to purchase 13 white helmet liners.
Plans to have a dance in the spring to help sponsor the little leagues was discussed.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Members present:
Ralph Cutshall Luvern Johnson
Virgil Schmeling Chris Peters
Pat Sullivan Leonard Zitterich
Duane Gunderson Everett Zitterich
Tom Rubis Cleo Hopkins
Vernon Pedersen Dale Luehring
Stanley Nelson Bob Strube
Blaine Pedersen David Brant
July 31, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 12 members present. Finance officer reported a balance of $392.06 on hand.
Discussion on putting combination screen and storm doors on the hall, the auxiliary was to furnish one and the legion pay the other. Motion made by Vernon Pedersen, seconded by Larry McVicker.
Stanley Nelson reported on a gun safety club to be sponsored by the Legion with the assistance of a game warden, consisting of 4 meetings and then passing a test. Motion made by Rubis and seconded by Pat Sullivan to have Stanley organize it.
It was decided to have a stag supper, August 21st, the committees were set up as needed.
Bob Roskins gave his report on Boys State which he attended in June.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
David Brant
Minutes written by Darwin Will, acting adj.
Members present:
Larry McVicker Darial Determan
Leonard Zitterich Joe Feldman
Tom Rubis Pat Sullivan
Pete Pedersen Stan Nelson
Dale Luering Dar Will
Duane Gunderson Ed Wollner
August 28, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 17 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
Finance officer reported a balance of $741.61 on hand.
The following bills were presented: $8.60, Dix Bottling Co. $14.80, 7-up Co. $14.87 insurance on building, Farmers Co-op $17.08 for planks. Motion made by Vernon Pedersen and seconded by Pat Sullivan to pay these bills.
Twenty-five dollars was received from the auxiliary for one door.
Motion made by Vernon Pedersen seconded by Darwin Will to pay traveling expenses when a bill is submitted.
Clairence Askland the 9th district Commander installed the new officers who are:
Larry McVicker- Commander
Darial Determan- Vice Commander
Darwin Will- 2nd Vice Commander
Dave Brant- 3rd Vice Commander
Blaine Pederson- Sgt of Arms
Pat Sullivan- Chaplain
Leonard Zitterich- Film Officer.
No further business meeting adjourned the County Game Wardon gave a talk on absolute guns safety programs for the kids.
Members present:
Larry McVicker Stan Nelson
Everett Zitterich Sam Zehnder
Duane Gunderson Bill Zitterich
Luvern Johnson Dan Fairchild
Darial Determan Blaine Pederson
Dave Brant Pat Sullivan
Vernon Peterson Dale Luehring
Ed Wollner Leonard Zitterich
Darwin Will.
Darwin Will
Sept 25, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held of the Terril Legion HAll with 10 members present. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. The finance officer reported a balance of $565.13 on hand.
The following bills were submitted
Fire Insurance on Legion Hall $30.98, Property damage and liability insurance, $25.08, bill for the treats given the kids that attended the gun safety club $3.88.
The motion was made and seconded to pay the bills by Dale Luehring and Weldon Rubis and approved.
A motion was made by Pat Sullivan and seconded by Dale Luehring to appoint a committee to look into inlarging the band stand. It was approved.
The committee:
Pat Sullivan
Ed Wollner
Darial Determan
Pat Sullivan is chairman.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50
Members present
Robert Strube Leonard Zitterich
Pat Sullivan Weldon Rubis
Dave Brant Duane Gunderson
Dale Luering Larry McVicker
Virgil Schmeling Darwin Will
Oct 30, 1962
The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 10 members present. The minutes of the Sept meeting were read and approved. The finance officer reported a balance of $477.91 on hand.
Leonard Zitterich submitted a bill for additional fire insurance coverage of $30.98. Luvern Johnson made the motion to pay it and Vernon Pederson second the motion.
Stan Nelson made the motion to get 2 fire extinguishers for the Legion Hall through Vernon Pederson and seconded by Darial Determan.
It was decided by the member present to hold the annual feather party Nov. 17th
Luvern Johnson made the motion to adjourn at 9:55, Stan Nelson seconded the motion.
Members present:
Pat Sullivan Leonard Zitterich
Luvern Johnson Stan Nelson
Darial Determan Ed Wollner
Vernon Pederson Dan Fairchild
Larry McVicker Darwin Will
Nov 27, 1962
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 26 members present. Minutes were read and approved.
There was discussion held on the whereabouts of some of the legions wooden chairs.
Sam Zehnder made the motion to buy 4 or 5 doz steel folding chairs to match the ones we have now. It was seconded by Luvern Johnson and carried
Then there was a discussion on the renting of the upstairs of the Legion Hall,
Leonard Zitterich made the motion to open up the upstairs to anyone as long as they didn’t charge admission or use the bar unless the legion run it. Any profits from the bar go to the legion and to have a lock on the upstairs door when not in use, seconded by Vernon Pederson, motion carried.
Vernon Pederson then made the motion to give Everett Zitterich a vote of confidence and let him run the renting of the upstairs as he has been, seconded by Robert Strube, motion carried.
Members present:
Joe Feldman Sam Zehnder
Ed Wollner Bill Mehan
George Sands Bob Bolister
Luvern Johnson Les Moore
Jim Mortenson Bob Strube
Don Erickson Everett Zitterich
Duane Gunderson Dale Luehring
Dave Brant Don VonEhwegen
Stanley Nelson Leonard Zitterich
Darial Determan Weldon Lewis
Larry McVicker Darwin Will
Virgil Schmeling Blaine Pederson
Meeting adjourned
Darwin Will
Jan 29, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 9 members present. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Leonard Zitterich reported a balance on hand of $1087.61 and said he paid the following bill.
Dan Fairchild $40.00 for post cards
Printing post cards $ 8.16
Heat and fuel bill $66.48
7-up bottle Co. $ 3.60
Dicks Bottling Co. $ 9.60
Transfer $22.70 for freight on the new chairs
Light bill $20.27
Meeting closed at 9:00 p.m.
Darwin Will
Members present:
Duane Gunderson Weldon Rubis
Bill Mehan Virgil Schmeling
Leonard Zitterich Dan Fairchild
Larry McVicker Darial Determan
Darwin Will
Feb 26, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 10 members present The minutes of the Jan meeting were read and approved.
