Legion Minutes 1968 – 1977

Legion Minutes 1968 – 1977

Jan 30, 1968

Meeting was called to order by Commander Don Ehwegen and 10 members present.

Financial report given by finance officer Leonard Zitterich. Bank balance of $1148.43. Feather party grossed $844.77. The following bills were presented:

$8.00 to Duane Gunderson for ice
$3.10, $3.50 to Terril Shopper

Motion made by Dale Luehring and 2nd by Jim Moyer to pay bills, motion carried.

Sick call was held and decided to send Marge Wollner a card at the hospital.

Motion made by Dan Fairchild and 2nd by Dale Luehring to send a sick card to any legion or auxiliary member and their immediate families from Terril; carried.

Discussion was held on local students and square dancers using the legion building for dances and no solution arrived at.

Motion made by Darial Determan and 2nd by Duane Gunderson to fix floor behind the upstairs bar\; motion carried.

Commander Ehwegen appointed the following members to take charge of fixing bar floor. Darial Determan chairman, Jim Moyer, Duane Gunderson, and Dale Luehring.

No further business to discuss, Commander Ehwegen adjourned the meeting.

Bill Mehan

Feb 27, 1968

Not enough members present to hold meeting

March 26, 1968

Meeting was called to order by Commander Don Ehwegen and prayer was read by acting Chaplain Duane Gunderson. 12 members were present.

Finance report was given by L. Zitterich. Bank Balance $1128.09. Bills were presented by:

174.25 Harold Schnell for fixing roof
$2.00 ice to Duane Gunderson
$6.00 to Bill Mehan for post cards

Motion made by Bob Strube and 2nd by Don Erickson to pay bills.

Motion made by Stan Nelson and 2nd by Leonard Zitterich to send a boy to Boys State at Des Moines June 2 to 8, 1968.

Discussed having a stand or concession the 27th of July at the Terril celebration.

Discussed going to ball game at Minnesota. It was decided to go July 21st.

It was decided to send our color guard to Royal, Iowa May 11, 1968 for “Major Dethlefsen” day.

No further business, meeting was adjourned by Comm Ehwegen.

Bill Mehan

April, 1968

Not enough members present for meeting.

May 28, 1968

Meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Don VonEhwegen. 13 members were present.

Financial report was given by Leonard Zitterich, finance officer. Bank Balance of $580.08

light bill was $15.08
gas bill was $16.71
Bill Mehan for post cards $5.00

Motion made by Duane Gunderson and 2nd by Jim Moyer to pay bills, motion carried.

Darial Determan gave a report on purchasing plaque with donors names on it for Legion building. It was decided to discuss further with the auxiliary.

Discussed moving Legion sign north of Terril on blacktop.

No other business meeting was adjourned.

Bill Mehan

June 25, 1968

Meeting was opened with a prayer by acting chaplain Duane Gunderson and recitation of the preamble to the Constitution

Commander Don Von Ehwegen declared meeting open with 12 members present. Motion made by Del Turpin and seconded by Jim Moyer to pay all bills. Motion carried. Balance on have $490.90.

A letter of appreciation from the cub scout on memorial day parade was read by Comm Ehwegen.

Plans were discussed on the July 27th celebration Don VonEhwegen, chairman, Joe Murphy, Don Torreson, Duane Gunderson, and Dale Luehring were named committee for the bingo.

Commander Don VonEhwegen declared Walsh Post 432 closed.

Bill Mehan

July 30, 1968

Prayer was read by chaplain Pedersen and meeting was called to order by Commander Don VonEhwegen. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

A report on his trip to Boys State was given by Mike Arthur.

Treasurers reported a balance of $811.02. Motion made by Les Moore and 2nd by Gordon Tonderum to pay following bills:

Gas $5.75
light $69.57
water $9.77
coca cola $35.00
post card $2.50
ice $8.00
pictures of color guard $3.70
a new water heater was purchased for $59.95 included in the light bill,

Motion made by Stanley Nelson and 2nd by Lawrence Johnson to pay for new globe on outside light.

John Eckard nominated Don Torreson for 1st vice commander.

Blaine Pedersen nominated for 2nd vice commander.

Stanley Nelson nominated Leonard Zitterich for finance officer.

Ed Wollner nominated for service officer.

Duane Gunderson nominated for chaplain.

Jim Moyer nominated for Sgt of arms.

Motion by Stanley Nelson that nominations cease and adjutant be instructed to cast unanimous vote for the names nominated and 2nd by John Eckard. Motion carried. Lawrence Johnson nominated to fill Jim Mortenson’s place on dance committee, carried.

Comm Bob Strube
Vice Comm Don Torreson
2nd Vice Blaine Pedersen
Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich
Chaplain Duane Gunderson

Sgt of Arms Jim Moyer

Executive committee for the year 1968-69
Virgil Schmelling
Delmar Turpin
Don VonEhwegen.

Don VonEhwegen acting as installing officer swore in new officers of Walsh Post 432, Terril Iowa for the year 1968-69. Being no further business New Commander Bob Strube adjourned the meeting.

Bill Mehan

August 1968

No meeting held

Sept 24, 1968

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Bob Strube with 10 members present.

Commander read letter from David Stien returning check for Speaker fee.

Discussion on Square dance was held Dan Moyer was appointed a committee of one to investigate.

Treasure report $437.94 balance on hand.

Motion made by Donald VonEhwegen and 2nd by Jim Moyer to accept the following resolution.

Whereas, it is the desire of the American Legion Walsh Post 432 to be granted a Class A Liquor License.

Therefore, be it resolved that an application for said license to expire Nov 18, 1969 be filed with the Iowa Liquor Control Commission and that Robert Ray Strube-Commander be authorized to execute the necessary applications and bond, and any other papers required by the Iowa Liquor Control Commission.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the American Legion Walsh Post 432 at a regular meeting of the organization held on the 24 day of Sept, 1968.

by Stanley H Nelson

Motion carried

The following bills presented:
Wilbur Zelinsky(lunch)- $34.70
Rays tap(beer)- $195.35
Beryl Coleman(flowers)- $5.15
State Bank(ins)- $92.00
Stan Nelson(post cards)- $5.00
Bob Strube(ice)- $1.50
Bergeson Welding- $12.00
Don’s Food Store(steaks)- $68.15

Don Ehwegen made motion to allow the bills and seconded by Don Torreson, motion carried

Stan Nelson

Oct 28, 1968

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Bob Strube.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

Motion made by Dan Moyer and seconded by Bob Fairchild that we put window in South of building and block or board up east and west side window whichever is cheapest(motion carried)

Motion by Joe Murphy the present Comm fix basement window and 2nd by Ed Wollner (motion carried)

Motion by Don Torreson and 2nd by Leonard Zitterich that we hold a feather party Nov. 23(motion carried)

Bill presented were as follow
Bob Bruett refrigerator-$24.89
Spirit Lake

Motion by Joe Murphy and seconded by Dan Moyer to pay bills, motion carried

Motion by Bob Fairchild and seconded by Dan Moyer we adjourn, motion carried.

Stan Nelson

Nov 1968

No meeting held

Dec 1968

No meeting held

Jan 28, 1969

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Bob Strube. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved

A long discussion was held on dances.

A discussion was held on changing meeting date.

The following bills were approved and motion by Duane Gunderson and 2nd by Ed Wollner

Effie Probst $55.00 cleaning
Coca Cola Bottling $20.00 pop
Stan Nelson $4.00 post cards

Comm Strube appointed Ed Wollner and Don Torreson and Don Ehwegen as a committee to hold a 50th anniversary of the legion.

Everett Zitterich made motion to adjourn seconded by Leonard Zitterich, motion carried.

Stan Nelson

Feb 1969

No meeting held

March 25, 1969

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall on March 25, 1969.

A 6:30 supper was held before the meeting. There were 25 members present to help the legion observe its 50th anniversary.

Motion by John Bielfeldt and 2nd by Cleo Hopkins to borrow $900.00 from the State Bank to pay for windows upstairs, motion carried.

Motion made Cleo Hopkins and 2nd by L. Johnson that we send a boy to Boys State, motion carried.

The following bills were presented

Bob Bruett $11.00
light bill $25.35
Stan Nelson (post card) $5.00
Jim Moyer trash can and flash bulbs $5.21 and $4.00 film

Motion was made by Jim Moyer and 2nd by L. Johnson to allow the bills, motion carried.

Commander Bob Strube gave a short talk on the beginning of the American Legion and informed the members present that Fred Mohr and Ernie Ferguson were 50 year members and will not have to pay dues any more and were to be given a 50 year pin and also two 49 year pins to Bill Cruse and Joe Murphy. Also all WW1 veterans were presented they were Ralph Ginger from Langdon and August Schnell. Jim Moyer took some pictures of the WW1 vets.

A round of applause was given to the cooks, Clarence Clark, Fred Mohr, and Chris Peters

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed by Comm Strube.

Stan Nelson

April 1969

No meeting held

May 27, 1969

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Hall on May 27, 1969.

Meeting was called to order by Comm Bob Strube

Motion was made by Don Torreson and 2nd by James La strange to borrow $300 from the bank, motion carried.

A discussion was held on the memorial day program.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed by Comm Strube.

Stan Nelson

June 1969

No meeting held

July 1969

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Bob Strube

A report on Boys State by Bob Hess was given.

The following bills were presented.
Coca cola $25.00
Super Value (steaks) $66.97
Ia light and power $12.26
Natural gas $11.10
Jim Moyer-pictures $7.50
Stan Nelson cards $6.66

Donald Ehwegen made a motion to pay bills seconded by Jim Moyer, motion carried
Jim Moyer made a motion to charge $25.00 for square dance. Seconded by Joe Feldman, motion carried.

Motion by Ronald Barrick seconded by Cleo Hopkins to appoint a committee to offer suggestions to raise money for the Legion and carried. The comm appointed Ronald Barrick chairman, Ed Wollner and Bob Fairchild.

On the election of officers
Don Torreson- Comm
Joe Murphy- 1st Vice
James La Strange- 2nd Vice
Leonard Zitterich- Finance
Ed Wollner- Service Officer
Duane Gunderson- Chaplain
Jim Moyer- Sgt of Arms

Execution committee is:
Del Turpin
Don Von Ehwegen
Bob Strube.

Motion made by Bob Fairchild and 2nd by Don Moyer that Commander appoint the dance Comm motion carried.
Comm Strube appointed:
Blaine Pedersen chairman
Dan Moyer
Larry Mc Vicker
Virgil Schmelling
Harris Mortenson.
Jim La Strange was appointed adjutant
Comm Strube sworn in new officers. The new Commander closed the meeting
Stan Nelson

No August meeting

Sept 1969

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Comm Don Torreson.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

The following bills were presented

Don Torreson lock keys- $10.76
Jim La Strange cards $5.50
Dons Clover Farm $35.59
State Bank Insurance on Blvd. $97.00

Joe Murphy made the motion to pay the bills seconded by Roy Mckean.

Joe Murphy gave a membership report he has about 12 left to collect from.

Joe Murphy gave a finance report, Legion has $396.42.

The post received $20 from Wilfred E Babcock in memory as his father who was a past member.

Elie Flagson donated his WW1 collection.

Motion made by Roy Mckean to close the meeting seconded by Bruce Will.

Close by Commander Torreson

Jim La Strange

Oct 1969

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Torreson. Minutes of past meeting were read and approved.

Don Ehwegen made a motion to renew legion liquor license

The resolution reads:

Whereas, it is the desire of the American Legion Walsh Post 432 to be granted a Class A Liquor License.

Therefore be it resolved that an application for said license to expire Nov. 18, 1970 be filed with the Iowa Liquor Commission and that Donald Torreson Commander be authorized and either or both are hereby authorized to execute the necessary application and bond, and any other papers required by the Iowa Liquor Commission.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and collect correct copy of the resolution by

American Legion Walsh Post 432 at a regular or special meeting of the organization held on the day of Oct 28, 1969.
Jim Le Strange

Resolution seconded by Joe Murphy

Stanley Nelson made a motion to hold a feather party Nov. 22 seconded by Bob Strube. Time 7:30.

A motion made to make a trophy case to be made by Larry Mc Vicker seconded by Bob Strube.

A motion to start bingo was made by Blaine Pedersen seconded by Bob Strube.

Stanley Nelson made a motion to borrow $300 seconded by Blaine Pedersen.

The bingo committee

Don Torreson
M. Swenson
Jim La Strange
Larry Mc Vicker
Jim Mortenson

Bob Strube made motion to close meeting seconded by Dan Moyer

Close by Commander Torreson.

Jim La Strange

Nov. 1969
No meeting held

Dec 1969
No meeting held

Jan 1970

$721.51 in the bank

$40.50 pop coke bills
$5.00 post cards

Motion made by Joe Murphy seconded by Jim Moyer to pay bills.

Motion to buy bingo cards made by Danny Moyer seconded by Jim

Motion meeting close

Jim La Strange

Jan 3, 1970

Legion meeting special: Called to order by Commander Torreson

Blaine Pedersen, Leonard Zitterich-financial situation discussion

Dance, light bill, gas bill due, beer and liquor,

Bingo account $130.00 – 50 cards made for free passes. Dan moved, L Johnson 2nd, carried. Last time paid out $79.00 free passes. Jack Pot $180.00

Stag Smorgasbord discussion- Jan 31st sell tickets $1.50 pot luck supper.

January dance- fireman pay band 17th

May 2- Roger Hoppe dance

Larry Mc Vicker- Dan Moyer moved to borrow $500.00, 2nd\; motion carried.

Blaine Pedersen moved to have 300 tickets printed for stag-Jim Moyer and 2nd\;motion carried

Discussion-better light for fun room. Bob Strube to check with Don Bennington on his offer to give the Legion his lights.

Commander gone from Jan 7th to 21st

Commander get working list

Dan on bar.

L. Johnson agreed to dispose of electric wire in basement. Burn and sell. Commander approved.

adjournment-moved-Larry 2nd

Feb 1970

No meeting held

March 30, 1970

Ken Mehan was elected to attend Boys State

Jim La Strange gave bingo report.

Motion by Johnson to close seconded by Jim Moyer

April 28, 1970

$851.37 Leonard Zitterich finance report
$6.75 Jim La Strange
$6650 Coleman Insurance

Motion made to pay bills by Jim Moyer seconded by Joe Murphy motion carried

Fun day discussion

People must have button on, pay a dollar. Motion made by Bob Strube seconded by Jim Moyer carried

A motion to finish the windows made by Everett Zitterich 2nd by Joy Murphy, motion carried.

Slides shown
Jim La Strange

May 1970

No meeting held

June 30, 1970

$602.03 financial report by Leonard Zitterich.

$500.00 note due July 1 motion made by Leonard Zitterich to pay it seconded by Virgil Schmelling, motion carried.

Bill to Buns Hdwe $45.00 Blaine Pedersen made motion to pay bills,

Jim Moyer seconded, motion carried

Meeting closed

Jim La Strange

July 25, 1970

$509.17 on hand

Kenny Mehan gave report on Boys State

Bob Strube nominated Joe Murphy for commander, motion carried.

Motion for Vice Commander, Duane Van Kleek by Stanley Nelson.
Also Ronne Zelinsky by Mar Swenson.


Commander Joe Murphy
First Vice Commander Duane Van Kleek
Second Vice Commander Ronne Zelinsky
Sgt of Arms Jim Moyer
Chairman Duane Gunderson
Service Officer Ed Wollner
Finance Officer Leonard Zitterich
Adjutant Jim La Strange

Aug 26, 1970

No meeting held.
Not enough members present

Sept 29, 1970

Pay bills

Resolution for liquor license motion by Jim La Strange seconded by Leonard Zitterich, motion carried.

Jim La Strange assigned as adj.

October 27, 1970

The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Joe Murphy.

Jim La Strange resigned as Adjutant. Commander Murphy appointed Virgil Schmelling to fill the vacancy.