Leonard Zitterich wasn’t here to give the financial report.
There was a discussion held on the old lumber yard across from the legion hall. Joe Feldman reported that Ol Moehrin would deed the property to the legion if they would let him have the use of it for 5 years. Larry and Joe were appointed to see a lawyer about it .
Joe Feldman made the motion to have Pete and Frank fix the smell in the basement, seconded by Dan Fairchild and carried.
Pat Sullivan made a motion to have Ed Wollner get in touch with Hillian carpet in Emettesberg to see about putting a carpet on the stair steps. Motion was seconded by Weldon Rubis and carried.
Stan Nelson reported that there wasn’t enough heat on the west side downstairs. Larry appointed Stan to look into the best way to get heat over there.
Joe Feldman made motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:50
Members present:
Virgil Schmeling Joe Feldman
Larry McVicker Dale Luehring
Dan Fairchild Pat Sullivan
Darwin Will Ed Wollner
Weldon Rubis Stan Nelson
March 26, 1963
A regular meeting on Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 13 members present.
Due to the absence of the adjutant there were no minutes for the Feb meeting.
The following bills were presented: Farmers Co-op Co $339.29 for fixing the upstairs and inlarging the band stand, cupboards for bar and pop $9.00, Torreson Oil Co, $4.39, Pat Sullivan made the motion to pay them, seconded by Bill Mehan.
Bill Mehan made the motion to send a boy to Boys State, seconded by Sam Zehnder, motion carried.
No further business the meeting was adjourned.
Darial Determan acting commander
Ed Wollner acting adjutant
Darwin Will
April 15, 1963
A special meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 15 members present.
After a discussion about Sally Blass being selected to the all American band which will tour the U.S. and Mexico Dan Fairchild made the motion to contribute $100 to stand part of her expenses. Seconded by Joe Feldman, motion carried.
Bob Strube said he got a call about starting a county Junior Legion baseball team and that there was to be a meeting in Arnolds Park at the Red Rooster Cafe on Wednesday the 17th, Larry McVicker said he would attend the meeting.
There was a discussion on going to see the twins play this year and Bob Strube made the motion to go June 16th to the Los Angeles game, seconded by Joe Feldman, carried. Pat Sullivan was put in charge of getting tickets and bus reservations.
Meeting adjourned.
Members present:
Pat Sullivan Bob Strube
Luvern Johnson Dan Fairchild
Joe Feldman Weldon Rubis
Stan Nelson Sam Zehnder
Everett Zitterich Virgil Schemlling
Larry McVicker Darwin Will
Dale Luehring Cleo Hopkins
Ed Wollner
April 30, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with the 14 members present. The minutes of the preceding 2 meetings were read and approved. Leonard Zitterich reported a balance on hand of $579.13.
A discussion was held on putting aluminum doors on the Legion Hall. Larry said we could get them in Estherville for about $46 for the rear door and $49 for the front. Motion carried to put in the new doors.
Pat Sullivan reported that Kevin Galbraith had been selected by the school faculty to attend the Boys State in June.
Larry reported on the Junior Legion baseball meeting held in Arnolds Park. He said they wanted approximately $800 from the 4 legion posts in the county. There was to be another meeting May 15th and Larry said he would attend.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30.
Members present:
Ed Wollner Dan Fairchild
Vernon Pederson Pat Sullivan
Darial Determan Dave Brant
Virgil Schmeling Bill Zitterich
Joe Feldman Leonard Zitterich
Larry McVicker Irwin Maddin
Bill Mehan Darwin Will.
May 28, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 14 members present.
A discussion was held on getting Kevin Galbraith to Spencer for his trip to boys state. It was decided to let his folks take him beings they were closer to Spencer.
Leonard Zitterich reported taking in $179 from the dance and a balance on hand of $445.56.
Bills: Eckley Sand and Gravel $3.00, Blaine Pederson made a motion to pay the bill seconded by Joe Murphy.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00
Members present:
Virgil Schmeling Blaine Pederson
Les Moore Pat Sullivan
Joe Feldman Sam Zehnder
Bill Mehan Leonard Zitterich
Larry McVicker Darwin Will
Bill Zitterich Darial Determan
Joe Murphy Delmer Turpin
June 25, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 10 members present. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
There was a discussion on the Legion situation and it was decided to wait awhile on the issue.
Weldon Rubis made the motion, seconded by Ed Wollner that Leonard Zitterich contact the town clerk to secure a band so the Legion can make application for a beer license, motion carried.
Lucktals paint had a bill for $7.02, Pat Sullivan made the motion to pay it, seconded by Darial Determan, motion carried.
Leonard Zitterich reported a bank balance of $442.46.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30
Members present:
Larry McVicker Leonard Zitterich
Robert Strube Pat Sullivan
Virgil Schmeling acting adj Luvern Johnson
Darial Determan Ed Wollner
Tom Rubis Dan Fairchild
Robert Strube
July 30, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall with 31 members present. The steak supper before the regular meeting wasenjoyed by all.
After supper Kevin Galbraith gave a talk on his trip to boys state.
Bills for the month:
Chuck Wittenburg $38.20
Sayger Distributing Co $21.20
Farmers Co-op can for screen doors $42.04
Sam Zehnder made the motion to pay the bills, seconded by Bill Zitterich. Balance on hand $310.20.
There was a discussion on the Legion situation cost of License, etc.
Oliver Johnson made the motion to bench it until next meeting seconded by Sam Zehnder.
The new officers were elected and moved up as follows:
Darial Determan- Commander
Darwin Will- Vice Commander
Don VonEhwegen- Sgt of Arms
Virgil Schmeling- Chaplain
Larry McVicker- Historian
Ernest Baedke- Fiance Officer
Emil Zehnder- Service Officer
Pat Sullivan- Adjutant
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Additions to July meeting
Executive board:
Larry McVicker
Sam Zehnder
Joe Murphy
Aug 29, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall with 17 members present. Minutes of the July meeting wee read and approved.
A motion was made by Sam Zehnder, seconded by Joe Feldman that Larry McVicker should be on the Executive Board and to pick 2 more. Larry appointed Sam Zehnder and Joe Murphy to serve on this board.