Don Torreson made a motion to renew the Liquor License. The second made by Jim Moyer to accept the following resolution.

Where as, it is the desire of the American Legion, Walsh Post 432 to be granted a Class A Liquor License. Therefore, be it resolved that an application for said license to expire November 18, 1971 be filed with the Iowa Liquor Commission and that Joseph C. Murphy, Commander, be authorized to execute the necessary application and bond and any other papers required by the Iowa Liquor Control Commission. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by American Legion Walsh Post 432 at a regular meeting of the organization held on the 29th day of September, 1970.


Orlie Candy Company …………..$35.80
Coca Cola Bottling Co………….$6.40
Secretary of Agriculture……….$10.00
Farmers Co-op Co………………$184.67
State Bank-beer license………..$103.00
Peoples Natural Gas Co…………$7.12
Light Company…………………$17.84

Motion made by Jim Moyer 2nd by Duane Van Kleek to pay these bills.

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to call members to remind them of meetings instead of sending cards 2nd to motion by Jim Moyer, motion carried.

It is decided to have a feather party on Nov 21st and a stag party on Dec 12th

Don Torreson was appointed to get the ducks for the feather party

Meeting adjourned by Commander Murphy

November 24, 1970

Meeting called to order by Commander Murphy in the usual way.


Joe Murphy $101.50
Harold Schnell $44.96
Dons Store (turkeys) $406.85
Ins at Bank $210.00
Liquor License $100.00
Zitterich Electric $27.50
total $893.31

Balance of $1620.00 in treasury

Discussion about Blacktop parking across the street at Community Center. Marvin Swenson volunteered to approach the town council and bingo board to see what can be done.

Meeting adjourned by Commander Murphy.

Dec 1970
No meeting held

Jan 26, 1971

Meeting called to order by Commander Murphy

Preamble, prayer by acting Chaplain Don Torreson.

Committee report

Bingo: voted to cancel bingo for 1 night to see what happens.

Motion made and carried to present pins to 25 year members.

Motion made and 2nd for meeting to adjourn.

Feb 23, 1971

The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Building starting at 8:15 p.m. with 12 members present

Commander Joe Murphy opened the meeting in the usual way but had no minutes of the previous meeting.

Joe had a discussion on having a stag party sometime after Easter but no decision was made.

Darwin Will made a motion to pay Bob Strube for some colored pictures he took of a Legion Party Jim Moyer 2nd carried.

Joe passed out membership pins to all present who were initiated.

Leonard Zitterich gave the Finance report. He said we have $1442.34 in the bank with all our monthly bills paid.

A discussion was held on having bingo in Terril on Wednesday night.

Don Torreson made the motion to adjourn at 9 p.m. so moved.

Darwin Will
acting Adj.

March 30, 1971

The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Building with Commander Joe Murphy opening the meeting in the usual way.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the adjutant.

Bills presented were:

Lights $21.63
Buns Hdwe $10.17
Printing $11.00
Gas $99.51
Ice $6.50
total $148.81

A motion to pay the bills was made by Bob Fairchild 2nd by Dennis Jackson

Raymond Krieger was presented a 25 year pin by Commander Murphy.

A motion was made by Don Torreson 2nd by Tom Rubis to send a boy to Boys State and Roger Luehring was chosen from four candidates.

8 months $8196.00
paid out $6700.00 bingo report

April 27, 1971

The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Legion Building with Commander Joe Murphy opening the meeting in the usual way.

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the adjutant. The treasurers report was given. Balance on hand $1633.77

Lights $21.01
Gas $80.47
Water $6.18
Lights $5.15
Total bills $112.81

Motion made by Everett Zitterich to pay the bills 2nd by Don Torreson.

Becky Rinders and Julie Baedke gave a talk on the Hunger Walk for Development to be held May 8th. Motion made by Marv Herum 2nd by Jim Moyer to sponsor Julie Baedke for $1.00 per mile\; motion carried.

Discussion for fun days

Motion made by Don Torreson for the Legion to hire a band and hire Ed Munsterman to check at the door for buttons for fun days and 2nd.

Committee of Joe Murphy, Don Torreson and Virgil Schmelling appointed to prepare memorial day program.

Motion made by Dale Upward, 2nd by Duane Van Kleek to give auxiliary $200.00 for their half of the smorgasbord.

Motion made by Jim Moyer to adjourn 2nd by Marwin Herum.

May 25, 1971

The regular meeting of Walsh Unit 432 was called to order by Commander Murphy. Preamble-prayer by the Chaplain. Minutes of last meeting read by adjutant. Treasurers report was given a balance of $1167.27 was reported.

The following bills were presented

Water and sewer $5.15
Gas $42.19
Lights $24.07
Farmers Co-op $36.12
Rays Tavern- $71.05
Insurance- $59.00
Coca Cola Co- $42.90
Milford Mail $13.08
total bills $293.56

Motion made by Duane Gunderson to pay these bills 2nd by Dennis Jackson.

It was decided that Dennis Jackson and Joe Murphy to see about the Baseball trip

It was decided to get glass blocks to finish the West basement windows.

June 1971

The regular meeting of Walsh Unit #432 was called to order by Joe Murphy.

Preamble-prayer by Acting Chaplain, Don Torreson-minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The following bills were presented
Peoples Natural Gas $11.99
Concrete Sand and Material $19.92
Farmers Co-op $66.78
Coca Cola Co. $15.30
Tom Robinson $6.50
Water $5.15
Lights $20.35
total $181.69

Motion made by Jim Moyer 2nd by Duane Van Kleek to pay bills.

Committee of Duane Van Kleek, Pat Rolling and Dan Fairchild to get stand set up for Terril fun days.

Motion made to adjourn meeting by Jim Moyer 2nd by Dan Moyer.

July 1971

Meeting called to order by Commander Murphy.

Disclosure of bills. Motion made by Bob Fairchild to pay bills seconded by John Eckard and passed.

Treasurers report by Leonard Zitterich $998.87 balance on hand

Election of officers:
Commander- Duane Van Kleek
Bob Ness- 1st Vice Commander
Dennis Jackson- 2nd Vice Commander
Jim Moyer- Sgt of Arms -unanimous vote
Chaplain- Virgil Schmelling
Service Officer- Ed Wollner-unanimous vote.

Motion made by Bob Fairchild seconded by Luvern Johnson to buy caps for the station which will be passed on.

Motion made by Bob Fairchild seconded by Virgil Schmelling to adjourn meeting.

August 31, 1971

Meeting called to order by Commander Duane Van Kleek.

A discussion was held concerning buying caps for Past Commanders.

The possibility of pins was also discussed. A motion was made by Dale Luehring 2nd by Dale Upward to postpone action on this matter.

Commander Van Kleek gave a report an Terril Fun Days stands $212.00 taken on the stand and $38.78 from the popcorn machine. Total $250.78.

Motion by Don Torreson 2nd by Harold Schnell to buy 200 three inch decals. Motion carried.

Motion made by Dale Luehring 2nd by Bob Fairchild to adjourn meeting.

Motion carried.

Sept 28, 1971

The meeting was called to order by Commander Van Kleek.

Balance on hand-$1435.52-Aug Bills

Pepsi Cola $68.66
Gas $4.35
Dons Clover Farm $208.08
Sewer $5.15
Community Center $8.60
Lights $15.27
Bingo King $26.10
total $336.20

September bills

Bob Fairchild $19.25
Gas $4.08
Sewer $5.15
Co-op $8.53
Lights $21.93
Coca Cola $106.40
Insurance $97.00
Virgil Schmelling $36.37 (cups and ice)

Bingo King $51.30
Joe Murphy $10.00 (postal cards)
total $360.01

Motion made by Marwin Herum 2nd by Dale Kimball to pay bills, motion carried.

Motion by Dale Kimball to rescind the motion to buy all officers a Style 2 cap. But to buy the new Commander a cap and also past Commander a patch. 2nd by Marwin Herum, motion carried.

A motion made by Joe Murphy to buy medals for the 9 stations to be passed on annually 2nd by Jack Besaw, motion carried.

It was agreed to sell Joe Murphy the tar which was left over.

A discussion was held on getting a different popcorn machine. A motion was made by Jack Besaw 2nd by Dale Kimball to have Duane Van Kleek check on it.

A discussion was held concerning changing of the locks.

A motion was made by Leonard Zitterich and 2nd by Jack Besaw to buy 2 electric roasters, motion carried.

Motion made by Dale Kimball 2nd by Jack Besaw to adjourn, motion carried.

October 26, 1971

The Terril Legion meeting was called to order by Joe Murphy as commander vice commander and adjutant were absent.

The reading of the minutes of the September meeting were called for and dispensed with.

The treasurers report was given by finance officer, Leonard Zitterich.

Bills were presented and allowed.

Bingo progress and records were discussed.

Furnace Chimney was reported as fixed.

The leak in the roof was mentioned and referred to Harold Schnell to be fixed.

The Feather Party for November 20 was approved.

Motion for a resolution to secure liquor and beer license for the next year was made by Alvin Besaw 2nd by Harold Schnell. There as, it is the desire of the American Legion, Walsh Post 432 to be granted a Class A Liquor License. Therefore, be it resolved that an application for said license to expire November 18, 1972 be filed with the Iowa Liquor Commission and that Duane Van Kleek, Commander, be authorized to execute the necessary application and bond and any other papers required by the Iowa Liquor Control Commission. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the American Legion, Walsh Post 432 at a regular meeting of the organization held on the 26 day of October, 1971.

Motion made by Alvin Besaw 2nd by Harold Schnell, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. by acting Commander Murphy.

Jan 29, 1972

The Terril Legion meeting was called together by Commander Van Kleek with 6 members in attendance. $1496 on hand

Bills presented were as follows

Water $6.18
Sales Tax $29.57
Gas $76.81
Zitterich T.V. $35.93
Co-op $.75
Sewer $5.15
Coca Cola $26.40
Buns Hdwe $100.47
Joe Murphy $36.01
Lewis Salyers $314.08 (tables and chairs)
Coca Cola $14.40
Light $27.60
Effie Probst $55.00
Lights $20.85
Gas $38.69
Husman Fund $25.00
Music Club $3.00

Motion made by Dennis Jackson and seconded by Pete Jepsen to pay the bills

A discussion was had on membership. The quota was reached

A motion was made by Pete Jepsen seconded by Guy Hoppe to have a appreciation night for the fireman and Terril business men Feb. 19 has been set as a tentative date.

Motion made by Pete Jepsen seconded by Dennis Jackson to adjourn

Feb. 26, 1972

Meeting called to order by Commander Duane Van Kleek with 7 members in attendance.

Balance on hand $1158.82 plus $200 cash.

Bills as follows:

Gas $111.62
lights $27.72
Sewer $5.15
Coca Cola $24.50
Virgil Schmelling $5.00 ice
Guy Hoppe $7.20 post cards
Harold Schnell $30.36 sink and faucet
restaurant license $13.00.

Motion made by Pete Jepsen seconded by Virgil Schmelling to pay bills, motion carried.

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to have a party with aux on April 15th 2nd by Pete Jepsen.

Commander Van Kleek and Harold Schnell were appointed to go see aux members for food for the party on April 15th.

County meeting is to be March 25th at Terril with Pete Jepsen, Guy Hoppe and Marv Herum appointed to the food committee.

Motion made by Guy Hoppe 2nd by Pete Jepsen to adjourn.

March 25, 1972

The regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at legion building, with the meeting called to order by Commander Van Kleek.

Treasurer’s report was given by Leonard Zitterich, $1627.84 on hand.
Bills presented as follows.

Gas- $105.68
Don’s Store- $65.01
lights- $30.52
sewer- $5.15
Co-op- $9.67 (plywood)
Coca Cola- $82.10
Harold Schnell- $5.15 (4 glass blocks)
Virgil Schmelling- $5.00 (ice)

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to pay bills seconded by Dan Fairchild carried.

Motion made by Weldon Rubis to send a boy to Boys State, 2nd by John Bielfeldt, motion carried.

Motion made by Weldon Rubis to have all Jr boys wishing to go to Boys State write a 50 word theme, telling why they would like to go. Best theme goes 2nd by Gordon Tonderum, motion carried.

Committee to decided best theme are Gordon Tonderum, Guy Hoppe, Dennis Jackson, and Commander Van Kleek.

Motion made to remove one of elec stoves from the back and put in a cupboard, motion carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to change legion meeting night to last Thursday of the month seconded by John Bielfeldt, motion carried.

Twenty five year pins awarded to following

Luvern Johnson Delmar Turpin
William Mehan Weldon Rubis
Dr. Les Moore Everett Zitterich
Vernon Pedersen Leonard Zitterich
Don Torreson

One-Fifty year pin
Chris Peters

A motion to adjourn was made by Dennis Jackson seconded by Jack Benson, motion carried.

Dickinson county Legion meeting was held following the regular meetings at Walsh Post 432.

April 27, 1972

4 members present. Meeting called to order by Commander Van Kleek
Treasure report by Leonard Zitterich $1183.26 on hand

Bills presented as follows

Rays Tavern- $162.95
Coleman Ins- $59.00
Guy Hoppe- $6.00 post cards
Duane Van Kleek- $3.00 misc
Gas Co. $83.37
Light Co. $29.43
Sewer $5.15
Coca Cola $19.20
State Sales Tax $24.71
Water Bill $6.18

Joe Murphy $56.68 materials and supplies

Jim Moyer made motion to pay bills 2nd by Dennis Jackson, motion carried.

Commander Van Kleek gave a report on the progress for selecting a boy for Boys State

It was discussed on keeping a complete set of books on all business of the legion affairs.

Unanimous vote to give all workers at bingo a steak supper.

There was discussion about a stand for fun days and the possibility for building a movable enclosed stand.

A motion was made to adjourn by Dennis Jackson seconded by Jack Besaw, motion carried.

May 25, 1972

Meeting called to order by Commander Van Kleek with 6 members present.

Treasure report given by Leonard Zitterich with $957.12 on hand.

Bills presented as follows

Gas $52.01
Light $25.04
sewer $5.15
Coke $19.20
M. Herum $49.49 cabinet

Motion made to pay bills by Guy Hoppe 2nd by Don Torreson, motion carried.

Motion made by Bernard VonEhwegen to send $10.00 with our boys state representative for spending money 2nd by Guy Hoppe, motion carried.

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to give memorial day speaker and wife dinner after program 2nd by Don Torreson.

Motion to adjourn by Guy Hoppe 2nd by Bernard VonEhwegen, motion carried.

June 29, 1972

Meeting called to order by Commander Van Kleek with 7 members present.

Treasure report by Leonard Zitterich as follows. Balance on hand $650.42

Gas $33.97

Red tax stamp $54.00
Sewer $5.15
Light $18.17
Dons Store $62.82
Shopper $4.00
Coke $75.10
Buns and Zitterich Elec $13.81 hook up clock upstairs.

Motion made to pay bills by Joe Murphy 2nd by Don Torreson, motion carried.

Motion made by Marv Swenson to buy one share in home for elderly at $25.00 2nd by Joe Murphy, motion carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson for Marv Herum to fix tables 2nd by Duane Van Kleek, motion carried.

Marvin Swenson issued the following bingo report from March 31, 1970 until June 29, 1972.

March 31, 1970 balance on hand in bingo fund was $125.83

Total received to date $7490.63
Total paid out $3005.00
Bingo machine $114.16
May 5, 1971 total candy $640.30
Sept 1, 1971 Effie cleaning $120.45
Frank snow removal $12.50
transfer to Legion $2200.00
Balance in bank $1882.19
Expense for Lunches and Steak supper for bingo workers $459.00

Motion made to adjourn by Bernie Ehwegen 2nd by Marv Swenson, motion carried.

July 27, 1972

Regular meeting was called to order by Commander Van Kleek with 24 members present.

Treasures report by Leonard Zitterich as follows $508.27 on hand.