The liquor situation was again discussed but tabled until the Sept. meeting.
Balance on hand $373.88
Meeting adjourned 9:15 by Commander Determan
Members present:
Don VonEhwegen Joe Murphy
Virgil Schmeling Duane Gunderson
Wallace Trochil Darwin Will
Ernest Baedke Leonard Zitterich
Dan Fairchild Stan Nelson
Tom Rubis Joe Feldman
Ed Wollner Sam Zehnder
Bill Zitterich Larry McVicker
Darial Determan.
Officers sworn in by Ed Wollner, seconded by Vice Commander of 9th district.
Pat Sullivan
Sept 24, 1963
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion building with 13 members present.
Commander Determan called meeting to order and prayer was read by chaplain Schmeling. Preamble was recited.
John Eckard was introduced as a new member to our post.
Balance of $325.90
Motion made by Baedke to have dance with beer only-seconded by L Zitterich-carried.
Motion made by L.J. Moore, seconded by Dale Luehring to have float for Milford parade-carried. Sullivan appointed chairman
Meeting closed 9:10
Pat Sullivan
October 29, 1963
November 1963
December 1963
Jan 28, 1964
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall with 24 members present. An oyster and chili supper preceded the meeting and was enjoyed by all.
Book Balance-$395- $367 made at the feather party
Bills- $3.58 Wilmont Cafe for chili supper
$8.66 O.E. for oysters.
Motion made by L.J. Moore and seconded by John Eckard to pay these. Motion carried.
Motion made by Ernie Baedke and seconded by Dale Luehring to have smorgasbord. Date and committee set. Larry McVicker chairman.
Drawing won by Dan Fairchild
Meeting adj. at 9:00
Darwin Will
Act Adj.
Feb 25, 1964
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall with 15 members present. Prayer was given and preamble recited. A prayer was also given for memory of Ralph Cutshall.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Thanks given for members help at Ralph Cutshall funeral.
Membership reported largest of all time.
Discussed signs for highway.
Asked for suggestions for Memorial Day speakers.
Discussed having Legion Dance. $5.00 donation for set-ups, popcorn and lunch.
Report on Des Moines trip
Drawing held
Darwin Will
Act Adj.
March 31, 1964
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall with 15 members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were not read. Comm Determan preceded with the meeting after the prayer and preamble.
Bank balance of $611.36
Motion made by Joe Feldman and seconded by Larry McVicker to pay for sympathy and get well cards. Motion carried.
No one listed sick or in the hospital.
Comm. Determan stated that the will of Ralph Cutshall bequeathed $500 to Walsh Post 432.
Joe Feldman moved that we contribute $50 to Clarence Askland for his campaign as State Commander. Seconded by Sam Zehnder motion carried.
Motion made by Joe Feldman and seconded by Duane Gunderson to buy highway signs for $43.00 motion carried.
The annual baseball trip was planned for July 19, 1964. Pat Sullivan to make arrangements.
Joe Murphy’s name was called for the drawing but he was not present.
Meeting adjourned by Commander at 9:30.
Members present:
Comm Determan Pat Sullivan
Wallace Trochlil Joe Feldman
Sam Zehnder Tom Rubis
Duane Gunderson H. Nichols
Bill Mehan Delmar Turpin
John Eckard Virgil Schmelling
Larry McVicker Ed Wollner
Bob Harvey.
Pat Sullivan
April 28, 1964
A regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held with Pat Sullivan conducting the meeting in the absence of Comm Determan. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Nine members were present:
Bob Fairchild Bill Mehan
Pat Sullivan Del Turpin
Dar Will John Eckard
Sam Zehnder Duane Gunderson
Dale Luehring.
Motion made by Sam Zehnder and seconded by Dar Will to start our meetings at 8:30 instead of 8:00 during daylight savings time. Motion carried.
Decided to table contribution for Don Johnson for National Commander until May meeting .
No new bills-no new business.
Drawing was held and Guy Eick called but not present
Meeting adjourned 9:30
May 1964
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Commander Determan with 11 members present.
Motion made and seconded to table contributions for Don Johnson to June meeting carried.
Memorial Day Service 9:30 May 30. Dr. Harle Hagedorn to speak.
Motion made by Sullivan and seconded by Ehwegen to send $10 to Clyde Duncan Olympic Fund carried.
Motion made by Gunderson and seconded by Johnson to put new screens on west side of Legion Hall carried. Rubis given go ahead.
Adjourned. Drawing Art Roe not present.
June 1964
Meeting called to order by Commander Determan with 11 members present.
Motion made by J. Feldman to pay $42.02 for screens and $10.00 for Memorial Day carried.
Motion made by D. Luehring, seconded by L. Zitterich to fix roof carried.
Sullivan to get bids on cost of painting.
Ed, Joe, and Tom resigned from dance committee. Comm Determan to appoint new committee. Suggested that Larry McVicker be head of committee.
Drawing-Weldon Lewis not present.
July 1964
Regular meeting Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm Determan with 15 members present.
Following officers elected:
Commander- Darwin Will
1st Vice- Virgil Schmelling
2nd Vice- Del Turpin
Adjutant- Don VonEhwegen
Chaplain- Dale Luehring
Sgt of Arms- Vernon Pederson
Service Officer- Emil Zehnder
Executive Board- Darial Determan
Larry McVicker
Joe Murphy
Dance Committee- Larry McVicker
Duane Gunderson
Blaine Pederson
Pat Sullivan
Leonard Zitterich
Les Moore.
Report on Boys State by Galen Thomas
Bills: Pepsi Cola $25.50
Coke $28.50
Bank Balance-$878.90
Motion by Pederson(Blaine) and seconded by Will to offer to pay for accident to Norman Olson carried.
Motion made to paint building $330 carried
1964 Twins Trip
The following members and non members attended the Minnesota Twins vs Los Angeles baseball game July 19, 1964.