Gas $16.18
light $23.93
sewer $5.15
water $6.18
Coke $44.40
Van Kleek $21.48 postage and telephone bills

Motion made to pay bills by Ed Wollner 2nd by Dan Moyer, motion carried

Motion made to raise Legion dues to $6.00 by Leonard Zitterich 2nd by Dennis Jackson, motion carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to put bingo money in savings account 2nd by Joe Feldman, motion carried

Nomination of officers were as follows

Second Vice Commander
Dan Moyer nominated Marvin Herum
Second by Van Kleek
Marvin Herum nominated Bernie Ehwegen
Second Don Torreson
Motion made nominations cease by Dennis Jackson and Second Dan Moyer carried

Service Officer
Jim Moyer nominated Ed Wollner Second by Bob Ness

Motion made nominations cease\; carried

Bernie Ehwegen nominated Joe Murphy seconded by Don Torreson
Joe Murphy nominated Larry Mc Vicker seconded by Jack Besaw carried.

Dan Moyer nominated Bob Strube
Jim Moyer motion nomination cease seconded by Dennis Jackson carried.

Sgt of Arms
Jim Moyer nominated Bernie Ehwegen
Bob Ness made motion nominations cease seconded Jim Moyer carried

Bob Ness nominated Leonard Zitterich
Bob Strube nominated Don Torreson

JULY 27 1972

Elected Officers as follows

Commander Bob Ness
1st Vice Commander- Dennis Jackson
2nd Vice Commander- Marvin Herum
Service Officer- Ed Wollner
Historian- Joe Murphy
Chaplin- Bob Strube
Sgt of Arms- Bernie Ehwegen

Finance Officer- Leonard Zitterich

Dance Committee

Jim Moyer
Don Moyer
Guy Hoppe
Larry Mc Vicker

Executive Board

Don Torreson
Joe Murphy
Duane Van Kleek

Officers sworn in by Bob Strube

Motion made to adjourn by Dennis Jackson seconded by Gordon Tonderum carried.

August 31, 1972

No meeting held

September 1972

No meeting held

Oct 26, 1972

3 members met to decide on Feather Party. It was decided to have it on Nov 18, 1972. 80 turkeys and 30 ducks were agreed to be ordered.

Jan 25, 1973

8 members present

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to have a stag on Feb 24 seconded by Jack Besaw, carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to sell tickets for $1.50 seconded by Guy Hoppe. All legion bring a hot dish, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to take $.25 from every pot at the poker tables seconded by Jack Besaw, carried.

Motion made to adjourn by Bob Fairchild seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.


Gas- $92.14
Elect- $25.69
Sewer- $5.15
Water- $6.18

Feb 22, 1973

Meeting called to order by Commander Ness with ____ members present

Gas- $119.12
Lights- $21.90
Sewer- $5.15
Sales Tax- $13.97

Motion made by Claude Shaffer to send $40.00 for tuition to Boys State for one boy seconded by Joe Murphy, carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to pay the bills seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

March 29, 1973

Meeting was called to order by Commander Ness with 6 members present.

Vote was taken on whom to send to boys state. Lonnie Brant was selected to go and Mike Rouse was alt.

Bills were presented as follows

Money on hand $365.72
Elect- $25.39
Gas- $115.88
Sewer- $5.15
Pepsi- $21.60

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to pay bills seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried.

Motion made by Don Torreson to have a pig roast on June 9, 1973 to sell tickets for $5.00 a couple which is for the meal and dance seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion made to adjourn by Dennis Jackson seconded by Don Torreson, carried.

July 26, 1973

Meeting called to order by Commander Ness with 19 members present.

Steak Fry-Steaks ordered 77 at a cost of $112.93-(60 pounds)

Balance to date $1256.79


Elect- $12.38
Coke- $28.80
Water- $6.18
Sewer- $5.15
Gas- $25.62
Milford Locker- $23.00
KICD- $22.05
KILR- $10.50
Bob Ness

Bingo License- $10.00

Motion made to pay bills by Dennis Jackson seconded by Pete Jepsen, carried

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to remove a wall in building and second by Pete Jepsen. Remodeling committee was appointed. They are\;

Dennis Jackson
Harold Schnell
Marv Herum

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to make up a bingo roster for workers seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Roster committee\;

Marv Swenson
Dennis Jackson.

Election of Officers

Motion made by Pete Jepsen to nominated Leonard Zitterich as 1st Vice Commander second by Dennis Jackson and motion made by Guy Hoppe for nomination cease seconded by Don Torreson, carried.

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to nominate Harold Schnell as second vice Comm. seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion made nominations cease Guy Hoppe seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to nominate Ed Wollner as Service Officer seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen for nominations cease seconded by Pete Jepsen, carried.

Motion made by Don Torreson for Joe Murphy as Historian seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried

JULY 26 1973

Motion made for nominations cease by Pete Jepsen seconded by Leonard Zitterich, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to nominate Duane Van Kleek as Chaplin seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion made nominations cease by Jim Moyer seconded by Harold Schnell, carried.

Motion made by Jim Moyer to nominate Bernie Ehwegen as Sgt. of Arms seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried.

Motion made Leonard Zitterich for nominations cease and second Dennis Jackson, carried.

3 members were nominated as Finance Officer they are as follows Lyman Bailey, Don Torreson, Guy Hoppe. A vote by raising of hands was held the result as follows.

Lyman Bailey- 5
Don Torreson- 5
Guy Hoppe- 7

As a result of the vote Guy Hoppe was sworn in as finance officer.

Dance committee same as last year.

Executive Board

Joe Murphy
Duane Van Kleek
Bob Ness,

Officers sworn in by Duane Van Kleek

Comm Dennis Jackson
1st Vice Leonard Zitterich
2nd Vice Harold Schnell
Service Officer Ed Wollner
Historian Joe Murphy
Chaplain Duane Van Kleek
Sgt of Arms Bernie Ehwegen
Finance Officer Guy Hoppe

Motion made to adjourn by Lyman Bailey seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried.

August 30, 1973

Not enough for a regular meeting the bills were listed as follows.

July Balance $1305.44


Sales Tax- $25.75
Sewer- $5.15
Elect- $18.44
Felco- $4.14
Liquor- $236.81
Ice- $3.09
Beer- $59.45 Ginger Bread House
D & B- $194.23 Pig Roast and Steak Fry
Gas- $5.07
Roy Mckean
Beer- $32.20
Coke- $39.60

Balance to date $1852.52

No other business discussed

Sept 27, 1973

8 members.

Regular meeting called to order by Commander Jackson


Gas- $5.49
Elect- $20.68
Sewer- $5.15
Coke- $12.00
Effie- $26.00 cleaning
Elec- $1.63
Pepsi- $42.60
Insur- $118.00
Com Club- $15.00
2 Vac Cleaner- $20.00

Motion made to donate $25.00 to the cub scouts by Harold Schnell seconded by Marv Swenson, carried.

Feather Party November 17, 1973

80 turkeys
42 ducks

Harold Schnell appointed to get someone to fix roof of the buildings

Bank balance $2017.78

October 1973

No meeting

Effie- $13.00 cleaning
Sewer- $5.15
Elect- $24.29
Pepsi- $26.50
Membership- $14.50
Water- $6.18
Gas- $7.01
School Tables $440.00
Bingo King- $67.23
Sales Tax- $125.75
liquor License- $200.40

Bank Balance- $2318.97

November 29, 1973

6 members, Regular meeting called to order by Commander Jackson.


Elect- $25.69
Pepsi- $26.20
Sewer- $5.15
Coke- $21.30
King- $108.60-cards
Betty Pedersen work $15.00
Effie- $16.50 cleaning
Gas- $13.63

Beer- $52.75-cups (Ginger Bread House)
Popcorn machine $315.00
Cub Scout donation $25.00
Restaurant License $18.00
Insurance State Bank $190.00
Liquor $536.13
Freight popcorn machine $12.88
Stamps- $2.00
Turkeys and ducks $767.37

Bank Balance $2894.07 beginning of November
Balance end of November $2505.55

As of Nov 29th we have 52 paid members

We made around $250.00 at feather party

Motion made by Marv Swenson to transfer $150.00 to auxiliary for work rendered and as of Jan 1, 1974. The sum of $25.00 per month to be paid to aux. until further notice seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen for the Bingo workers to have a steak supper seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to adjourn seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Jan 31, 1974

Balance in bank $2247.26

Meeting called to order by Commander Jackson with 7 members present.

We had a guest from 9th district. Talk on our membership was discussed and nothing done

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to send $45.00 to Iowa America Legion building fund seconded by Jim Moyer, carried

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to run an ad to sell old popcorn machine for $75.00 or best offer seconded by Jim Moyer, carried.

Motion made by Marv Swenson to fix all doors on first floor, new front door and latch. Close center door on front. Installing security bars on back doors and basement door seconded by Leonard Zitterich, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to adjourn second by Jim Moyer, carried.

Address for flags

Martins Flag Company
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501

March 27th, 1974

A check in the amount of $50.00 was received in memory of Skip Grady to be used as we see fit.

A motion was made by Guy Hoppe seconded by Bernie Ehwegen to use this money to buy a new flag for the legion, carried.

Two representatives of Jr. Federated Women Club were present at March meeting for the purpose of wanting to know if the legion would be interested in donating some funds to help put in playground equipment or picnic facilities in our city park or helping in some other area for the benefit of the town park.

As of March 27th bank balance $3012.01

June 20, 1974

24 members were present for the annual legion steak fry.


Boys State- $60.00
Gas- $3.12
Lights- $21.19
Pop Cake – $27.50
Pepsi- $51.00
Sewer- $5.15
Mrs. Dotson-$28.00
Mrs. Probst-$20.00
Bingo license
Sales tax- $54.00

Motion made by Gordon Tonderum seconded by Don Torreson to fix back door on basement stairs.

Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Don Torreson to by a 5 ton air conditioner, carried.

A picture was presented to the post by George Sands on this date.

Motion made by Bill Zitterich and seconded by Guy Hoppe to buy a plaque in honor of George Sands for the donation of the picture, carried.

Motion made by Stanley Nelson and seconded by Dan Fairchild to buy 6 No. 73000 Grave markers, carried

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen seconded by Jim Moyer to adjourn, carried.

Note: order get well cards for Dan Fairchild to mail to sick members.

August 29, 1974

4 members present to make up the 1974-1975 officer roster.

Commander- Leonard Zitterich
1st Vice- Harold Schnell
2nd Vice- Duane Gunderson
Service Officer- Ed Wollner
Historian- Dennis Jackson
Chaplin- Duane Van Kleek
Sgt of Arms- Bernie Ehwegen
Finance Officer- Guy Hoppe
Adj- Marvin Herum

Executive Board

Bob Ness
Duane Van Kleek
Dennis Jackson
Leonard Zitterich

Dance Committee

Jim Moyer
Dan Moyer
Dennis Jackson
Chuck Willison

Sept 26, 1974
No meeting held

Oct. 31, 1974

7 members present

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to have feather party on November 23 seconded by Ed Wollner, carried

Motion made by Ed Wollner to purchase 6 10-foot flag poles at a cost of $10.70 each for use to display flags of deceased members seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made to elect Duane Gunderson as 2nd Vice Commander
Motion was seconded, carried

Ordered 100 turkeys for feather party.

April 24, 1975

14 members present

Report on stag party in November showed a profit of approximately $700.00

Bank balance at this meeting was $965.00

Meeting was called to order by Commander Leonard Zitterich. There was no old business to take care of. There was much new business which was taken care of as follows.

Motion was made by Duane Van Kleek to give $25.00 to the new retirement home seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion was made by Guy Hoppe to rent a post office box for legion mail seconded by Harold Schnell, carried.

Motion was made by Dennis Jackson to raise Legion dues to $8.00 a year seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made by Dan Fairchild to set salaries as follows: Custodian $425.00 a year and building supervisor $300.00 a year seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to run a check through two times, if not honored the second time then it will be turned over to proper authorities for collection seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Election of officers were held with these results

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to nominate Bernard Kelly for Second Vice Commander seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried

Motion made by Bob Ness that nominations cease seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried.

Motion made by Donald Torreson to nominate Guy Hoppe for finance officer seconded Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to nominate Dennis Jackson for finance officer seconded Harold Schnell, carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to nominate Donald Torreson for finance officer seconded by Dan Fairchild, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen that nominations cease seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried.

Vote was held by show of hands. The count was 10 hands for Guy Hoppe as our finance officer.
APRIL 24, 1975

Motion made by Del Turpin to nominate Bernie Ehwegen for Sgt. of Arms seconded Darial Determan, carried.

Motion made by Dennis Jackson that nominations cease seconded
by Bob Ness, carried.

Duane Van Kleek volunteered to be Chaplin for another year.

Motion made by Harold Schnell to except his offer seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried

Dennis Jackson volunteered to be historian and was excepted by voice vote.

Executive Committee

Bob Ness
Dennis Jackson
Leonard Zitterich

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to nominate Ed Wollner as Service Officer seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried.

Dance Committee

Jim Moyer
Dan Moyer

Dennis Jackson
Chuck Willison

Officers for 1975-76 year are

Commander- Harold Schnell
1st Vice- Duane Gunderson
2nd Vice- Bernard Kelly
Finance Officer- Guy Hoppe
Sgt of Arms- Bernie Ehwegen
Chaplin- Duane Van Kleek
Historian- Dennis Jackson
Service Officer- Ed Wollner
Adj- Marvin Herum

Motion made by Dennis Jackson to adjourn seconded by Harold Schnell, carried.

May 29, 1975

7 members present

Meeting called to order by Commander Zitterich

A lengthy discussion on our financial matters was held as we are down to $212.00 in the bank.

A motion was made by Guy Hoppe that all bills except monthly utility bills will not be allowed unless passed at a regular meeting or by the commander, seconded by Ed Wollner, carried.

June 26, 1975

Steak Supper

Meeting was opened by Commander Zitterich

A discussion about bingo was held with the results to leave it up to the bingo committee to keep track of income.

Motion made by Joe Feldman to ask $50.00 donation for use of upstairs and $15.00 for each side downstairs and motion second by Jim Moyer motion carried.

Guy Hoppe resigned the office of Finance Officer. A motion made by Don Torreson to nominate Arnold Nissen as finance officer second by Jim Moyer

Motion made by Dennis Jackson for nominations cease seconded Joe Feldman, carried.

Arnold Nissen excepted position

With no further business meeting was adjourned.

July 31, 1975

7 members

Meeting called to order by Commander Schnell

The preamble was recited by the members

Finance report as follows

July 1- 1975 Bank Balance-$51.19

Steak Fry- $66.65
Bingo Deposits- $531.58
Bills paid total- $496.49

July 31, 1975 Bank Balance $1049.85

Motion made by Dale Starky to let Karate Class use 2 of down stairs for the same amount as previously paid seconded by Bob Ness, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen for Harold Schnell to check on roofing Co, for roof repair on Bldg seconded by Don Torreson, carried.

Motion to adjourn by Bernie Ehwegen seconded by Dale Starky, carried.

August 28, 1975

7 members

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Schnell.

Harold Schnell checked with a roofing co. did not find any one home will check later.

Motion made by Don Torreson to elect Claude Shaffer as Vice Commander seconded by Leonard Zitterich, carried.

Finance Report as follows

Bank Balance as of August 28, 1975 was $1637,61


Sewer- $7.15
Elect- $50.51
Effie- $25.00
Thelma- $25.00
Bingo Jackpot- $290.00
Pepsi- $13.00
Gas- $20.13
total- $430.79


Rental- $100.00
Bingo- $854.57
Membership- $64.00

Motion made by Don Torreson to adjourn seconded by Leonard Zitterich, carried.

Sept 25, 1975

7 members

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Schnell.