While repacking ice around bottles one blew up cutting Norman Olson across the wrist. There are four stitches that were necessary to close the wound. This was done at Methodist Hospital. Cost $8.50. Take there and back $7.50. Total $16.00
1.Doc Moore 20.Don Krieger
2.John Eckard 21.Norman Olson
3.Delmar Turpin 22.Jim Mortenson
4.Loren Wallman 23.Garhart Jensen
5.Bob Jensen 24.Joe Feldman
6.Duane Belsen 25.Dale Luehring
7.Darwin Myrick 26.Bernard Kelly
8.Neil Kathman 27.Pete Pederson
9.San Zehnder 28.Fred Eckley
10.Virgil Schmelling 29.Duane Gunderson
11.Pat Sullivan 30.Don Ehwegen
12.Leonard Zitterich 31.John Bielfeldt
13.Darial Determan 32.Don Bennington
14.Bob Harvey 33.E. Baedke
15.Wallace Trochlil 34.Joe Murphy
16.Lyle Alexander 35.Joe Halva
17.Darial Benson 36.Bill Zitterich
18.Olie Johnson 37.Darwin Will
19.Cliff Wilmont
August 25, 1964
The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was brought to order at 8:37 by Commander Determan.
The opening prayer was given by Chaplain Schmelling and the preamble was recited.
Motion was made and seconded to pay the bills motion carried.
Balance on hand of $450.00 after bills were paid $428.84.
Comm Determan swore in the new officers. New officers took over.
Comm Will directed Sgt Pederson to get color guard for home football games.
Darial Determan was appointed to have signs “American Legion” put on front of the building.
Motion by Pederson to elect Virgil Schmelling as 1st Vice Commander in place of Dave Brant who withdrew because of other commitments and Dale Luehring as Chaplain in place of Don Ehwegen who was appointed Adj’tSeconded by John Eckard motion carried.
Motion by Pederson to adjourn and seconded by Determan carried.
Adjourn at 10:10.
Leonard Zitterich won $22 on drawing.
Sept 29, 1964
The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall with 14 members present.
Chaplain Luehring gave the prayer and the preamble was recited after which Comm Will declared 432 in session at 8:30. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Larry McVicker gave a report of the Dance Committee on moving band stand and on dates of coming dances.
Everett Zitterich made motion to leave the moving of the bandstand up to dance committee and seconded by David Determan. Motion carried.
Leonard Zitterich reported that there has been 48 members signed up thus far.
Motion by Larry McVicker and seconded by Blaine Pederson to have Darial Determan go ahead and see about having sign “American Legion” painted on front of the building.
A discussion was held about the padlock on the cupboards after which Dale Luehring made the motion to have the locks removed, Joe Feldman seconded it. Motion carried.
It was decided to give the mice the poison treatment.
Leonard Zitterich reported a balance of $261.49.
Motion made by Les Moore to allow bills of:
$7.50 to Ed Wollner
$7.50 to Luvern Johnson-refund on ball game tickets
$4.33 to Don’s Clover Farm Store
$4.05 to Paul’s Tap
$61.96 building Ins.
$29.00 Liability Ins.
Seconded by Everett Zitterich. Motion carried.
A discussion was held on putting in our bid for the Spring Conference but it was decided not to.
Motion made by Dale Luehring to have our meeting dates put on the school calendar. Seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
Post Adj’t
Donald VonEhwegen
Oct 27, 1964
Regular meeting Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm Will with 7 members present.
Dale Luehring Virgil Schmelling
Larry McVicker Leonard Zitterich
Vernon Pederson Darwin Will
Pat Sullivan.
Preamble recited and prayer read by chaplain.
Balance on hand $841.29
Membership Report-42 sent in (54 total)
Next dance Nov 21
Co-op $1.02
Clover Farm $4.17
Paul $4.05 $2.07
Motion by Sullivan and seconded by V. Pederson to pay, carried.
Commander Will read letter from Jack Bedell as to will of Ralph Cutshall which gave 432- $500.
Motion made by McVicker seconded by Luehring to donate $70.00 to Mrs. Duane Ehwegen for movie for Unicef carried.
Motion made by Luehring and seconded by E. Zitterich to appoint committee for prices on remodeling west side with Ralph Cutshall funds. Pete Pedersen to price heat unit and Dale Luehring to price floor and paneling
Meeting adjourned.
Nov 24, 1964
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Commander Will with 9 members present. A prayer was given by chaplain Luehring and the preamble was recited. he minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Membership report of 57 members paid.
Dance committee report of two dances in December on the 12th and the 19th. There was to be no New Years dance.
Finance report of $973.76 on hand
Dale Luehring gave a report on fixing the floor on west side of building. It was decided to have him look farther into the situation as to the cost of inlaid linoleum
Duane Gunderson gave a report on prices of sign for front of building. Motion made by Gunderson and seconded by Luehring to put up plastic sign from Buckholy for $160. Motion carried.
Bills presented were:
Duane Gunderson $6.90 for ice
Larry McVicker $4.69 for turkey
Larry Mcvicker $2.65 for decorations
Art Jensen’s $4.89
Buns Hardware $19.30 for supplies
Motion by Zehnder to pay bills and seconded by John Eckard motion carried.
Motion by McVicker and seconded by Leonard Zitterich to send cards out for meetings carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Post Adj
Don VonEhwegen
Jan 26, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order by Comm Will at 8:00 p.m. with 24 members present. Also present was Clarence Askeland, State Comm and Dewy Demuth Dept Vice Commander. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Clarence Askeland presented a citation to Darial Determan for all time membership high in 1964. Dewey Demuth gave a talk on membership. Report on membership we were one short of quota.
Blaine Pederson gave a report of the dance committee. Next dance to be Feb. 13.
Financial report of $993.89. Bills paid:
Sales tax $20.45
Gas $81.65
Light bill $26.08
Water bill $9.18
Bucholy $160.00 for sign.
Dale Luehring gave a report on building committee. Cost $494.99 for inlaid linoleum and $437.25 for tile from Superior lumber. Terril estimate almost same as Superior’s
Motion made by Sam Zehnder to look around farther on floor covering, seconded by Blaine Pederson. Motion carried. Committee of Dale Luehring chairman-Bob Strube and Stanley Nelson.
Discussion was held on heating of west side of building and no action was taken.
Bills presented were as follows:
Dan Fairchild for new kettle $1.96
Food $23.15
Liquor $25.15
Paul’s tap $5.00.
Motion by Blaine Pederson to pay bills, seconded by Bill Zitterich motion carried.