The following financial report was given

Bank Balance as of Sept. 25 was $1910.07. Income from bingo for Sept was $530.08

Sewer-= $7.15
Elect- $51.80
Coke- $69.50
Pepsi- $17.50
Gas- $11.67
Effie- $25.00
Thelma- $25.00
Supplies for caps and taps and ect- $50.00
Total- $257.62

No business was conducted so meeting was adjourned

Oct 30, 1975

5 members

Meeting called to order by Commander Schnell

Finance report as of 10/29/1975
Bank Balance $1589.89

Bingo income- $ 987.17
Harold Schnell- $ 95.31
Sewer- $ 7.15
Elect- $ 52.93
Custodian- $ 50.00
Gas- $ 7.24
Water- $ 6.18
Liquor License- $ 201.00
Sales Tax- $ 143.04
Bingo Tickets- $ 24.00
Insurance- $ 175.00
Restaurant License- $ 18.00
Sent in 51 members- $ 331.50 -$6.50 each card
Jackpot- $ 260.00
Total $1371.35

Motion made by Don Torreson to send check to Iowa Dept Bldg Fund seconded by Dan Fairchild.

Motion made by Dan Fairchild to order 100 turkeys for feather party seconded by Arnold Nissen, carried

No November meeting held as the weather was bad.

November Finance Report is as follows.


Bldg Fund – $45.00
Pepsi- $4.00
Sewer- $7.15
Elect- $35.76
Coke- $42.60
Custodian- $50.00
Bingo- $60.00
Liquor Bond- $240.00
D & B- $685.00
Tickets- $24.00
Bob Strube- $140.00
Music Club- $3.00
Membership- $82.00
Coke- $49.20

Feather Party

Charge- $700.00
Total $2169.49


Bldg Rent- $20.00
Membership- $122.00
Bingo- $2325.64
Feather Party- $2442.69
Total- $4910.33

November bank balance-$2185.40

Dec 18, 1975

Meeting was called to order by Commander Schnell with 6 members present.

Finance report was given by finance officer Nissen as follows


Gas- $68.12
Elect- $35.49
Sewer- $7.15
Custodian- $50.00
Pepsi- $52.00
Coke- $68.70
Ginger Bread- $66.20 beer
Bowling Alley- $13.95 beer
Lakes News- $5.00
Jackpot- $240.00
Total- $606.61

Bank balance as of December 12, 1975 was $1793.13

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to accept November Finance report seconded Don Torreson, carried.

Motion made by Don Torreson to accept December Finance Report seconded Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made by Don Torreson to hire a person to clean off steps and platform of snow seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to terminate building supervisor position (Thelma Dotson) as of Jan 1, 1976 seconded Don Torreson, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to send 1 boy to boys state seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made by Marvin Herum for Finance Officer to purchase a case for financial papers seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made by Don Torreson to adjourn seconded by Arnold Nissen, carried.

Jan 29, 1976

Bank balance as of Jan 29, 1976 $1757.84

March 24, 1976

Regular meeting of Post 432 was held at the post home.

Following Financial Report was given.


Snowmobile Club- $10.00
Bingo- $251.52


Town of Terril- $12.15
Pepsi- $9.60
Coke- $19.20
Whiskey- $375.36
Gas- $102.98
Elect- $61.63
Effie(custodian)- $25.00
Ginger Bread House- $59.30
Ed Crumlett- $12.00
total- $680.22

Feb. 27, 1976 Balance-$1913.97
March 25, 1976 Balance-$1505.27

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to drop ad in Okoboji Raceway Mag. seconded by Arnie Nissen, carried.

April 22, 1976

The legion had agreed to sponsor the Cub Scouts with the following officers.

Marv Herum- Institutional Rep
Steve Oleson- Committee Chairman
Donna Tuttle- Cub Master
Elizabeth Peters- Committee Members
Phyllis Schomaker- Den Leader

Bank Balance $2483.31

May 27, 1976

8 members

Regular meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Schnell.

Discussion on Memorial Day program was held.

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to check into New Rifles seconded by Pete Jepsen, carried.

Motion made to adjourn by Guy Hoppe seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried

Bank Balance-$2274.61

June 24, 1976

Monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Schnell with 12 members present.


Gas- $20.08
Elect- $90.91
Sewer- $12.15
Boys State- $12.00
Effie- $25.00
Licenses- $54.00
Tree House- $20.60
Jackpot- $200.00

Total- $319.27


Karate Rent- $50.00
Tie- $2.25
Pop- $15.00
Bingo- $1058.15
June 11 Dance- $217.00

Bank Balance $3193.27

Motion made by Pete Jepsen seconded Arnie Nissen for the senior citizens to use the legion popcorn machine for Bi Centennial day, carried.

Motion made by John Bielfeldt seconded by Dale Upward to let the Methodist women to use west half of legion for quilt display on Bi Centennial day, carried.

Motion made by Pete Jepsen seconded by Steve Oleson to purchase $15.00 worth of candy for parade, carried.

Motion made by Bob Ness seconded Dale Upward to have steak fry and meeting on July 22 instead of July 29, carried.

Motion made by Pete Jepsen seconded by Arnie Nissen to adjourn, carried.

July 29, 1976

Meeting called to order by Commander Schnell with 22 members present.

Motion made to accept reading of minutes with exception of a meeting which was to be held on 22nd of June which was canceled motion made by Bernie Ehwegen seconded by Pete Jepsen, carried.

Financial report as follows


Custodian- $25.00
City of Terril- $20.15
D.X.- $6.67
G. B. House- $66.86
Elect- $59.87
Sales Tax- $101.79
Change for Dance- $200.00

Total- $477.00


Membership- $112.00
Donation Rent- $38.00
Dance- $339.40
Bingo- $333.15

Total Bank Balance-$3857.91

Motion made by Lyman Bailey to except Financial report seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Motion made to send $25.00 to Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor by Bernie Ehwegen seconded by Dennis Jackson.

Motion made to appoint a committee to investigate a program to dispose of 25% of Bingo Income for Community improvement by Don Torreson seconded by Dennis Jackson, carried.

Committee consists of\;

Bernard Kelly
Gordon Tonderum
Darial Determan
Ed Wollner
Marvin Herum.

Election of officers

Nomination for 2nd Vice by Duane Van Kleek for Steve Oleson

Nomination for 2nd Vice by Bernie Ehwegen for Lyman Bailey

Motion made nominations cease by Dennis Jackson seconded by Pete Jepsen, carried.

Nominations for 1st Vice by Pete Jepsen for Guy Hoppe

Nominations for 1st Vice by Guy Hoppe for Arnold Nissen

Motion made nominations cease by Bernie Ehwegen seconded by Del Turpin, carried.

All other officers were asked if they would except their position for another year which they all agreed to as follows.

Commander- Bernard Kelly
1st Vice- Guy Hoppe

2nd Vice- Steve Olson
Finance Officer- Arnold Nissen
Sgt of Arms- Bernie Ehwegen
Chaplin- Duane Van Kleek
Historian- Dennis Jackson
Service Officer- Ed Wollner
Adj- Marvin Herum

Motion made to adjourn by Gordon Tonderum seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried

Steak Fry this night

Aug 26, 1976

6 members present

Monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Kelly with 6 members present.

The finance report was given as follows


Supplies- $91.40
City Terril- $16.15
Custodian- $25.00
Coke- $140.00
Pepsi- $82.00
D & B- $168.13
Bingo- $225.00


Bank Balance-$4341.83

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to accept the financial report seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

The reading of the minutes was approved as read

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to donate $600.00 to Jr. Federated Women’s Club for playground equipment seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made to donate $25.00 to Girl Scouts by Arnold Nissen seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made to donate $150.00 to handy cap haven by Arnold Nissen seconded by Claude Shaffer, carried.

Motion made to donate to senior citizens a varying amount per month by Claude Shaffer seconded by Arnold Nissen, carried.

Motion made to give all Bingo workers 2 cards each by Bernie Ehwegen seconded by Arnold Nissen, carried.

Motion made to adjourn by Claude Shaffer seconded by Arnold Nissen, carried.

Sept 30, 1976

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Kelly with 10 members present

The financial report was given as follows


Sewer and Water- $13.15
Elect- $143,73
Custodian- $25.00
Check Charge- $.30
Total- $182.18


Bingo- $387.35
Dues- $96.00
Ties and Tacks- $10.50
Total- $493.85

Bank Balance 9/30/76-$3878.50

Motion made by Leonard Zitterich to approve financial report seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried.

Motion made by Arnold Nissen to put monthly meeting dates on Music calendar seconded by Guy Hoppe, carried.

Motion made to have feather party on Nov. 20 by Arnold Nissen seconded by Don Torreson, carried.

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to buy a large ham for door prize on feather party. The cost of tickets to be $.50 a chance seconded by Don Torreson, carried.

Motion made by Dan Fairchild to buy 100 turkeys for feather party seconded by Jim Halbur, carried.

Motion made to adjourn by Don Torreson seconded by Harold Schnell, carried.

Oct 28, 1976

Monthly meeting of legion post 432 of Terril was called to order by Commander Kelly with 7 members present

Finance officer Nissen gave the monthly finance report as follows


Elect- $58.04
Insurance- $198.00
Pepsi- $75.00
Sewer- $12.53
Custodian- $25.00
Roof- $1450.00
Co-op- $36.49
Bad Check- $20.60
Gas- $2.05
Jackpot- $200.00
Liquor License- $201.00
Sales Tax- $100.56
Rest License- $18.00
Music Club- $3.00
Brief Cases- $19.51
Total- $2319.78


Dues- $104.00
Ties- $2.25
Ham- $5.00
Rent- $50.00
Bingo- $335.00
Total- $706.65

Bank Balance as of 10/28/76-$1859.39

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to except financial report seconded by Leonard Zitterich, carried.

Motion made by Marvin Herum to send $30.00 to Mental Health insurance of Iowa seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made by Bernie Ehwegen to donate $100.00 to senior citizens seconded by Leonard Zitterich, carried.

Motion made by Claude Shaffer to adjourn seconded by Dave Brant , carried.

Nov 18, 1976

Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Kelly with 7 members present. The minutes were read by Adj Herum.

Motion made by Duane Van Kleek to except the reading of the minutes seconded by Joe Feldman, carried.

Financial report was read by Arnie Nissen

Motion made by Joe Feldman to except financial report seconded by Jim Halbur, carried

Bank Balance as of Nov. 18 as follows $3010.95

Motion made by Joe Feldman to donate $80.00 to senior citizens seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made by Joe Feldman to authorize the Commander to make up and give as many $5.00 fruit baskets as necessary for the elderly in Terril and community seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made to donate $100.00 to cheerleader fund by Joe Feldman seconded by Jim Halbur, carried,

Motion made by Joe Feldman to adjourn seconded by Duane Van Kleek, carried.

December 30, 1976

Walsh Post 432 was called to order by Commander Kelly with 11 members present.

Minutes were read and a motion made by Gordon Tonderum to except the minutes seconded by Jim Moyer, carried.

Motion made by Gordon Tonderum to buy C.B. unit for a school bus in the amount of $125.00 seconded by Marvin Swenson, carried.

Financial Report was read and a motion made by Jim Moyer to except the financial report seconded by Gordon Tonderum, carried.

Motion made by Gordon Tonderum to donate $100.00 to senior citizens seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made Jim Moyer to join community in financing basketball broadcasts seconded by Bernie Ehwegen, carried.

Motion made by Gordon Tonderum to adjourn seconded by Jim Moyer, carried.

Jan. 27, 1977
No January Meeting
Snow Storm

Mar. 31, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Kelley with 9 members present.

Financial report was given by Finance Officer Nissen as follows:
Bank Balance as of 3/31/77 – $1,253.55.

Motion made by Steve Oleson to accept the finance report – seconded by Jim Halbur. Motion carried.

Motion made by Steve Oleson to have Duane Van Kleek get a plaque in “Memory of John Bielfeldt” for the new front door – seconded by Bernard Von Ehwegen. Motion carried.

Motion made by Bernard Von Ehwegen to leave dues at $8.00 for one more year – seconded by Jim Halbur. Motion carried.

Motion made by Arnold Nissen to put the old fire truck in the V.F.W. Parade – seconded by Jim Halbur. Motion carried.

Motion made by Harold Schnell to adjourn – Seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.

Apr. 28, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Kelley with 6 members present.

Financial report was given by Finance Officer Nissen as follows:
Bank balance as of 4/28/77 – $871.41.

Motion made by David Brant to accept the finance report – seconded by Don Torreson. Motion carried.

Motion made by Don Torreson to donate $20.00 to the town soft ball team – seconded by David Brant. Motion carried.

Motion made by Claude Shaffer to donate $10.00 to each boy for Boys State a total of $20.00 – seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.

Motion made by Arnold Nissen to adjourn – seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.

May 26, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Kelley with 9 members present.

Financial report was given by Finance Officer Nissen as follows:
Bank Balance of – $468.98.

Motion made by Harold Schnell to accept the finance report – seconded by Don Torreson. Motion carried.

Motion made by Guy Hoppe to adjourn – Seconded by Bernard Von Ehwegen. Motion carried.

Jun. 23, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Kelley with 20 members present. The steak supper before the meeting was enjoyed by all.

Motion made by Jim Moyer to accept the reading of minutes – seconded by Bernard Von Ehwegen. Motion carried.

Motion made by Harold Schnell to keep Duane Van Kleek as Chaplin – seconded by Darwin Will. Motion carried.

Motion made by Joe Feldman State Officers as drawn up in previous meeting – seconded by Don Torreson. Motion carried.

Commander – Guy Hoppe
1st Vice – Steve Oleson
2nd Vice – Lyman Bailey

Finance Officer – Arnold Nissen
Sargent at Arms – Pete Jepsen
Chaplin – Duane Van Kleek
Service Officer – Ed Wollner
Historian – Dennis Jackson
Adjutant – Marvin Herum

Dance Committee to remain as is.

Motion made by Jim Moyer to adjourn – seconded by Darwin Will. Motion carried.

Oct. 27, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Hoppe with 10 members present.

Financial report was given by Finance Officer Nissen as follows:
Bank Balance as of 10/27/77 – $1,740.72.

Motion made by Bernard Von Ehwegen to accept the finance report – seconded by Bernard Kelley. Motion carried.

Motion made by Bernard Von Ehwegen to send two boys to Boys State – seconded by Bernard Kelley. Motion carried.

Motion made by Bernard Kelley to let the school board use post home for pre-school class room – seconded by Arnold Nissen. Motion carried.

Motion made by Bernard Von Ehwegen to appoint Gordon Tonderum to purchase a refrigerator from Lake Center School sale for a maximum purchase price of $40.00 or less for post home – seconded by Bernard Kelley. Motion carried.

Motion made by Gordon Tonderum to adjourn – seconded by Jim Halbur. Motion carried.

Marvin Herum

Nov. 17, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Hoppe with 5 members present.

Financial report was given by Finance Officer Nissen as follows:
Bank balance as of 11/17/77 – $1,436.49.

Motion made by Bernard Von Ehwegen to give out Christmas Fruit Baskets to the elderly not to exceed $5.00 – seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.

Motion made by Bernard Von Ehwegen to adjourn – seconded by Duane Van Kleek. Motion carried.

Marvin Herum

Dec. 29, 1977

The monthly meeting of Walsh Post 432 was held at the Terril Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Cmdr. Hoppe with 6 members present.

Financial report was given by Finance Officer Nissen.

Motion made by Bernard Kelley to accept the finance report – seconded by Pete Jepsen. Motion carried.

Pertaining to the special meeting Dec. 17 on Boys State with 15 members present. After reviewing school recommendations and the voting of members present the following were selected to attend:

Brad Smith
Scott Gardner
Craig Zitterich (alternate)

On Dec. 17 90 some fruit baskets were delivered

Motion made by Dale Starky to pay Effie Probst annual payment of $100.00 for cleaning legion hall – seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.

Motion made by Dale Starky to adjourn – seconded by Leonard Zitterich. Motion carried.

Marvin Herum