A discussion was held on Girl Scouts and no action was taken
Meeting adjourned.
Post Adj.
Don Ehwegen
Oyster Soup Supper
enough to feed 30-35
1 gallon of oysters
10 qts. of milk
1 1/2 qts. of half and half
1 lb of butter
Feb 23, 1965
Meeting was called to order by Comm. Will At 8:30 with 12 members present. A prayer was given by Chaplain Luehring and the preamble was recited. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Financial report of $1048.01. Bills of
Gas $78.53
Light bill $20.21
Ray Knittle $15.50 for repair and tuning piano
Don’s Clover Farm $4.85
Duane Gunderson $4.80 for ice
Snappy Popcorn Co. $14.00 for coconut oil
Motion by Dale Luehring to pay bills, seconded by John Eckard, motion carried.
The next dance to be the St. Patricks dance on March 17th. Eddie Morris to play.
Bid on Flooring for west side of building from Farmers Co-op for $456.94. This bid includes 1376 sq ft. 4’*8″*1/4″ plywood, 1350 sq ft. 9″*9″*1/16″ Armstrong Vinyl Asbestos Tile, 7 gallons s-700 adhesive, 3 1/2 rolls 15# felt and 2 boxes 7/8″ 77DCE staples to secure plywood underlayment. This bid good until March 31st, 1965. Action on flooring tabled.
Darwin Will will represent the legion on the South Dickinson County Comm Fund Committee.
A letter was read from Comm Dale Johnson for donation for Herbert Hoover memorial fund. No action was taken.
Motion made by Dan Fairchild, seconded by Dale Luehring to send boy to Boys State motion carried,
Bob Strube gave a report on how to go about getting District fall convention. Motion by Bob Strube, seconded by Dale Luehring to confront aux to see it they would be interested in convention, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Don Ehwegen
Post Adj.
March 30, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Will at 8:25 p.m. with 11 members present. A prayer was given and the preamble was recited.
The last dance of the season is to be April 24th with Little Joe providing the music.
Financial report of $1053.81 on hand. Bills of
$71.92 for gas
$23.33 electric bill
$25.00 for Boys State
$11.79 ice bill to Duane Gunderson
$4.00 Paul’s tap
$21.60 to Seven Up Bottling Company for pop donated to school carnival.
Motion by Sam Zehnder to pay bills and second by Vernon Pederson, motion carried.
Leonard Zitterich and Dar Will are to meet with the aux to discuss the possibility of having the District fall convention at Terril.
John Eckard and Del Turpin appointed to find out what the cost would be to have a catering service serve banquet at convention.
Pat Sullivan gave a report on the Girl Scout Troop. Motion by Leonard Zitterich to let Girl Scouts use legion building for meeting, seconded by Vernon Pederson, motion carried.
Motion by Pat Sullivan to have Pete Pederson put in furnace on west side of building for approx $300, seconded by Leonard Zitterich, motion carried.
Meeting is adjourned.
Post Adj
Don Ehwegen
April 20, 1965
A special meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Will at 8:45 p.m. with 8 members present. A prayer was given and the preamble recited.
Balance on have of $850.45. Bills of
$78.35 for gas
$15.46 electric bill
$9.18 water bill
$5.05 for lunch
Motion to pay bills by Stanley Nelson, seconded by Vernon Pederson,motion carried.
The Legion tickets for the Twins ball game on July 18th will cost $8.50 per person. 37 tickets available.
The auxiliary decided to go along with us on the fall legion convention. Motion made and passed unanimously that we bid for the District fall convention. Dar Will to go to Hawarden April 26th put in our bid.
Catering service for banquet would cost $1.75 for chicken and $2.00 for beef.
Pat Sullivan to see about cleaning of building.
Dale Luehring to see school board about putting up a flag pole for athletic field. Cost of $30-$35.
Motion by Wilbur Bielfeldt to cancel April regular meeting, seconded by Leonard Zitterich, motion carried.
Post Adj
Don Ehwegen
May 24, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order at 9:00 p.m. with 9 members and Comm Will present.
Virgil Schmelling reported that we have 3 more members. This brings our total membership to 77 members.
Pat Sullivan gave a report on the cleaning of the legion building. Motion made by Virgil Schmelling that the legion pay half the cost of cleaning legion building. Legion to pay up to $5 a month for its half. Cleaning to be done by aux. member,seconded by Bill Mehan, motion carried.
Darial Determan to see about getting flag from the capital in Washington.
Dar Will reported that Terril’s bid for the district conference was accepted. Motion by Virgil Schmelling to apply for the 11th of Sept for conference, seconded by Vernon Pederson, motion carried.
Financial report of $999.62 on hand. Bills of
$12.03 electric bill
$63.85 Coleman Ins
$337.22 Pete’s Plumbing and heating for furnace
$10.20 Paul’s tap
$9.00 for transportation for boy in Boys State
Motion by Pat Sullivan, seconded by Darial Determan to pay bills, motion carried.
Motion by Tom Rubis to contribute $100 to help pay expenses of John Hopkins who will play in United States of America High School Band, seconded by Larry McVicker, motion carried.
Meeting is adjourned
Post Adj.
Don Ehwegen
June 29, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 called to order at 9:05 p.m. with 11 members and Comm Will present. Lyle Rouse and Dale Rouse were visitors. Dale gave a interesting report on his week at Boys State. He was elected to the office of Secretary of Agriculture while he was there.
There will be a 4th of July dance with Eddie Miller to play.
The month of July is to be the steak fry and election of officers.
Finance report of $528.06, Bills of
$10.41 gas
$10.67 electric bill
$4.97 Don’s Clover Farm Store
Motion by Pat Sullivan to pay bills, seconded by Vernon Pederson, motion carried.
Motion by Vernon Pederson to adjourn seconded by Dale Luehring, motion carried.
Post Adj
Don Ehwegen
July 27, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order at 10:00 p.m. after steak fry with 13 member and Comm Will present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Financial report of $606.76. Bills of
$37.15 to Duane Gunderson
$9.01 electric
$3.61 gas
$9.18 water
Motion by Dale Luehring to pay bills and also bills for steak fry by Vernon Pederson, motion carried.
Election of officers: For commander Virgil Schmelling and 1st vice commander Delmar Turpin.
Nominated for 2nd Vice Commander were Bill Mehan and Dave Brant. Brant elected 10 votes to 2 votes.
Nominated for Sgt of arms Dale Luehring and Bill Zitterich. Bill Zitterich elected 7 votes to 6 votes.
Leonard Zitterich elected to be finance officer.
Bill Mehan elected to be service officer.
Nominated for Chaplain were Joe Murphy and John Eckard. Elected was John Eckard 7 votes to 5 votes.
Motion made by Dale Luehring, seconded by Duane Gunderson that the past commander move up to be on the executive board and to be on it for three years and motion is carried. Executive board is Larry McVicker and Darial Determan and Darwin Will.
Motion by Leonard Zitterich, seconded by Ernie Baedke that the last two names be dropped off the dance committee in order each year, with those elected to serve three years and motion is carried, Nominated for Dance committee were Ernie Baedke, Jim Mortenson, and Bob Strube. Elected were Jim Mortenson and Ernie Baedke. The Dance Committee is Duane Gunderson, Blaine Pederson and Pat Sullivan.
Duane Gunderson was appointed adjutant:
Officers elected July 27 1965
Comm- Virgil Schmelling
1st Vice Comm- Delmar Turpin
2nd Vice Comm- Dave Brant
Sgt of Arms- Bill Zitterich
Finance Off- Leonard Zitterich
Service Off- Bill Mehan
Chaplain- John Eckard
Adjutant- Duane Gunderson
JULY 27 1965
Executive Board: Larry McVicker
Darial Determan
Darwin Will
Dance Committee- Ernie Baedke
Jim Mortenson
Larry McVicker
Duane Gunderson
Blaine Pederson
Pat Sullivan
Meeting adjourned
Post Adj
Don Ehwegen
August 31, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm. Will at 8:40 p.m. with 15 members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Finance report of $441.53 on hand. Bills of
$8.94 for light bill
$1.53 gas bill
$5.41 Don’s Clover Farm for lunch.
Motion by Dan Fairchild to pay bills, seconded by John Eckard and motion carried.
The new officer were sworn in by Ed Wollner.
Ed Wollner was appointed chairman for the noon luncheon for the fall convention Bill Mehan, Del Turpin, John Eckard, Dar will, and Dale Luehring are also on the committee.
Dan Fairchild gave a report on what he has done toward getting the parade lined up for Sept 25th. Don Ehwegen and Dale Luehring to help send out letters to all the past in 9th district.
Vernon Pederson and Silly Trochil to take care of Memorial Plot.
Motion by Pat Sullivan to adjourn, seconded by Dar Will and motion carried.
Post Adj.
Don Ehwegen
Sept 27, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Schmelling at 8:20 p.m. there were 18 members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
A report on the number of members we have so far was given.
Bills were read by Comm Schmelling.
Motion was made by Don Ehwegen, seconded by Darwin Will to pay Myra Steffen $20 for the posters she made and motion was carried.
Motion was made by Pat Sullivan, seconded by Don Ehwegen to pay the Spencer horse drill team $15, motion carried.
Motion was made by Don Ehwegen, seconded by Emil Baedke to have Pat Sullivan see about the cost and getting some one to fix floor behind the bar upstairs and carried,
Motion was made by Ed Wollner, seconded by Pat Sullivan to give Comm Schmelling authority to fix the building where it needs it, motion carried.
Motion was made by Pat Sullivan, seconded by Comm Schmelling to put Don Ehwegen and Dar Will and Dale Luehring in charge of cleaning out the basement, motion carried.
Motion was made by Bill Zitterich, seconded by Don Ehwegen to have the meeting adjourn, motion carried.
Motion was made by Bill Zitterich, seconded by Ed Wollner to pay rest of the bills, motion carried.
Post Adj.
Duane Gunderson
Oct 26, 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Schmelling at 8:35 p.m. There were 14 members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The treasure reported that we had $814.36 on hand.
Motion was made by Bob Strube, seconded by Pete Pederson to pay the bill for taking the aux 9th district president out to dinner, motion carried.
There was a discussion on the dance situation and liquor policy.
Motion was made by Dale Luehring, seconded by Darwin Will to get a class A club liquor license and ass. fee, motion carried.
Darwin Will and John Eckard and Commander Schmelling volunteered to go to Spirit Lake to see Don about selling liquor with a license.
Motion was made by Larry McVicker, seconded by Dale Luehring to adjourn, motion carried.
Duane Gunderson
Fall Conference, 1965, Sept 25
Door morning coffee $4.24
mens noon lunch $130.00
evening banquet $154.25
total- $288.45
Lutheran Ladies Aid- $225.00
Don’s Clover Farm- $56.38
Terril Locker- $38.80
total- $320.18
Bar money received $637.83
Leonard Zitterich 24 bottles $100.61
Band Music $80.00
Ed Munsterman Cop $5.00
Coca Cola $39.95
Duane Gunderson bottles $61.12
Blaine Pederson bottles $74.17
Paul Tap $21.95
total $382.80
net gain bar: $255.03
Milford Mail- $28.82
Donna Bobs Printing- $40.00
Earl Rynerson S. Couch- $38.00
Clay Central Band- $20.00
Spencerettes Jerry Dean- $30.00
Dan Fairchild envelopes- $12.25
A.E. Jensen Supplies- $6.09
Myra Steffen- $20.00
? Hatfield trucking- $12.50
Supply tape- $.50
Boles adv- $7.50
Spencer Drill Team- $15.00
American Legion Aux- $10.50
total $245.66
total loss $22.36
Nov 1965
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Schmelling at 8:20 a.m. with 18 member present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Report on the number of members we have so far.
Bills were read by Comm Schmelling.
Motion was made by Don Ehwegen to pay Myra Steffen $20.00 for the poster she made. Dar Will seconded the motion is carried.
Motion was made by Pat Sullivan, seconded by Don Ehwegen to pay $15 in the horse drill team from Spencer.
Motion was made by Bill Zitterich, seconded by Ed Wollner to pay rest of bill on preceding page.
Motion mas made by Pat Sulivan to see about putting tile behind the bar upstairs by Don Ehwegen, seconded by Ernie Baedke, motion carried.
Motion was made by Ed Wollner, seconded by Pat Sullivan to have Comm. Schmelling fix the building where it needs it, motion carried.
Motion was made by Pat Sullivan, seconded by Comm Schmelling to have Don Ehwegen and Dar Will and Dale Luehring clean out basement, motion carried.
Motion was made by Bill Zitterich, seconded by Don Ehwegen to have meeting adjourned.
Duane Gunderson
Dec 1965
Meeting adjourned by Comm Schmelling.
Duane Gunderson
Jan 1966
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order at 8:50p.m. with 10 members and Comm Schmeling present.
Finance report of $770.40 on hand
Bills of:
$42.98 gas bill
$9.18 water bill
$17.05 electric bill
$45.31 Larry McVicker for band stand
$5.76 Ernie Baedke for post cards
$37.60 Coca-Cola for pop
$41.51 Pauls Tap for beer
Motion by John Eckard to pay bills seconded by Delmar Turpin, motion carried.
Motion by McVicker to have Leonard Zitterich look into having glass block put into basement windows seconded by Dar Will, motion carried.
Meeting is adjourned.
Duane Gunderson
Feb 1966
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order at 9:30 with six members present. Motion was made to not read the minutes.
Leonard Zitterich was not present to give finance report.
Motion was made by Ernie Baedke to pay the following bills.
$22.45 to Don Clover for grocery
$9.00 to Ernie Baedke for post cards
$12.00 to Ray Knittel for piano tuning
$18.00 to Duane Gunderson for ice
Motion carried
Motion was made by Joe Murphy to go along and help the aux with a Smorgasbord, seconded by Pat Sullivan, motion carried.
Motion was made by Ernie Baedke, seconded by Larry McVicker to adjourn, motion carried at 9:45.
Duane Gunderson
March 1966
Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order at 9:00 with 10 members present.
Ernie Baedke and John Eckard made a motion seconded to accept the minutes that were read, motion carried.
Then report was given with $237.85 on hand.
Leonard reported that he had paid:
$102.04 to the gas company
$18.17 to the electric company
$28.43 to Farmers Co-op for popcorn and lumber
$5.81 to Milford mail for a rubber stamp and pad.
$38.10 to Coca Cola for pop
$8.70 to Seven Up for pop.
Discussion was then held on boys state John Eckard made a motion to send a boy to boys state, seconded by Dale Luehring, motion carried.
Leonard then brought up the annual baseball trip to the twins game. After the discussion it was decided to go June 19th to the Chicago white Socs game.
Ernie Baedke made a motion for adj., seconded by John Eckard, motion carried.
Duane Gunderson
April meeting was cancelled
May 31, 1966
Meeting was called to order by Commander Schmeling with 7 members present.
Motion was made by Pat Sullivan seconded by Dale Luehring to pay the following bills.
Bun Hardware $69.93
Beryl Coleman $4.59
Internal Revenue $54.00
Virgil Schmeling $28.00
Motion made, seconded for adjournment
Duane Gunderson
June meeting was cancelled
July 26, 1966
Meeting was called to order by Commander Virgil Schmeling with 17 members present at 9:30.
Then report was then given with $130.25 in the bank. A check from the 9th district for $261.95 for us holding the fall conference in Terril, these bills were turned in to be paid:
$9.18 for water
$18.56 for gas
$8.41 for lights
Motion made, seconded to be paid, motion carried.
Darwin Will made a motion that we pay the aux $200 for their half of the fall convention, seconded by Dale Luehring, motion carried.
Leonard was also to send $9.00 to Kenneth Littlefield for transportation for Pederson to boys state.
Ed Wollner made a motion to have Darial Determan see about getting a plaque made up for people who gave memorials to fix up the building and Blaine Pederson seconded it, motion carried.
Election of Officers
Commander for coming year will be Del Turpin and David Brant is to be the Vice Commander.
Motion was then made by Gordon Tonderum, seconded by John Eckard to have Virgil Schmeling for 2nd Vice Commander. Dale Luehring made a motion that nominations cease, seconded by Duane Gunderson. Motion is carried. Dale Luehring then nominated Bill Zitterich for Sgt of Arms, seconded by Darwin Will and John Eckard made a motion to have nomination cease and Leonard Zitterich said that Bill Zitterich would not accept. Delmar Turpin then nominated Dale Luehring, seconded by Don Ehwegen. Dale Luehring nominated Gordon Tonderum which was seconded by Duane Gunderson and motion made by Ed Wollner, seconded by Joe Feldman that nominations cease. Ballots were then cast with Dale Luehring winning 10-5.
Leonard Zitterich accept the post of finance officer for another year.
Ed Wollner made a motion to keep Bill Mehan as service officer for another year, seconded by Darwin Will, motion carried.
Motion made by Joe Feldman, seconded by Darwin Will to have John Eckard remain as Chaplin and motion carried.
Motion was made by Blaine Pedersen, seconded by Leonard Zitterich have Bob Fairchild on the dance committee, seconded by John Eckard. Darwin Will made a motion that Danny Moyer be placed on the Dance Committee and Joe Feldman seconded the motion. Ballots were then cast with Danny Moyer getting 9 votes Darwin Will getting 8 votes and Bob Fairchild getting 7 votes. So the new member on the Dance Committee are Danny Moyer and Darwin Will.
JULY 26 1965
Bob Fairchild made a motion to pay $25 to hook up the new sewer giving in and if the sewer doesn’t go in the $25 will be returned. Seconded by Johnny Johnson, motion carried.
Don Ehwegen then made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Darial Determan, motion carried.
Comm Del Turpin
Vice Comm David Brant
2nd Vice Virgil Schmeling
Sgt of Arms Dale Luehring
Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich
Service Officer Bill Mehan
Chaplain John Eckard
New members on Dance Committee:
Danny Moyer
Darwin Will
Duane Gunderson.
Special Meeting
Motion made to accept July 26th minutes. Meeting called to order by commander.
Much discussion on liquor permit.
Everyone present voted to place “For Sale” sign in front window.
Bills for previous month. Motion made to pay bill and accepted.
Motion made by Virgil Schmeling and 2nd by Dale Luehring to pay Vernon Pederson $52.50 per year for building maintenance and accepted.
Motion made by Dale Luehring, seconded by John Eckard to renew liquor and beer license and accepted.
Committee appointed to plan the Feather Party for 16th of month. Motion made to leave F.P. 16th of Nov accepted.
Motion made by Dan Fairchild and 2nd by John Eckard and accepted.
Aug 30, 1966
The regular Aug meeting was held at the Legion hall in Terril at 9:15 which was called to order by Commander Virgil Schmeling with 11 members present. The minutes were then read. Danny Fairchild made a motion to accept the minutes. Bob Fairchild seconded this motion carried.
Treasure report was then read with $412.82 in the bank. Leonard reported that he had paid $7.43 for the lights and $17.65 for gas. Duane Gunderson presented a bill for $31.25 for ice and post cards. Pat Sullivan made a motion to pay this bill and it was seconded by Darial Determan carried.
Bob Fairchild made a motion to put cement blocks in the downstairs or basement window instead of glass blocks. Pat Sullivan seconded this motion, motion carried.
Pat Sullivan made a motion to put combination windows in the upstairs subject to inspection of casings also to put a sash in the south east window, seconded by Bob Fairchild, motion carried.
Pat Sullivan made a motion that the new officers take over their post for the coming year. This motion was seconded by Darial Determan.
Motion was made by Bob Fairchild, seconded by Pat Sullivan to adjourn, motion carried.
Duane Gunderson
Jan 31, 1967
Called to order. Discussion on purchase of beer cooler.
Motion made by V. Schmeling and 2nd by D. Morgan to pay bills as presenter and passed.
Motion made by Duane Gunderson and 2nd by Jim Moyer to donate use of building Feb 11th to the Boy Scouts pending conflicting uses.
Motion made by Duane Gunderson and 2nd by D. Fairchild to elect him alternate on the dance comm. Election unanimous
Motion made by D. Gunderson and 2nd by Larry McVicker to adjourn. Voted on and passed.
Post Adj
Feb 28, 1967
Meeting called to order
Minutes read
Financial report
Discussion about ? for M. Cruse for Gold Star Memorial.
Motion made by Ed Wollner and 2nd by D. Gunderson to send boy to Boys State
Discussion about dance
Motion made by D. Moyer and 2nd by L.J. Moore to send gift to members in hospital and sick.
Motion made by D. Gunderson and 2nd by D. Moyer to adjourn.
Post Adj
Bob ?
July 24, 1967
16 members present. Minutes of present meeting read and approved
Discussion of window and doors.
Motion made by D. Moyer to have Bill Z. rewire upstairs and 2nd by John Bielfeldt and passed.
Motion made by Darwin Will and 2nd by Bob Strube that we buy a used refrigerator from E. Zitterich for $35 and passed.
Commander Turpin explained that David Brant was next in line of succession for Commander.
Darwin Will nominate Don Ehwegen
Don Ehwegen nominated Bob Strube
Motion made by Johnson and 2nd by Duane Gunderson for nominations to cease.
Dave Brant refused to accept Comm Post
Don Ehwegen elected Commander
Bob Strube elected Vice Commander
Darwin Will nominated John Eckard for 2nd Vice Commander motion made and 2nd to ceased nominations
John Eckard is 2nd Vice Commander.
John Bielfeldt nominated Vern Pederson for Chaplin
Motion made and 2nd that nominations cease and carried
Vernon Pederson is Chaplain
Dan Fairchild nominated John Bielfeldt for Sgt of Arms
Don Ehwegen nominated Darial Determan
Vernon Pederson nominated Bob Jensen
Motion made and 2nd that nominations cease.
John Bielfeldt elected
Leonard Zitterich nominated for finance officer
Motion made and 2nd that nom cease and passed
Leonard Zitterich accepted position.
Ed Wollner nominated by Duane Gunderson
Motion made and 2nd that nomination cease and passed. Position accepted by Ed Wollner
JULY 24 1967
Dance Committee present
Jim Mortenson
Dan Moyer
Darwin Will
Virgil Schmeling and Del Turpin nominated for Dance Comm. Dan Fairchild nominated for Dance Comm.
Motion made and 2nd that nominations cease and passed.
Commander Turpin made presentation of plaque in memory of Leroy Cruse given by his mother. The plaque has the names of men killed in WW2.
Motion made by Bob Strube and 2nd by Bob Jenson to adjourn meeting motion passed.
Officers :
Comm Don Ehwegen
Vice Comm Bob Strube
2nd Vice John Eckard
Chaplain Vernon Pederson
Sgt of Arms John Bielfildt
Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich
Adjutant Bill Mehan
Ed Wollner
Dance Committee
Jim Mortenson
Dan Moyer
Darwin Will
Virgil Schmeling
Del Turpin
Dan Fairchild
Nov 28, 1967
Meeting was called to order by commander Don VonEhwegen. Prayer was read by Chaplain Luehring and 8 members were present. Finance report was given by Leonard Zitterich. Bank Balance was 291.08.
Bills were presented by Duane Gunderson and Bill Mehan, ice $13.60, post cards $4.00. Dale Luehring made motion to pay bills and 2nd by D. Determan, motion carried.
Discussion roof wash, Harold Schnell has been working on it.
Discussion was held on a plaque to remember people who have donated gifts or money to the Post. Darial Determan appointed to see what could be done.
Motion made by Dan Fairchild and 2nd by Virgil Schmeling to accept the following resolution, motion carried.
Whereas it is the desire of the American Legion Walsh Post 432 to be granted a class A liquor license.
Therefore, be it resolved that as application for said licenses to expire Nov. 18, 1968 be filed with the Iowa Liquor Commission and that Donald E. VonEhwegen Commander be authorized to execute the necessary application and bond, and any other papers required by the Iowa Liquor Commission.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by American Legion Walsh Post 432 at a regular meeting of the organization held on the 28th day of November, 1967.
William Mehan
Sec. & Adj.
Discussed having a feather party in December, motion made by Virgil Schmeling and 2nd by Darial Determan to have a feather party Wed Dec. 13 motion carried.
Committees were appointed to help carry it out.
Motion made by Duane Gunderson and 2nd by Dale Luehring to adjourn motion carried.